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“Sovereignty” “Providential control” “Man’s freedom”

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2 “Sovereignty” “Providential control” “Man’s freedom”

3 Sovereignty – God is “absolutely free to act as He wills and in accord with His own nature.” He is “the absolute monarch of the created universe.” Providential Control – “nothing can happen apart from God’s... preservation and upholding of all things.”

4 Man’s Freedom – Humanity is created in the image of God and thus has the ability to make free, moral choices; however, “God is able to govern the truly free exercise of man’s will in such a way that all goes according to His plan.”

5 Today we will see how the early church began to face serious persecution at the hands of Herod the king. Nevertheless, God was still in control of the situation.

6 When Things Get Ugly Acts 12:1-25 family theme: The church is persecuted. family theme: The church is persecuted.


8 The Followers of Christ Face Persecution Acts 12:1-4

9 The Followers of Christ Face Persecution In an attempt to stamp out this growing movement, the governing body and Jewish leaders began persecuting the early church leaders. Persecution included imprisonment and even death.

10 Don’t be surprised when you are persecuted, and realize you are in good company. How does it make you feel to know that we should expect persecution? What are some examples of the persecution we are likely to face in our culture today?

11 God Accompanies Us Through Persecution Acts 12:5-17

12 God Accompanies Us Through Persecution God answered the prayers of the believers praying for Peter and sent an angel to walk him out of prison.

13 Expect God to be present with you in persecution, and pray for those who are experiencing it. How can knowing Christ is right there with us help us endure and respond biblically to persecution? Whom could you pray for and encourage to help them get through persecution?

14 God Delivers Retribution Acts 12:18-25

15 God Delivers Retribution Herod’s elevated status caused him to swell with pride. The throngs were shouting that he was a god. The true God, however, sent an angel to strike Herod down. The man who wreaked havoc on the church was suddenly dead.

16 Leave retribution to God. Why is it so difficult to leave retribution to God? Name real-life situations in which we are to leave retribution to God. How can we show love and compassion rather than retribution in those situations?

17 When have you been made fun of, hurt, mistreated, or persecuted because of your Christian beliefs? How did you respond? How could you respond to a similar situation with love and compassion, leaving retribution to God?

18 Available for FREE download at Home Connection is a simple, downloadable page that gives parents: A weekly Bible passage to READ together as a family Suggestions to help them PRAY together as a family Suggested activities to DO to put their faith in action

19 Home Connection also provides the “take away” from each age level in D6 Curriculum. This way parents know what each family member is experiencing in his or her class. Download your free copy of Home Connection at


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