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Ministry Strategy 201, Class 7 The Strategy of Exit Interviews.

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1 Ministry Strategy 201, Class 7 The Strategy of Exit Interviews

2 Guest Lecturer Bill Hendricks is President of The Giftedness Center, a Dallas-based consulting firm specializing in organizational design and strategic people management. He is the author or co-author of 22 books, including Your Work Matters to God, The Power of Uniqueness, and his just-released title, The Person Called YOU: Why You’re Here, Why You Matter & What You Should Do With Your Life.

3 Class 7—The Strategy of Exit Interviews This class explores what pastors have learned from Bill and the exit interview process. In 1993, Bill wrote Exit Interviews: Revealing Stories of Why People Are Leaving the Church. What lessons can XPastors learn from disillusioned Christians? How can a church use a strategy of exit interviews to help close its “back doors” and avoid the very common phenomenon of constantly seeing new people, but not growing.

4 The Strategy of Exit Interviews  The strategy of exit interviews  The strategy of, “What did we do wrong?”  The strategy of closing the “back door.”

5 Background  The background of Exit Interviews.  Mostly deals with a subset of churches – the megachurch

6 Why not?  Why do churches not conduct exit interviews?  Fear  Negative  “Who cares about losing people if we’re growing?”  Never thought about it

7 Purpose  The purpose of the church is people- development.  Ephesians 4:12-13  Making people into actual followers of Christ  Great Commission is about discipleship = evangelism + training in Christlikeness

8 Priority  Growth in Christ takes priority over growth in numbers.


10 The Body  The church is a body.  The whole body needs to grow.  We need every members’ contribution.  When one suffers we all suffer.


12 What’s Wrong  Exit interviews is a strategy for figuring out, “What’s wrong?”  Conducting exit interviews  Analyzing exit interviews  Responding to exit interviews

13 Buy-in  Conducting exit interviews  Secure buy-in from the decision-makers

14 Methods  Conducting exit interviews  Use a neutral party who is gifted to the task.  Develop trust and a comfort level.  Explain the purpose, ensure understanding.

15 Methods  Conducting exit interviews  Guarantee confidentiality.  Recording / notes – explain purpose, guarantee eventual erasure / shredding

16 Dig for Reasons  Conducting exit interviews  Let the person tell their story.  Stories always reveal more than surveys.  Listen and ask questions. Period.  Stay neutral, make no judgments, take no sides.  Distinguish between excuses and reasons – dig for reasons.  Recognize the interviewee has a lot of feelings.

17 Leave the Door Open  Conducting exit interviews  Leave the door open and don’t burn any bridges.  Accusations of actual wrongdoing – consider legal and moral/ethical obligations and responsibilities  Ask: “Is there anything the church can do for you at this point?”  Thank the interviewee for their time and candor.

18 Interpreting  Interpreting exit interviews  Evaluate individual interviews in light of all other interviews.  Look for trends.  Ponder outliers.  Look for new or unexpected factors and information.

19 Interpreting  Interpreting exit interviews  What’s the big picture that emerges?  Summarize your conclusions.  Make no direct attributions.  Develop periodic reports for leaders to evaluate.  Keep your mouth shut.

20 Responding  Responding to exit interviews  Prepare for evaluation through prayer.  Expect a “bad” review. Expect to uncover problems.  See through the eyes of your former “customers.”

21 Benchmarks  Responding to exit interviews  How do the findings compare with positive data?  Benchmark the findings against your church’s mission, vision, values, and strategy.  Is this to be expected?  Is this an indicator we are not meeting our objectives?

22 Defining Issues  Responding to exit interviews  Face clear evidence of a problem. It is what it is.  What might be the cause?  Responsibility vs. blame / shame  What are you going to do about it?  Who will lead the charge in addressing it?  What indicator(s) will show that the problem is being turned around?

23 Big Picture  Responding to exit interviews  Look at the big picture – what do the findings say about your church and where it stands?  Pray for ongoing discernment and insight.

24 Expectations  One strategy for avoiding negative exit interviews  Learn more about who is coming in the front door and why = their real expectations.  Articulate the church’s value proposition from the outset.  A strong brand  Calibrating expectations  Mark 8:34

25 To contact Bill Hendricks

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