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Galaxies and Quasars in the Epoch of Reionization

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1 Galaxies and Quasars in the Epoch of Reionization
Yuexing Li Keck Fellow Harvard-CfA

2 Main Collaborators Thoeretical: Lars Hernquist (CfA), Volker Springel (MPA), Tiziana Di Matteo (CMU), Tom Abel (Stanford) Observational: Giovanni Fazio (CfA), Xiaohui Fan (Arizona)

3 Courtesy: George Djorgovski
Cosmic Hisotry recombination Cosmic Dark Ages: no light no star, no quasar; IGM: HI First light: the first galaxies and quasars in the universe Epoch of reionization: radiation from the first objects lit up and ionize IGM : HI  HII  reionization completed, the universe is transparent and the dark ages ended today Courtesy: George Djorgovski

4 Exciting Era for High-z Objects
Courtesy: Edo Berger HST Chandra Spitzer SDSS Subaru SWIFT GLAST MAMBO …. Fan+01,03,04,06 Schneider+03,05,07 Willott+07 …. Giavalisco+04 Bouwens+06, 07 Thompson+05, 06 Iye+06, Yan+06 …. Brandt+02 Shemmer+06 Bertoldi+03, Carilli+04 Beelen+06, Jiang+06 Maiolino+04, Wang+07 … Schady+08 Fynbo+08 … Presence of large stellar component in galaxies, Mstar > M⊙ at z>6 Presence of SMBH in quasars, MBH~109 M⊙ Presence of copious dust Mdust~108 M⊙ in these objects

5 Questions & Myths I: Can such massive objects form so early in the LCDM cosmology? myth: there is a “cut-off” at z~5 (Efstathiou & Rees 88) myth: exotic mechanisms required, e.g., super-Eddington accretion (Volonteri & Rees 05, 06); supermassive BH seeds (Bromm & Loeb 03, Haiman 04, Dijstra+08) II: How do they grow and evolve? myth: z~6 quasars have “undersized” host galaxies (Walter+2003) myth: SMBH – host correlations don’t hold at high z III: What are their contributions to IR emission and reionization? myth: all FIR comes from star heating (Bertoldi+2003, Carilli+2004) myth: quasars don’t contribute to reionization (e.g., Gnedin+04)

6 Modeling Galaxies & QSOs
Physics to account for close link between galaxy formation and BH growth SMBH - host correlations (e.g, Magorrian+98, Gebhardt+00, Ferrarese+00, Tremaine+02…) Similarity between cosmic SFH & quasar evolution (e.g., Madau+95, Shaver+96) Hydrodynamic simulations to follow evolution of quasar activity and host galaxy Large-scale structure formation Galactic-scale gasdynamics, SF, BH growth Feedback from both stars and BHs Radiative transfer calculations to track interaction between photons and ISM /IGM Radiation from stars & BHs Scattering, extinction of ISM & reemission by dust Evolution of SEDs, colors, luminosities, AGN contamination

7 CART Cosmological All-wavelength Radiative Transfer
GADGET2 (Springel 05) + ART2 (Li et al 08A) (All-wavelength Radiative Transfer with Adaptive Refinement Tree) Formation, evolution & multi-band properties of galaxies & quasars

8 I: Quasar Formation - MIM
Zoom: HR-region ~60 h-1Mpc, 4003 X (h-1 Mpc) Y (h-1 Mpc) Zoom-in sims Multi-scale simulations with GADGET2 (Springel 05) N-body cosmological simulation in 3 Gpc3 Identify halos of interest at z=0 Zoom in & re-simulate the halo region with higher res. Merging history extracted Re-simulate the merger tree hydrodynamically Self-regulated BH growth model (DiMatteo et al. 05) Bondi accretion under Eddington limit Feedback by BHs in thermal energy coupled to gas

