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Classification by injury type Signs and treatment.

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1 Classification by injury type Signs and treatment

2 Incision: clean, open wound, caused by sharp cutting instruments, such as those used during surgery's. Laceration: jagged edged open wound caused by tearing trauma, damaged devitalised torn tissues present (often contaminated) Puncture: deep narrow penetrating open wound that closes rapidly sealing in contamination(often caused by teeth ) Likely complications: Infection, Haemorrhage, damage to organs or underlying tissues eg tendons, viscera.

3  Are wounds that do not penetrate the skin thickness are superficial often contaminated rarely serious but may become infected.

4  Control any severe haemorrhage eg pressure bandage.  Evaluate whether penetrating objects can be removed safely, usually best left in situ and ring bandage.  Introduce no further contaminants and cover wound with clean non shedding material and bandage  Treat for shock and bring in for follow up surgery/stitch up

5  Remove any dressing applied by owner  Clip hair around wound(protect raw wound surface from further contamination with swab or KY)  Clean and debride wound  +/- closure with sutures  Dress and bandage wound

6  Scarring and wound contracture  Infection, cellulitis, abscess  Systemic involvement,  Fever  Septacaemia

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