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Charting The Growth Of The First Century Church ….

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1 Charting The Growth Of The First Century Church …

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3 Charting The Growth Of The First Century Church

4 In Jerusalem Acts 2-6  First preaching Ù 3,000 obeyed 2:41  The Lord “added daily…” 2:47b  Many heard the word…“number of men totaled about 5,000” 4:4  Believers were “increasingly added to the Lord…multitudes” 5:14

5 Charting The Growth Of The First Century Church In Jerusalem Acts 2-6  Disciples “…kept multiplying” 6:1a  The word “…kept spreading…number of disciples multiplied greatly…even a great many of the priests were obedient to the faith” 6:7

6 Charting The Growth Of The First Century Church In Jerusalem Acts 2-6  The apostles led the infant church in its phenomenal growth Acts 2:42, 46a  Friends, family, etc. most likely brought to the apostles for teaching  A commendable mindset Jn 1:40-46 4:28-30, 39-42 1 Cor 3:5-6

7 Charting The Growth Of The First Century Church Beyond Jerusalem Acts 8-9, 11-12  Saints scattered due to persecution after Stephen’s death 8:1a (except apostles)  Saints now busy preaching the word everywhere 8:4  Philip in Samaria…“multitudes heeded him…men & women baptized” 8:6, 12

8 Charting The Growth Of The First Century Church © 1999 MANNA JUDEA SAMARIA Jerusalem

9 Charting The Growth Of The First Century Church Beyond Jerusalem Acts 8-9, 11-12  Churches throughout Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had peace and were edified… they were “multiplied” 9:31

10 Charting The Growth Of The First Century Church © 1999 MANNA JUDEA SAMARIA GALILEE

11 Charting The Growth Of The First Century Church Beyond Jerusalem Acts 8-9, 11-12  Those who were scattered kept teaching… “a great number believed turned to the Lord” in Phoenicia, Cyprus, and in Antioch (Syria) 11:19-21

12 Charting The Growth Of The First Century Church © 1999 MANNA Cyprus JUDEA SAMARIA GALILEE PHOENICIA Antioch

13 Charting The Growth Of The First Century Church Beyond Jerusalem Acts 8-9, 11-12  “A great many people were taught at Antioch (Syria) ” 11:26  In Caesarea, “…the word of God grew and multiplied” 12:24

14 Charting The Growth Of The First Century Church © 1999 MANNA Cyprus JUDEA SAMARIA GALILEE PHOENICIA Antioch Caesarea

15 Charting The Growth Of The First Century Church Beyond Jerusalem Acts 8-9, 11-12  Luke’s record next focuses on the apostolic missions of Paul Acts 13-28  There are even “markers” for those results 13:42-43, 49 14:20b-21 16:5  Our goal in this lesson is to show how saints became involved

16 Charting The Growth Of The First Century Church Conclusion  Consider 2 of the 3 accounts of the Great Commission Mt 28:19-20 Lk 24:46-47  Notice the emphasis on teaching  The apostles would not always be around to lead saints in this task Jn 21:19  Those they taught must teach 2 Tim 2:2

17 Charting The Growth Of The First Century Church Conclusion  God expects His saints to be involved in teaching Heb 5:12  The 1st century saints were…look how the early church grew!!  Has enough time passed that you should be teaching?

18 Charting The Growth Of The First Century Church

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