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Discover Your Strengths. Who is this David Clute guy?

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Presentation on theme: "Discover Your Strengths. Who is this David Clute guy?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Discover Your Strengths

2 Who is this David Clute guy?


4 Disclaimer

5 The role of an administrator  How many of you are responsible for: A.Department- or division-wide financial reporting B.Clinical revenue cycle management C.Clinician productivity and incentive plans D.Grants and contracts E.Program development F.Recruiting and onboarding personnel G.Information systems H.Facilities management I.Commercializing intellectual property J.Supervising people K.Creating an engaging work environment

6 Creating an engaging work environment  Why is it important to you to create an engaging work environment?  Does anyone hold you accountable for the engagement level of your employees?  Should you be held accountable?

7 Kevin Cruse, ForbesEmployee engagement is not: What is employee engagement?  Employee engagement is the emotional commitment the employee has to the organization and its goals  When employees are engaged, they willingly contribute discretionary effort  Employee happiness  Productivity?  Employee satisfaction  9 to 5

8 Why does employee engagement matter?

9 Employee disengagement What is the #1 reason why people voluntarily leave their jobs? A.Compensation and benefits B.Opportunities for professional growth C.Better job security D.Family or personal reasons E.None of the above 65% Why?

10 The role of a people manager Towers Watson Global Workforce Study 1/3 of managers are not coaching employees on how to develop in their role 37% of employees believe their managers do not have enough time to handle the people aspects of their jobs “Perhaps managers would be better off prioritizing their time so that they first get to know their team members … and then help them to do their best work.” – Roger Trapp, Forbes

11 What’s Happening in CU Family Medicine

12 Positive Psychology

13 The perfect ratio is 5 to 1 John Gottman 700 newlyweds 15 minutes 10 years later … 94% Accuracy!

14 Five strategies for Increasing Positive Emotions  Prevent bucket dipping  Shine a light on what is right  Make best friends  Give unexpectedly  Reverse the Golden Rule

15 “Let’s fix what’s wrong and let strengths take care of themselves.”

16 Strengths-Based Development  Build on your areas of greatest potential rather than seeking to shore up weaknesses  Be aware of your weaknesses, and manage them, but –  Your greatest opportunity for success is the “potential energy” stored in your natural talents

17 How to identify strengths  Listen for yearnings  Watch for satisfactions  Rapid learning  Glimpses of excellence  Total performance of perfection (“flow”)

18 Talents

19 Talents vs. Strengths  Talents are naturally recurring patterns of thought, feeling, or behavior that can be productively applied  A strength is the ability to consistently provide near-perfect performance in a specific activity  Talent * (Practice + Knowledge + Skills) = Strengths

20 StrengthsFinder Talents

21 StrengthsFinder discussions  How do your talents show up in your life?  Maximizing your performance using your talents  How can you “feed” your talents?  What type of praise and recognition do you prefer?  How can you manage misperceptions of your talent?  How do the talents across your team work together?


23 What do you think?

24 What I have done …What else has developed …  Lunch & learn sessions  One-on-one strengths coaching sessions  Email “blog posts” on each of the 34 SF talents  Facilitated a seminar on StrengthsFinder to my peers at the Association of Departments of Family Medicine  Invitations to speak or facilitate conversations in other CU Departments  Lead teambuilding activities for small groups  Incorporate StrengthsFinder into the curriculum for existing leadership programs across campus  Opportunities to “share the gospel” nationally for other associations, universities and government agencies

25 What are you doing or will you do to build employee engagement?

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