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Multi Site. 8.2.3 The assessment of multiple sites for a single Registration/Certificate shall be conducted by assessing each site to the complete and.

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Presentation on theme: "Multi Site. 8.2.3 The assessment of multiple sites for a single Registration/Certificate shall be conducted by assessing each site to the complete and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multi Site

2 8.2.3 The assessment of multiple sites for a single Registration/Certificate shall be conducted by assessing each site to the complete and applicable AQMS requirements prior to Certificate issuance. For AQMS 9120 only, sampling of multiple sites shall comply with the guidance provided in the IAF Guidance on the Application of ISO/IEC Guide 62 and shall be limited to sites located in the same country. Surveillance/Re- certification assessment shall assure that each site under a single Registration/Certificate is assessed during the period of validity of the Registration/Certificate. Some multi-site organizations may have individual sites engage in a subset of the overall processes of the total organization and the assessment for a specific site can be limited to the processes performed at each site. Current 9104 Section 8.2.3

3 Proposed OPMT Resolution to replace 9104 Section 8.2.3 8.2.3 Requirements for eligibility and auditing of multi-site organizations for Aerospace Quality Management System (AQMS) certifications For AQMS certifications of multi-site organizations to 9120, sampling of multiple sites shall comply with the guidance provided in the IAF Guidance on the Application of ISO/IEC Guide 62 and shall be limited to sites located in the same country. For AQMS certifications of multi-site organizations to 9100 and 9110 the following requirements apply: –The eligibility for a Multi Site organization shall be the criteria for eligibility as described in IAF Guidance on the Application of ISO/IEC Guide 62 Annex 3 –The certification/visitation approach for multi-site organizations shall ensure the following: The central function and all sites shall be audited to the complete and applicable AQMS(S) requirements at the initial audit prior to the certification decision and certificate issuance. After initial certification of a multi-site organization surveillance will ensure that the central function will be audited for surveillance in years one and two and recertification prior to expiration in the third year. All sites under a multi-site certificate shall be audited to the complete QMS standard at least once every 36 months. For the recertification decision the results of all the audits of the central function and all sites will be taken into consideration.

4 9110 Auditor Experience

5 Can an AS9100 AIEA who does not have repair and overhaul experience become an AS9110 AEA Work Experience: 4 years full time in the aerospace industry directly involved in Engineering, Design, Manufacturing, Quality or Process Control for a major airframe manufacturer, prime supplier, auxiliary equipment supplier and/or appropriate official civil, military or space organization, such as NAA, ESA/NASA, MoD. In addition they shall have had specific training in Repair/Overhaul or demonstrated 2 years full time experience in the last 4 years. The work experience should have included direct involvement or knowledge of the elements as defined in; or If less than 4 years aerospace experience in the last 10 (or more than 6 consecutive years since last industry work experience from date the of application), the completion of an in-depth Aerospace Industry Competency course developed by the CRB or an independent organization is required. Both the course and the training organization shall be approved by the SMS. The course shall include the following topics as a minimum:

6 My proposal would be the following resolution: AS9110 candidates who meet the general aerospace experience requirement but do not have 2 years in the last 4 years of repair and overhaul experience can be approved as an AS9110 AEA after completing the competency course, shadowing a complete AS9110 audit by an approved AS9110 AEA that was approved based on work experience (both general aerospace experience to meet the 4/10 requirement and specific repair and overhaul experience to meet the 2/4 requirement) and being witnessed for two complete AS9110 audits by an AS9110 AEA approved based on experience (both general aerospace experience to meet the 4/10 requirement and specific repair and overhaul experience to meet the 2/4 requirement).

7 9101 Corrective Action Request Form

8 Resolution to OPMT Problem: AS9101C (page 5) has the following statement – –“Page 11 (required when nonconformities are identified during the assessment) Corrective Action Request Resolution: –“Page 11 [this form, or an equivalent form containing all specified fields] (required when nonconformities are identified during the assessment) Corrective Action Request

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