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Station of the Cross We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you. Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world. (click the mouse to view the next.

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Presentation on theme: "Station of the Cross We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you. Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world. (click the mouse to view the next."— Presentation transcript:

1 Station of the Cross We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you. Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world. (click the mouse to view the next slide)

2 The First Station Jesus is condemned to death Pilate said, “I am innocent of this man’s blood.” Pilate ordered Jesus to be scourged, and then crucified. Reflection on life (pause): Lord, I know that if I try to live a little like you, I shall be condemned. Give me the strength to do what is right no matter what others may think or say or do. The Second Station Jesus takes up His Cross Lord, you are carrying our cross, not Yours. In Your life and to Calvary, you carry our sins. Reflection on life (pause): Lord, help me not to resist when I have to share the burden of carrying the Cross. Give me the grace to receive this mission willingly and courageously.

3 The Third Station Jesus falls the first time Jesus is weak. He lost a lot of blood in the agony, the scourging and crowning. He staggers and falls. Reflection on life (pause): Lord, I desire to follow you, but I have fallen. I left you, I left the Cross and fell. Save me from my weakness to share with you in saving the world. The Fourth Station Jesus meets His mother Simeon said, “This child is destined to be a sign that is rejected, and a sword that will pierce your soul” Reflection on life (pause): Lord, every blow you receive strikes your Mother’s heart. She knows your suffering, she suffers your suffering. She is with you as you save the world.

4 Simon was forced by the soldiers to shoulder the Cross. He did not realise how privileged and blessed he was. The Fifth Station Simon helps Jesus to carry the Cross Reflection on life (pause): Lord, a stranger came to your rescue in your dire need. What about those who once loved and cared for you? Help me to be sensitive to the needs of people around me. The Sixth Station Veronica wipes the face of Jesus Veronica could no longer bear to see Jesus’ face covered with sweat, dirt and blood. She pushed the soldiers aside to wipe the sacred face of Jesus. Reflection on life (pause): Lord, why do we always hold back when there is some good that needs to be done. Give us the courage of Veronica to stand up for what is right especially for the weak and poor.

5 The Seventh Station Jesus falls a second time Jesus is exhausted; there is still a long way to go; He crashes to the ground, but He must get up to move on. Reflection on life (pause): Lord, save the world from falling and from destroying itself. Only you can save it from further destruction. When we fall, give us the strength to struggle to our feel and move on. The Eighth Station Jesus consoles the women of Jerusalem The women wept in pity for Jesus but He said, “Do not weep for me; weep rather for yourselves and your children.” Reflection on life (pause): Lord, I weep for the sins of others, and condemn and blame them easily. But, as for my own sins, I do not weep. Help me to feel sorrow for my sins.

6 The Ninth Station Jesus falls the third time This time when Jesus crashes to the ground, He remains there motionless and totally exhausted. Yet, He gets up and drags His broken body on till the end. Reflection on life (pause): Lord, I fall so often. Lord, will I ever reach you? Forgive me for my lack of faith to struggle on. But, if I do struggle on, I am saved. The Tenth Station Jesus is stripped of His garments At the place of execution, the soldiers took Jesus’ clothing from Him, divided it into four, and cast lots for them. Reflection on life (pause): Lord, nothing comes now between you and the Cross. Help me rid myself of the trappings and things that hinder and hide me from you. Help me to give up all, like you.

7 The Eleventh Station Jesus is nailed to the Cross The hands of Jesus that healed and the feet that walked many miles to bring the Good News are now brutally nailed. Reflection on life (pause): Lord give me the courage to go all the way to live not for myself, but for you who have shown me the Way to love unconditionally till the end. The Twelve Station Jesus dies on the Cross It is now the sixth hour and Jesus cries out, “Father, into Your hands I commit my spirit.” With these words He breathed His last. Reflection on life (pause): Lord, You have shown us the greatest act of love by laying down your life for your neighbour. Give us the sense of urgency to put others before our own needs.

8 The Thirteenth Station Jesus is taken down from the Cross Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, take the body of Jesus down from the Cross and places Him in His mother’s arms. Reflection on life (pause): Lord Jesus, your Mother stood beside your Cross. Now, your mission is complete. Give us the grace of perseverance when we are being tested. The Fourteenth Station Jesus is laid in the tomb Near the place of Crucifixion was a new tomb. As it was the Jewish Preparation Day, they laid Jesus there. Reflection on life (pause): Lord, it is not over yet. Your agony continues until the end of the world. Help us to recognise you and help those in need as they journey to your Heavenly kingdom.

9 For the Pope’s Intentions, Pray one: Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be to the Father Concluding Prayer On the Third Day, Jesus rose from the dead. Peter said, “You killed Him, but God raised Him to life and we are witnesses to that.” Lord, You are our hope. In you we place all our trust. We know that beyond the grave you are waiting for us in your glory. Lord, in the vast procession of humanity, help us to travel faithfully back to you. Give us peace as we travel and spread your message of peace as we go.

10 Let us accompany you this Lenten Season. Tell your friends about us too. Each day, we have a new Gospel theme for you and offer you concrete pointers to help you find God in your daily life. Email us at : Email us at : for a daily Gospel e-message written by Fr Philip Heng, S.J. But do not just stop at our daily e-message read & reflect on the Word of God at : read & reflect on the Word of God at : You have nothing to lose, but everything to gain. Many have found life to be much more meaningful and have deepened their love for God

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