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ANTARES Results-Venezia 2011 1 1. Introduction.  astronomy 2. ANTARES. Optical detection. Infrastructure 3. Downgoing muons 4. Preliminary  data 5. Exotica.

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Presentation on theme: "ANTARES Results-Venezia 2011 1 1. Introduction.  astronomy 2. ANTARES. Optical detection. Infrastructure 3. Downgoing muons 4. Preliminary  data 5. Exotica."— Presentation transcript:

1 ANTARES Results-Venezia 2011 1 1. Introduction.  astronomy 2. ANTARES. Optical detection. Infrastructure 3. Downgoing muons 4. Preliminary  data 5. Exotica (Fast MMs, Nuclearites,…) 6. Earth-Sea Science 7. Conclusions. Outlook G. Giacomelli University of Bologna and INFN Venezia, 27/4/ 2011 Results from the ANTARES neutrino telescope

2 ANTARES Results-Venezia 2011 2 High energy neutrino astrophysics: Galactic: SN, SNRs,  -quasars, molecular clouds,... Extra-Galactic: AGNs, GRBs, dark-GRBs, GZK,.... Searches for New Physics: Dark matter (Sun, GC), Magnetic Monopoles, ?? Earth-Sea Science: Oceanography, sea biology, seismology, environmental monitoring 1. Introduction Science with Deep Sea Neutrino Telescopes

3 ANTARES Results-Venezia 2011 3 n p Neutrino Astronomy Advantages w.r.t. other messengers - - Photons: interact with CMB and matter –Protons: interact with CMB and are deflected by magnetic fields –Neutrons: are not stable Drawback: large detectors (~GTon) are needed.  photon

4 Sky Observable by HE Neutrino Telescopes Mkn 501 Mkn 421 CRAB SS433 Mkn 501 RX J1713.7-39 GX339-4 SS433 CRAB VELA Galactic Centre AMANDA/IceCube (South Pole) ANTARES/KM3 (43° North) ANTARES Results-Venezia 2011 4

5 2. ANTARES Site & Infrastructure Shore Station IFREMER Toulon Centre FOSELEV Marine - 2475m 40 km submarine cable ANTARES Results-Venezia 2011 5

6 6 Scientific scopes MeV GeVTeVPeVEeV Astrophysical neutrinos Dark matter (neutralinos,MMs ) Oscillations Supernovae GZK, Topological Defects Limitation at high energies: Fast decreasing fluxes E -2, E -3 Limitation at low energies: -Short muon range -Low light yield - 40 K (in water) Other physics: monopoles, Lorentz invariance, etc... Detector density Detector size  Origin of cosmic rays  Hadronic vs. leptonic signatures

7 ANTARES Results-Venezia 2011 7   43° interaction   ANTARES Optical detection of   

8 ANTARES Results-Venezia 2011 8 70 m 100 m 14.5 m Junction box Readout cables 40 km cable 2500 m 350 m One storey

9 Sector LCM MLCM LCM Buoy SCM 448 m Storey 3 PMTs 1 MB per PMT 2 ARS Seabed Junction box 2.5 km 40 km cable to shore 14.5 m

10 ANTARES Results-Venezia 2011 10 12 line detector as seen by atmospheric muons

11 Acoustic Positioning Storey 1 Storey 8 Storey 14 Storey 20 Storey 25 Radial displacement Precision ~ few cms Measure every 2 min: Distance line bases to 5 storeys/line and also storey headings and tilts ANTARES Results-Venezia 2011 11

12 ANTARES Results-Venezia 2011 12 Median rate in telescope

13 reconstructed up-going neutrino: detected in 6/12 detector lines: Two Events reconstructed down-going muon: detected in all 12 detector lines: ANTARES Results-Venezia 2011 13

14 ANTARES Results-Venezia 2011 14 Example: Neutrino candidate height time

15 ANTARES Results-Venezia 2011 15 height time Example of a muon bundle

16 3. Downgoing muons Depth Intensity Relation from Zenith Distribution Zenith angle distribution of muon flux at 2000 m Astropart. Phys. 34 (2010) 179 2,5km 6km ANTARES Results-Venezia 2011 16

