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Science Studio Web Access to EPICS The CLS Experience Elder Matias Canadian Light Source.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Studio Web Access to EPICS The CLS Experience Elder Matias Canadian Light Source."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Studio Web Access to EPICS The CLS Experience Elder Matias Canadian Light Source

2 Project Overview Original Plan: See EPICS Meeting Oct. 2005 Slides Target Application Remote Access for VESPERS and CMCF Integrated Data Management Technology Service Oriented Architecture Web Services User Configurable Light Paths What we built: An integrated Experiment Management System

3 Project Delivery Team (RBA Phase) CANARIE Funded Project Canadian Light Source Dionisio Medrano (System Analyst)* Daron Chabot (System Analyst)* Jason Chan (Intern)* Elder Matias (Project Leader/Manager) IBM Canada Chris Armstrong (System Architect)* John Haley (System Analyst/Architect)* University of Western Ontario Marina Fuller (Requirements and Testing)* Stewart McIntyre (User Champion VESPERS) Gary Good (System Support) Alberta Synchrotron Institute Ernst Bergman (User Champion CMCF) Big Bangwidth Stuart Lomas (Networking) Steve Hyatt (UCLP WebServices Software) * Full Time

4 Why is Remote Access Important? Geography… Significant Travel Time is involved in accessing Major Science Facilities Map Courtesy of Natural Resources Canada

5 Project Goal What our user said they wanted: Remote Access What they actually wanted: Integrated experiment management from proposal submission, beamline access, to data analysis

6 Login

7 Main Navigation Window

8 EPICS Connection to Beamline

9 Selecting a Scan Region

10 Looking at the Data

11 Existing RBA Architecture

12 Existing RBA Implementation

13 Lightpath Accelerator controls a software virtual cross-connect that commands UCLP. Integrating LPA with User Configurable Light Paths In effect, CA*Net4 is treated as a single lightpath cross-connect real device virtual device domain manager process UCLP commands

14 Science Studio A Joint CANAIRE Proposal Canadian Light Source University of Western Ontario IBM Canada National Research Council of Canada University of Alberta

15 Project Goals Remote Access to EPICS Beamline Integrated Scheduling Integrated Sample Management Integrated Data Management Integrated Data Analysis Next Phase Evolve RBA into Science Studio

16 Partners: Canadian Light Source IBM Canada University of Western Ontario University of Alberta National Research Council Canadian Neutron Facility (Chalk River) Others? Project Team

17 The Next Step: Science Studio Major Components Common Generic Extensions to EPICS EPICS Bridge Service EPICS Alarm Service EPICS Status Service IRMIS Web Service RBA Image Compression RBA Portal (The Next Generation) User Office Services User Training Enhanced Experiment Services Data Storage Integration Data Analysis Integration Beamline Specific Enhancements CMCF (funded in beamline project) Micro-Probe: HXMA, SXRMB SGM VESPERS

18 Conceptual Architecture

19 Technology Mapping

20 Architecture Layers Diagram

21 Science Studio Satellite Meeting Web-Based Application and Web Services Room 300C Tuesday Oct. 16 10:00 – 12:00 Contact: Elder Matias (CLS) or Tom Pelaia (SNS)

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