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Published byRoxanne Crawford Modified over 9 years ago
HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 7- SCI, Slide 1 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. Serial Interfaces SCI & SPI
HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 7- SCI, Slide 2 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. Serial Ports Two Asynchronous Serial Communications Interfaces (SCI) Up to three Synchronous Serial Peripheral Interfaces (SPI) Internal Bus SCI 0 256K FLASEEPROM 12K SRAM ATD 1 HCS12 CPU BKP INT MMI CM BDM MEBI 4K BYTES EEPROM SIM msCAN 3 msCAN 2 msCAN 1 SCI 1 SPI 2 or PWM CH 4-7 BDLC or msCAN 0 msCAN 4 or IIC SPI 1 or PWM CH 0-3 SPI 0 ATD 0 PIM PLL PIT ECT 8 CHAN PWM 8 CHAN
HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 7- SCI, Slide 3 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. HCS12 Serial Interface Features 2 SCI Interfaces Up to 3 SPI interfaces SCI is Asynchronous Communication Port SPI is a Synchronous High Speed Communication Port Modular Architecture allows future expansion SCI & SPI are similar to MC68HC11 with enhancements pins may be configured as general purpose I/O Loop mode operation for debugging SCI & SPI have single-wire function SCI0 RxD0 TxD0 RxD TxD RxD TxD MISO MOSI SCK SS MISO MOSI SCK SS MISO MOSI SCK SS DDRSDDRS PORTSPORTS SPI1 MISO MOSI SCK SS SPI0 MISO MOSI SCK SS SPI2 MISO MOSI SCK SS SCI1 RxD0 TxD0
HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 7- SCI, Slide 4 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. Serial Communications Interface (SCI) 2 SCI Interfaces Selectable Baud Rates derived from system clock. Advanced data sampling technique. Standard NRZ (mark/space) data format. Full duplexed operation. Programmable word length ( 8 or 9 bits ). Parity generation and checking. Communication may be interrupt driven. Features:
HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 7- SCI, Slide 5 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. SCI Features (Cont’d) Receiver: Receiver DATA Register FULL FLAG ERROR DETECT FLAGS – FRAMING – NOISE – OVERRUN -- PARITY IDLE LINE DETECT FLAG Receiver WAKE-UP FUNCTION (IDLE OR ADDRESS BIT) Transmitter: TRANSMIT DATA Register EMPTY FLAG TRANSMIT COMPLETE FLAG PARITY GENERATION BREAK SEND
HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 7- SCI, Slide 6 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. SCI Block Diagram
HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 7- SCI, Slide 7 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. Double Buffering DATA OUT TDR BUFFER RDR BUFFER SHIFT REGISTER DATA IN DATA OUT DATA IN R8 T8 Transmitter:Receiver: RDRF Flag sets each time new data is transferred from the serial shift register to the RDR Buffer. IDLE - Idle Interrupt Flag TDRE Flag sets each time new data is transferred from the TDR Buffer to the transmit serial shift register. TC - Transmission Complete Flag. PARITYGEN.PARITYGEN. PARITYCHECKPARITYCHECK
HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 7- SCI, Slide 8 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. SCI Data Format 01234567801234 IDLE LINE S T A R T LS Bit MS Bit S T O P S T A R T 2 FRAME 1 FRAME st nd SINGLE FRAMES: (9 BIT DATA SHOWN AS EXAMPLE) ENTIRE MESSAGE: (3 FRAMES SHOWN AS EXAMPLE) 012345678012345678012345678 S T A R T S T O P S T A R T S T O P S T A R T S T O P IDLE LINE 1 FRAME2 FRAME3 FRAME strdnd LEAST SIGNIFIGENT BIT IS TRANSMITTED FIRST TRANSMISSION IS COMPLETE ONCE THIRD FRAME HAS BEEN TRANSMITTED.
HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 7- SCI, Slide 9 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. SCI Registers (1 of 4) SCIBH/L - SCI Baud Rate Control Register SCI BAUD RATE FORMULA SCIBaud Rate = E CLK 16x BR Where BR is the contents of the Baud Register {1, 2, 3,........,8191}. Note - Baud Rate Generator is Disabled until the Transmitter or Receiver is Enabled for first time after reset. Also Disabled when = 0. BTST, BSPL & BRLD BITS ARE USED FOR TESTING. FOR 9600 BAUDRATE BR = 16MHZ/(16 * 9600) = 104 Address offset $0000 $0001 Reserved
HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 7- SCI, Slide 10 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. SCI Registers (2 of 4) SCCR1 - SCI Control Register 1 Address Offset $0002 1 = 9-BIT DATA 0 = 8-BIT DATA 1 = IDLE LINE WAKE-UP 0 = ADDRESS MARK WAKE-UP 1 = NORMAL IDLE TIME 0 = SHORT IDLE TIME 1 = EVEN PARITY 0 = ODD PARITY 1 = PARITY Enabled 0 = PARITY Disabled LOOP MODE FUNCTIONS LOOPS RSRC Function 0 x Normal Operation 1 0 Loop mode with Rx internally connected to Tx 1 1 Single-wire mode with Rx input connected to Tx SCISWAI - SCI Stop in Wait mode 0 = Normal operation 1 = SCI Disabled in Wait mode
HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 7- SCI, Slide 11 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. SCI Modes Transmitter Receiver LOOP MODE ( NO TxD OUTPUT) LOOP MODE ( TxD OUTPUT) SINGLE-WIRE COMMUNICATIONS SCI TxD Transmitter Receiver WOMS GPIO SCI TxD Transmitter Receiver SINGLE WIRE MODE Transmitter Receiver SINGLE WIRE MODE WOMS RECEIVE TXDDR = 0 TRANSMIT TXDDR = 1 RECEIVE TXDDR = 0 TRANSMIT TXDDR = 1 LOOPS = 1, RSRC = 0 TX RX STATION #3 STATION #1STATION #2 GPIO SCI RxD SCI TxD SCI RxD SCI TxD GPIO SCI RxD GPIO SCI RxD LOOPS = 1, RSRC = 1
HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 7- SCI, Slide 12 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. SCI Register (3 of 4) SCICR 2 - SCI Control Register 2 Address offset $00C3 ILIE - Idle Line Interrupt Enable 1 = IDLE IRQ Enabled 0 = IDLE IRQ Disabled TE _ Transmitter Enable 1 = Transmitter Enabled 0 = Transmitter Disabled Receiver Enable 1 = Receiver Enabled 0 = Receiver Disabled SBK - Send Break 1 = Send Break 0 = Terminate Break RWU - Receiver Wake-up 1 = Enter Receiver Wake-UP 0 = Exit Receiver Wake-UP SCISR 1 - SCI Status Register 1 TCIE - Transmit Complete Interrupt Enable 1 = Transmitter Complete IRQ Enabled 0 = Transmitter Complete IRQ Disabled RIE - Receiver Interrupt Enable 1 = Receiver IRQ Enabled 0 = Receiver IRQ Disabled TIE - Transmitter Interrupt Enable 1 = Transmitter IRQ Enabled 0 = Transmitter IRQ Disabled Address offset $00C4
HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 7- SCI, Slide 13 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. Receiver, Data Bit Sampling DATA BIT SAMPLE BIT LOGICAL VALUE IS THE VALUE OF 2 OUT OF THE 3 SAMPLES IF ALL THREE SAMPLES DO NOT AGREE, THEN THE NOISE FLAG IS SET PREVIOUS BIT NEXT BIT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 RECEIVE SAMPLE CLOCK = 16 x BAUD RATE.
HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 7- SCI, Slide 14 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. SCI Registers (4 of 4) SCISR 2 - SCI Status Register 2 SCIDRH/L - SCI Data Register High/Low RAF - Receiver Active Status 1 = Receiver Active 0 = Receiver not Active Note: R8 and T8 are used when 9-bit char is required BRK13 - Break Transmit Character Length 0 = Break Char is 10 or 11 bits long 1 = Break Char is 13 or 14 bit long Address offset $0005 Address offset $0006 Address offset $0007 TXDIR - Transmitter pin direction 0 = TxD pin is input in Single-Wire mode 1 = TxD pin is output in Single-Wire mode
HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 7- SCI, Slide 15 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. SCI Initialization 1. SELECT BAUD RATE 2. SELECT WORD LENGTH AND WAKEUP 3. ENABLE INTERRUPTS,TRANSMIT,RECEIVE AND WAKEUP (AS REQUIRED) INTERRUPTS TRANSMIT DATA REG EMPTY RECEIVE DATA REG FULL TRANSMIT COMPLETE IDLE LINE TIE RIE TCIE ILIE TDRE RDRF, OR TC IDLE FLAGSENABLES WRITE TO BAUD Register (SCP0-1,SCR0-2) WRITE SCCR1 (M, WAKE) WRITE TO SCCR2 (TIE, TCIE, RIE, ILIE, TE, RE, RWU)
HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 7- SCI, Slide 16 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. SCI CONFIG & SERVICE ROUTINE Write a routine that configures and provides service for reception and transmission. The SCI is connected to a modem operating at 9600 baud, 8 data bits- no parity. use polling; none-interrupt driven routine. assume system clock frequency of 25mhz. 1. Init Baud rate to 9600 baud. 2. Configure SCI to loop mode, with TX output 3. Configure PORTS for TxD 4. Set X pointer to beginning of message 5. Wait for transmitter empty status. 6. Get next char. 7. Compare pointer to end of table. 8. If not done, go get next character. 9. Else return from subroutine. ORG $1000 Program begins here MessageFCC‘ your name’ FCB$0d, $0a EofFCB$01
HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 7- SCI, Slide 17 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. IDLE Line Wakeup RWU CLEARED WAIT FOR CHAR CHAR GOES FROM SHIFT REG TO BUFFER; RDRF IS SET MESSAGE FOR THIS PORT? READ MESSAGE RWU SET WAIT FOR LINE TO GO IDLE START N Y PROGRAM FLOW SCI OPERATION ENDN Y Wake bit = 0 in SC0CR2 WANT ANOTHER MESSAGE ?
HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 7- SCI, Slide 18 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. Address Mark Wakeup RWU CLEARED CHAR GOES FROM SHIFT REG TO BUFFER; RDRF IS SET SCI HARDWARE OPERATION WAIT FOR CHAR WITH MSB=1 MESSAGE FOR THIS PORT? READ MESSAGE RWU SET START N Y PROGRAM FLOW ENDN Y Wake bit = 1 in SCxCR2 WANT ANOTHER MESSAGE ?
HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 7- SCI, Slide 19 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. Multi-Drop Mode Receive Wakeup Operation TxD/RxD TxD/RxD TxD/RxD TxD/RxD Address Length Message_2... MESG_1 MESG_2 HCS 12 - - - Address Length Message 1 CRC Idle Address Length Message... MESG_1 IDLE MESG_2 Idle IDLE LINE WAKEUP ADDRESS MARK WAKEUP Address Length Message_1 CRC
HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 7- SCI, Slide 20 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Features: Up to 3 High speed synchronous serial interface. SPI1 and SPI2 are multiplexed with PWM Module Primarily intended for on-board communication. May be used for multi-processor communication. Flexible clock format. Full Duplexed operation. MSB or LSB first. Communication may be interrupt driven.
HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 7- SCI, Slide 21 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. SPI, Description MASTER SLAVE Master initiates transfer Master drives serial data clock to synchronize transfer SPI receiver is double buffered MISO MOSI RECEIVE REG SHIFT REG RECEIVE REG SHIFT REG SCK SS Transmit Buffer CPU Writes CPU Reads
HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 7- SCI, Slide 22 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. SPI, System SLAVE MASTER MISOMOSISCK INPUT OUTPUT INPUT OUTPUT INPUT SS MISO output is Three-Stated until Enabled BY SS MISO MOSI SCK SS MISO MOSI SCK SS MISO MOSI SCK SS MASTERSLAVE ENABLE DEVICE MODE SIGNALS ENABLE
HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 7- SCI, Slide 23 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. Serial Peripheral Interface Useful for: Description: A master and a slave device communicate by shifting bits to each other's registers. upon completion of 8 bit shifts, the following occurs: 1. A Status flag, SPIF, is set 2. An interrupt is asserted, if enabled Communicating with simple peripherals such as LCD Drivers, A/D Converters, etc. Communicating with other MCU's (eg HC11's, MC68hc16's, 6833x’s, 6805, and MC68HC08 family). (One master and multiple slaves). 1. 2.
HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 7- SCI, Slide 24 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. SPI Registers (1 of 3) SPIBR - SPI BAUD RATE Register Address offset $0002 SPPR[2:0] - SPI Baud Rate Preselection SPR[2:0] - SPI Baud Rate Selection Baud Rate selection may be in the range of 12.5MHZ down to 12.19KHZ. Refer to user’s manual for baud rate selection. SPIDR - SPI Data Register Address offset $0005 Note: The user should not write this register unless SPI Transmit Empty Flag is set.
HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 7- SCI, Slide 25 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. SPI Register (2 of 3) SPICR1 - SPI Control Register 1 1 = SPI Interrupt Enabled 0 = SPI Interrupt Disabled 1 = SPI SYSTEM Enabled 0 = SPI SYSTEM Disabled 1 = SPI IS MASTER 0 = SPI IS SLAVE DDRS7 SSOE MASTER MODE SLAVE MODE 0 0 SS INPUT SS INPUT (MODF Enabled) 0 1 GP INPUT SS INPUT 1 0 GP OUTPUT SS INPUT 1 1 SS OUTPUT SS INPUT 1 = SPI LSB FIRST 0 = SPI MSB FIRST SPISR - SPI Status Register Address offset $0000 Address offset $0003 1 = SPI Transmit Interrupt Enable 0 = SPI Transmit Interrupt Disabled SPRF - SPI Receive Interrupt Flag 1 = New is received into SPIDR SPTEF - SPI Transmit Empty Interrupt Flag MODF - Mode Fault Flag 1 = SPI Data Register is Empty 1 = SPI Master was selected as Slave
HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 7- SCI, Slide 26 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. SPI Clocks SS SCK MISO/ MOSI (CPHA=0) (CPHA=1) (CPHA=0) (CPHA=1) MSB654321 LSB INTERNAL STROBE FOR DATA CAPTURE CPOL = 0 IDLE LO CPOL = 1 IDLE HI CPHA = 0 Latch bits on first edge of each SCK cycle CPHA = 1 Latch bits on second edge of each SCK cycle MASTER asserts SS in software BEFORE transfer is initiated
HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 7- SCI, Slide 27 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. SPI Registers (3 of 3) SPICR2 - SPI Control Register 2 PIN MODE SPC0 MSTR MISO MOSI SCK SS 0 SLAVE OUT SLAVE IN SCKI SSI NORMAL 0 1 MSTR IN MSTR OUT SCKOUT SS I/O BIDIRECTIONAL 0 SLAVEI/O ---- SCKI SSI 1 1 ---- MSTRI/O SCKOUT SS I/O SERIAL PIN CONFIGURATION WITH MSTR CONTROL BIT SPISWAI = SPI Stop in Wait Mode 1 = HALT SSI CLOCK WHEN CPU IN WAIT MODE Address offset $0001 MODFEN - Mode Fault Enable 0 = Mode Fault Disabled 1 = Mode Fault Enabled BIDIROE - Output Enable in Bidirectional mode 0 = Output Buffer Disabled 1 = Output Buffer Enabled
HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 7- SCI, Slide 28 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. SPI Modes MOSI Transmitter SPI Receiver NORMAL MODE MISO DDRS5 SPC0 = 0 MIMO Transmitter SPI Receiver BIDIRECTIONAL MODE PS4 DDRS5 GPIO SPC0 = 1 MASTER PS5 Transmitter SPI Receiver BIDIRECTIONAL MODE DDRS5 GPIO SPC0 = 1 SLAVE MOSI Transmitter SPI Receiver NORMAL MODE MISO DDRS5 SPC0 = 0 SISO SINGLE-WIRE COMMUNICATIONS TX RX SWOM - ENABLES OPEN DRAIN OUTPUT STATION #3 STATION #1STATION #2
HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 7- SCI, Slide 29 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. SPI Flags Interrupts: for SPI data transfers and mode fault Reset conditions: - SPI is disabled - Slave mode - Port s output buffers are normal - Interrupts are disabled - Flag bits are cleared To clear SPI data transfer flag (SPIF), read SPSR followed by an access of SPDR. To clear mode fault flag (MODF), read SPSR followed by a write to SPCR SPI vector is used
HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 7- SCI, Slide 30 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. SPI Application Examples MC14489 7-seg. driver MC14489 7-seg. driver 7-segment display x 5 MC145050 11 chan. A/D 7-segment display x 5 SwitchesThermistors Photocell Gas Pedal HCS12 SPI SS0 SS1 SS2 SCK MOSI MISO SS Peripheral Chip Select MISO Master-In, Slave-Out Data MOSI Master-Out, Slave-In Data SCK Shift Clock MC145050MC145050 AN10 AN9 AN8 AN7 AN6 AN5 AN4 AN3 AN2 AN1 AN0 2MHZ OSC CS SCLK MOSI MISO ATD CLK V V DD SS 11 ANALOG INPUTS +5V HCS12HCS12 SS SCLK MOSI MISO 0.2 uF 0.1uF VOLTAGE PRESSURE TEMPRATURE DLY BETWEEN CONVERSION IS MININUM OF 44 ADC CLKS SERIAL DATA_1 SERIAL DATA_2
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