17 ANTARES Results-Venezia 2011 17 Intensity-depth distribution

18 ANTARES Results-Venezia 2011 18 systematic error due to +/- 10% on absorption length = +25%/-20%; syst. err. due to -15% on PMT efficiency (QE, eff. area etc) = -15%; syst. err. due to cutoff in angular accept. = +20%/-15%; total systematic uncertainty +/- 30%. Zenith angleAzimuth angle Data MC Detector systematics 5 line detector. Estimates of systematic uncertainties for downgoing muons. MonteCarlo. Systematic uncertainties for upgoing s: factor 2 smaller than for upgoing  s Systematic uncertainties: +30% primary flux; +25% hadronic shower

19 Moon Shadow Search for deficit of downgoing muons In the direction of the moon (diameter 0.5 degrees) Verification of the absolute pointing of the telescope Preliminary: Live time 295 days: 2.5 sigma effect preliminary ANTARES Results-Venezia 2011 19

20 4. Preliminary data for Upgoing Neutrinos Angular Resolution 2007+2008 analyses: Angular resolution ~ 0.5°  0.4° (ΔΘ < 1°, in 75% of cases) - Integrated over all energies (E -2 flux) - Half of data only 5 lines  Full 12 line detector ANTARES Results-Venezia 2011 20

21 Sky Map Selection optimized for Model Discover Potential (Λ >-5.4): (Live time 295 days) Most significant cluster located at: ra=134.6°, δ=13.4° (post-trial probability to be background 2.4%) galactic coordinates 2190 selected events visibility ANTARES Results-Venezia 2011 21

22 Candidate List Search List of 24 candidates sources GX 339 Probabilty to be background fluctuation= 6.8%  not significant Most significant candidate GX 339-galactic micro-quasar ANTARES Results-Venezia 2011 22

23 Point Source Limits Quoted for E -2 flux ANTARES-best limits in the Southern sky More data (2009-2010) on tape Expect further improvement energy estimator included ANTARES Results-Venezia 2011 23

24 High Energy Diffuse  flux “Search for a diffuse flux of high-energy ν μ with the ANTARES telescope” Phys. Lett. B696 (2011) 16-22. E 2  (E) 90% = 5.3×10 -8 GeV cm -2 s -1 sr -1 20 TeV<E<2.5 PeV ANTARES Results-Venezia 2011

25 Telescopes and ANTARES Target of Opportunity TAToO: optical follow-up of neutrino alerts in order to search for transient sources (GRB, chocked GRB, AGN flare…) ν ANTARES Reconstruction “on-line” (<10ms) Doublet (15mins, 3 degrees)/ HE singlet Alert neutrino (GCN) Real time Send 10s 1.9° x 1.9° Large sky coverage (>2π sr) + high duty cycle Improved s ensitivity No hypothesis on the nature of the source TAROT (2 25 cm) and ROTSE (4 45 cm) optical telescopes Analyses ongoing…In dependent triggers ANTARES Results-Venezia 2011 25

26 5. Exotica (preliminary) Fast Intermediate Mass Magnetic Monopoles Required in many models of spontaneous symmetry breaking Upgoing  masses less than ~10 14 GeV High photon yield (8.5x10 3 times μ) Cherenkov threshold  >  0.74 Delta rays for  ≥ 0.5 Track reconstruction with  free MM-Cherenkov muon MM-delta rays Monopole muon neutrino ANTARES Results-Venezia 2011 26

27 6. Earth-Sea Science Seismograph: Japan Earthquake In laboratory Deployment Buried at site 40 20 0 -20 -40

28 AMADEUS: Acoustic Detection of Neutrinos neutrino Acoustic Pressure Waves Hydrophone Array Cascade

29 2 min Bursts: bioluminescence from Macroscopic organisms Biocamera 40 K

30 ANTARES Results-Venezia 2011 30

31 ANTARES Results-Venezia 2011 31 The 12 line ANTARES detector is taking data, also with several instruments for Earth Sea Sciences studies. The collaboration has shown capable response for solving technical difficulties (ex.: the breaking of the connecting cable) Compared to AMANDA-IceCube, ANTARES completes the coverage of the neutrino sky, with an angular resolution of 0.5° First analyses of the downgoing muons allowed calibrations and measurements of the flux; comparison with MC with 30% sis err First analyses of neutrinos with 5-12 lines for data taken in 2007-2008 allowed a first search for cosmic point-like sources. A search was made for a diffuse flux of H.E. muon neutrinos ANTARES sensitivity for point sources is comparable to AMANDA First tentative results in Earth and Sea Sciences The technical success paves the way to KM3NeT in the Mediterranean 7. Conclusions - Outlook

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