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Presentation on theme: "ADMISSION PROCESS for 2+2 PROGRAM STUDENTS Step-by-step."— Presentation transcript:


2 Start by going to the Undergraduate Admission Page

3 Click “Apply Now”

4 Click the button for the “Undergraduate Admissions Application”. You are applying as a transfer student.

5 Fall and Spring 2010 Application The application will open as a separate page.

6 Fall and Spring 2010 Application (continued) a.Enter your name. b.Leave the Social Security Number field blank. c.Make up a four-digit Personal Identification Number (PIN). a.Remember your PIN because you will need it in the future. d.Enter your email address. e.Check the first circle “Earn a Rutgers undergraduate degree”. f.Scroll down.

7 Fall and Spring 2010 Application (continued) a.Read the pertinent information then click, “NEXT”.

8 Print and save - or - record the information on this confirmation page. YOUR NUMBER HERE

9 Personal Information and Addresses Fill in the information. Enter a Mailing Address if different from your Permanent Legal Address. Scroll down. Note: From this point on, you can save your information and log out. You may complete your application at a later time by logging back in. You will need your PIN number to return to this application.

10 Telephone Number and Citizenship Enter your information. Citizenship: Select “Non-U.S. Citizen, non-green card holder”. Select CHINA. Select F1. Select NO. Click “NEXT”.

11 Enrollment Information Select, “Fall 2010”. Select, “Transfer”. Scroll Down.

12 Enrollment Information (continued) Select “Full Time”. Select “Work toward a Rutgers degree”. Select “On Campus” if you plan to live on campus or “Off Campus” if not. Click “NEXT”.

13 Select “School of Environmental and Biological Sciences”. Select your academic interest as it pertains to your 2+2 Program.

14 Family and Legal Residence Information Enter parent’s information. Question 19: Select the second option because you are not a permanent resident of New Jersey. Skip B. and C. Scroll down.

15 Family and Legal Residence Information (continued) 1.Question D: Check the second option because you are under 24 years of age and do not have a parent in the U.S. You currently do not live in New Jersey. 2.Skip question E. 3.Select “NEXT”.

16 High School Education Information Enter your information. Question 22: Select “No”. Select “NEXT” when complete.

17 High School Education Information (continued) Complete the information then click “NEXT”.

18 Educational History Question 26: Click “Yes” for both. Question 27: List your current courses. Test Dates Question 28: Enter the dates if you have taken or will take the SAT, ACT, or TOEFL. Click “Next”.

19 College Education Information Enter your current or most recent college of attendance.

20 More About You Select the information that best describes you. Scroll down.

21 More About You (continued) Enter information about any extracurricular activities, community and volunteer services, and awards you have received. Scroll down.

22 More About You (continued) List any work experience you may have. List any family obligations that you may have that limit you from participating in extracurricular and service activities. Click “NEXT”.

23 Personal Essay We highly suggest you enter your personal essay here. Question 41: Select “No” Questions 42 - 44: Select your answer. Question 45: Select “No” Question 46: If you have earned an AA, AS, or AAS, complete with your information. Question 47: If you have a US Cell Phone, enter your phone number if you would like to receive reminders about deadlines. Select “REVIEW ANSWERS”

24 Review Answer Page If there are an errors on your application, it will be indicated on this page. Please correct all errors before final submission.

25 Congratulations. Your online Admissions Application form is complete. Note: Please submit all supporting academic documentation to compete your application package. Use this link to ensure the completion of your application package: ts/AcademicDocumentation.aspx

26 QUESTIONS? Please contact: Sandra Jenkins Senior Admissions Officer Rutgers Admissions Office 1(732) 445-6464 Monica Emery Program Coordinator SEBS International Programs 1(732)932-8165 ext. 306 Be sure to indicate that you are a 2+2 Student to ensure an appropriate response.

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