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By: Chloe Peterson and Kaylee Seidel Woodland Elementary 4 th Grade.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Chloe Peterson and Kaylee Seidel Woodland Elementary 4 th Grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Chloe Peterson and Kaylee Seidel Woodland Elementary 4 th Grade

2 Step 1 8 152 8*10= 80 First you find an easy way to see how many 8s go into 152

3 Step 2 Next, you subtract your answer you got on step one. 8 152 8*10=80 -80 72

4 Step 3 8 152 8*10=80 80 8*9=72 72 Now see how many 8s go into 72

5 Step 4 8 152 8*10=80 - 80 72 8*9=72 - 72 9 8s go into 72. So then you subtract 72 by 72.

6 Step 5 8 152 8*10=80 -80 8*9=72 - 72 72 R 00 If there is a number left and you can’t fit any more 8s in. That becomes your remainder.

7 Step 6 8 152 8*10=80 -80 8*9=72 - 72 72 R 00 last you add up the number that you haven't used yet. In this case it would be 9 and 10.

8 Step 7 8 152 8*10=80 -80 8*9=72 - 72 72 R 00 so your answer is … 19!!!

9 That’s the end congrats, you just did partial – quotients – division !!!!!

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