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ARTS EDUCATION in GEORGIA. Georgia Council for the Arts MISSION The mission of Georgia Council for the Arts is to cultivate the growth of vibrant, thriving.

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2 Georgia Council for the Arts MISSION The mission of Georgia Council for the Arts is to cultivate the growth of vibrant, thriving Georgia communities through the arts. GOALS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Use the arts to promote Georgia’s economic growth. COMMUNITY IMPACT: Support strong connections between artists, arts organizations, and the public, resulting in community connections and an improved quality of life. ADVOCACY: Act as a catalyst for increased public awareness about the value of the arts and Georgia’s rich cultural heritage. CAPACITY BUILDING: Invest in the sustainability and advancement of Georgia’s creative sector.

3 Arts Education at GCA Governor Deal’s Arts Learning Task Force Recommendations Arts Education in Georgia: Public School Data and Principal Perspectives

4 The Benefits of Arts Learning Improves school engagement Improves academic performance Improves literacy Positively impacts brain development Improves college and career readiness Improves social development

5 Why does access to arts learning matter? Arts learning improves academic outcomes and lifetime potential for students living in poverty Arts learning improves academic achievement for English Language Learners The arts reach students who cannot be reached through other subject matter, teaching methods, or learning styles Arts integration models have demonstrated the potential to successfully turn around failing schools Access to quality arts learning is just as much about social justice and equality of opportunity, as it is about education

6 Access to Arts Learning in Georgia





11 Uneven Access to Arts Learning in Georgia By arts subject area By school level By geographic region By population density By poverty rate

12 Arts Learning Task Force Appointed by Governor Deal in June 2014 16 members including: Superintendents Principals Arts instructors State School Board Chair DOE director of curriculum and instruction Arts organization representatives Business representatives PTA representative Teaching artist Foundation representative Government representative

13 Arts Learning Task Force Process Met 10 times over the course of 12 months Met with policy decisionmakers including the State Superintendent, State School Board Chair, staff from the DOE, PSC, and GVS, and leadership from the state arts educator associations Conducted site visits to observe model arts programs and best practices at schools throughout the state Met with district superintendents, board members, and fine arts coordinators, school principals, fine arts instructors, teaching artists, and arts education program administrators

14 Arts Learning Task Force Recommendations I.Access to Arts Learning II.Quality Arts Instruction III.Support for Effective Arts Learning IV.Resourceful and Innovative Approaches to Arts Learning

15 Arts Learning Task Force Recommendations I. Access to Arts Learning 1) Requiring arts learning access and credits 2) Expanding access to arts instruction 3) Federal funding for arts learning 4) Measuring access to arts learning

16 Arts Learning Task Force Recommendations II. Quality Arts Instruction 5) Certified arts educators 6) Pre-service training in the arts 7) Professional development and resources for arts educators 8) Assessment and evaluation tools for arts educators

17 Arts Learning Task Force Recommendations III. Support for Effective Arts Learning 9) State leadership 10) School and district leadership 11) Student, parent, and teacher engagement 12) Facilities, supplies, equipment and resources

18 Arts Learning Task Force Recommendations IV. Resourceful and Innovative Approaches to Arts Learning 13) Community collaboration and involvement 14) Artists and teaching artists 15) Arts integration 16) STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math)

19 Where Do We Go From Here? Implement the recommendations Leadership Policy changes Training and professional development Resources Encourage replication of successful models Support arts learning partnerships between schools and arts organizations and teaching artists Support innovative arts learning models Arts Integration STEAM

20 Questions?

21 Allen Bell Arts Education Manager 404-962-4839

22 Thank you

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