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Engineering education at UniSA Dr Jun Ma CRICOS Provider Number 00121B.

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Presentation on theme: "Engineering education at UniSA Dr Jun Ma CRICOS Provider Number 00121B."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engineering education at UniSA Dr Jun Ma CRICOS Provider Number 00121B

2 Where is UniSA 2

3 Facts @ UniSA One of Australia’s most modern, dynamic, accessible and research-intensive institutions Founded in 1991, with a history that dates back to 1856 University of South Australia is the largest university in Adelaide 36,850 students, including 13,575 international students from over 60 countries Practice based learning Programs that are driven by industry and the professions through consultation and close relationships with industry 3

4 Undergraduate programs at the School of AME Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical & Advanced Manufacturing) Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical & Nanotechnology) Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical & Mechatronics) Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical & Sustainable Systems) Bachelor of Engineering (Materials) Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical & Manufacturing) Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) & Bachelor of Management 4

5 Postgraduate programs at the School of AME Master of Engineering (Engineering and Technology Management) Master of Engineering (Advanced Manufacturing Technology) Master of Engineering (Energy and Sustainable Systems) Master of Engineering (Materials and Nanotechnology) Master of Logistics and Supply Chain Management 5


7 7 Assessment Form of assessment WeightingDate Assessment 1: Continuing Assessment (Group Work) 20% Starting week 1 (see course calendar) Assessment 2: Pracs (Group Work) 27% Starting week 2 (see course calendar) Assessment 3: Exam (Individual Work) 53%Examination period

8 8 Practical 1: Stress―strain relations of thermoplastics

9 9 Practical 1 Six Plastics for Practical 1

10 10 Stress-strain relations of six Plastics Practical 1

11 The information contained in this presentation is indicative only and is designed as an aid to students contemplating enrolment at University of South Australia. While every effort is made to provide full and accurate information at the time of preparation, the University does not give any warranties in relation to the accuracy and completeness of the contents. The University does not accept responsibility for any loss or damage occasioned by use of the information contained in this publication. The University also reserves the right to discontinue or vary arrangements, programs, courses (units), assessment requirements and admission requirements without prior notice. While the University will try to avoid or minimise any inconvenience, changes may also be made to programs, courses (units), assessment requirements and staff after enrolment. The University may also set limits on the number of students in a program or course (unit). Program and course (unit) information is also published in the University Handbooks, see

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