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Geoscience Australia (GA) Support for Emergency Management Annual Preparedness Briefs 2015/2016 Monica Osuchowski - Emergency Management Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "Geoscience Australia (GA) Support for Emergency Management Annual Preparedness Briefs 2015/2016 Monica Osuchowski - Emergency Management Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geoscience Australia (GA) Support for Emergency Management Annual Preparedness Briefs 2015/2016 Monica Osuchowski - Emergency Management Coordinator

2 Overview Spatial support to the CCC Geographic and exposure information Hazard detection and alerting Satellite imagery for disaster events How to contact us and access data GA Support for Emergency Management

3 Spatial support to the CCC Liaison Officers

4 Spatial support to the CCC National Situational Awareness Tool (NSAT) Facilitated through the Emergency Management Spatial Information Network Australia (EMSINA) members NSAT publishes web feeds where available Jurisdiction notifications, warning and alerts Jurisdiction burn scar polygons BOM’s tropical cyclone tracks etc. Enables consistent national situation awareness Supports planning of resources across jurisdictions and recovery decisions




8 National Exposure Information System (NEXIS) Information on what is exposed within an event footprint, or area of interest, is required to understand the potential impacts to the community Consists of baseline information about populations, buildings, agriculture commodities and infrastructure Integrated spatial and non-spatial data managed in a spatial framework Incorporates spatial and statistical modelling Physical Location, Size and Shape $ Economic Characteristics Demographic or Social Characteristics Structural Characteristics Construction Period Land Use Land Ownership Administrative Area Baseline Information: Exposure

9 Area of Interest Infrastructure Agriculture Demographics Buildings Event Identifier Available upon request to the CCC

10 Hazard detection Sentinel Hotspots

11 Hazard detection Earthquake

12 Hazard detection Earthquake Alerts

13 Hazard detection Felt and damage radius

14 Satellite imagery for disaster events context / preparedness / recovery Water Observations From Space MODIS Landsat Optical Geospatial Radar and Elevation (OGRE) Panel International Charter for Space and Major Disasters - COMDISPLAN

15 Satellite support provided last year TC Lam (NT) and TC Marcia (QLD) 1.GA activated the International Charter for Space and Major Disasters 2.Provided ‘public good’ imagery from Landsat and MODIS Products delivered Detailed and overview maps Surface water detection and optical imagery Raw data via ftp site TC Lam TC Marcia TypeReceivedUsefulTypeReceivedUseful High resolution optical42 244 Medium resolution optical170Medium resolution optical120 Synthetic Aperture RADAR132Synthetic Aperture RADAR102 Total344Total466




19 Activating the International Charter

20 For Geoscience Australia (GA) data scientific-topics/hazards/emergency-management/ awareness-and-analysis-mapping scientific-topics/hazards/emergency-management/ awareness-and-analysis-mapping

21 For Geoscience Australia (GA) support during events contact the CCC 1300 243 222 Thank you

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