9 Formation of a z~6 QSO from Hierarchical Mergers
7.7x1012 M⊙ Merger tree with 7 major mergers z~14-7 Idealized galaxy using MMW model with properties (Mvir, Rvir, Cvir) scaled with z (Mo+98) BH seeds from remnants of PopIII stars (Abel+02, Bromm & Larson04, Yoshida+06, 08), M=200 M⊙ at z=30 BH binary merge when separation below resolution: At high-z, the potential well is deeper because galaxies are more compact BH binary merge rapidly in gaseous environment (Escala+04,05) Gravitational recoil may eject BH if Vkick > Vesc, Vkick ~100 – 475 km/s (e.g., Gonzalez+07, Campanelli+07) Maximum Vkick < 200 km/s in gas-rich galaxy mergers (Bogdanovic+07) Our halos have Vesc > 300 km/s Maximum Vkick < 200 km/s in gas-rich galaxy mergers, because torques from accreting gas suffice to align the orbit and spins of both BHs with large-scale gas flow (Bogdanovic+07)


11 Co-evolution of SMBHs and Host
Age of Universe (Gyr) Co-evolution of SMBHs and Host <SFR> ~ 103 M⊙/yr, at z>8, drops to ~100 M⊙/yr at z~6.5  heavy metal enrichment at z>10 Indiv. BH grows via gas accretion, total system grows collectively System evolves from starburst  quasar Merger remnant MBH ~ 2*109 M⊙ , M* ~ 1012 M⊙  Magorrian relation Redshift z Li et al 07

12 II: Multi-band Properties - ART2
X (kpc) Y (kpc) II: Multi-band Properties - ART2 rest (m) Opacity  (cm2/g) 3-D Monte Carlo RT code ART2 treats radiative equilibrium  calculate dust emission self-consistently (Bjorkman & Wood 01) Adaptive grid (Jonsson06)  cover large dynamical range, capture inhomogeneous density distribution Multi-phase ISM model (McKee & Ostriker 77) + GMC scaling relations (Larson 1981) Supernova-origin dust model  dust in young, high-z objects (e.g., Maiolino+04, Todini & Ferrara 01)

13 Evolution of SEDs quasar-like starburst-like post-QSO obs (m)
Li et al 08A quasar-like starburst-like post-QSO

14 Origin of Thermal Emission
LFIR SFR Li et al 08 Redshift z LIR (Lsun) F25um/F60um Li et al 08 Quasar system evolves from cold --> warm In peak quasar phase, radiation /heating is dominated by AGN Starbusts and quasars have different IR-optical-Xray correlations Lx (L⊙) LFIR (L⊙) LB (L⊙) Li et al 08B, in prep

15 III. Galaxies & Quasars in Cosmological Volume
stars Y (h-1 Mpc) X (h-1 Mpc) BH Log Ifrac quasar galaxy Li et al. 08C, in prep Li et al 09, in prep SPH cosmological simulations with BHs They form in massive halos in overdense regions They are highly clustered May provide patchy ionization of HI SMBH -- host correlations hold

16 Summary CART is a powerful approach to study the formation, evolution, and multi-band properties of galaxies and quasars. Luminous z~6 quasars can form in the LCDM cosmology  hierarchical mergers of gas-rich proto-galaxies, with BH accretion under Eddington limit. Galaxy progenitors of these quasars are strong starbursts, providing important contribution to metal enrichment & dust production. Early galaxies and quasars form in highly overdense region, highly clustered  patchy reionization

17 Predictions & Observational Tests
Birth place: massive halos in overdense region Clustering, cross correlations of galaxies and quasars Lensing Triggering mechanism: hierarchical merger Morphology, pairs, CO maps MBH --  relation Merger rate Evolutionary path: Starburst --> quasar Star formation history, evolved stellar components, mass functions Metal enrichment, molecular gas, dust Thermal emission: stars --> AGN SFR indicators IR - optical relations End product: SMBH -- host correlations MBH -- Mhost relation

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