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Family Development Support Network supports… Sharing information and ideas to help build strong relationships with families Growing your peer network Promoting.

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Presentation on theme: "Family Development Support Network supports… Sharing information and ideas to help build strong relationships with families Growing your peer network Promoting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Family Development Support Network supports… Sharing information and ideas to help build strong relationships with families Growing your peer network Promoting strategies for work-life balance Positive peer support

2 Sharing Our Collective Success  Success stories or innovative practices your center has recently experienced related to supporting strong families in your community

3  Communicating with Skill and Heart: Communication Openers and Blockers (Chapter 2) › Basic Skills for Listening Well › Three Communication Helpers › Nine Communication Blockers to Avoid › Sharing Our Experience: Lessons Learned and Skills Practiced with Families › Skills Practice Challenge

4  (PowerPoint Slides from FDC ToT Training Materials)

5  Sharing Our Experience: › What other listening techniques have been successful for you when working with families?

6  Over the next week period, practice communicating with others using the following communication helps: “door openers”, “encouragers”, “open questions”.  Reflection questions: › How did the person respond when you used communication helpers? › How did they promote more open and genuine communication?

7 › What questions would you like to ask other family workers? › What story would you like to share? › What resources would help you in your work with families?

8 WHEN PEER PRESSURE IS POSITIVE, IT’S CALLED PEER SUPPORT! Next Support Network Call: February 28 th from 12:00-12:45

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