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The impact of sport on development of social capital: a systematic literature review Dr Shushu Chen, Loughborough University & Edge Hill University Dr.

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Presentation on theme: "The impact of sport on development of social capital: a systematic literature review Dr Shushu Chen, Loughborough University & Edge Hill University Dr."— Presentation transcript:

1 The impact of sport on development of social capital: a systematic literature review Dr Shushu Chen, Loughborough University & Edge Hill University Dr Dikaia Chatziefstathiou, Panteion University of Athens, Greece & ….........................................Canterbury Christ Church University, UK Professor Ian Henry, Loughborough University The EASM Conference, 9 th – 12 th Sep 2014, Coventry, UK

2 Structure of This Presentation  Background  Research aims & questions  Method  Findings and discussions  Conclusions/ future study areas

3 Research Background  Part of the Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship funded by the European Commission: “The Effects of Mega Sporting Events in Social Capital in Greece”;  A growing research interest in the concept of social capital;  Many existing studies in relation to this subject have been criticised for only focusing on conceptualising the hypothesis;  This study aims to examine the assumption that sport can have an impact on promoting social capital, by conducting a systematic review of the literature.

4 Research Objectives & Questions  To review the concepts and theories of social capital;  To answer the following research questions:  Whether sport can lead to the development and/or maintenance of social capital?  In what ways that sport has impacts on social capital?

5 Research Method  Databases:  Web of Science  SPORTDIscus  Science Direct  Emerald  Taylor & Francis  Searching keywords:  ‘Social capital’ AND ‘Sport*’  ‘Social capital’ AND ‘Olympic*’  ‘Social capital’ AND ‘Mega event*’  Inclusion Criteria:  Academic relevant and peer reviewed  Language in English  Length: 5 pages or more

6 Search Results 263 full-text articles reviewed 172 Excluded91Included Databases Web of Science SPORTDiscus Science Direct Emerald Taylor & Francis 154 91 20 10 116

7 Results: Thematic Analysis  The concepts and theories of social capital  Social capital and sport  A dimension of sport organisations  A dimension of sport events  A dimension of disadvantaged groups  A dimension of volunteering  A dimension of the ‘dark’ side of social capital

8 The Concepts and Theories of Social Capital SSocial capital is an evolving concept, and varies between different social capital theories TThe concept: “Social capital is taken to refer to social networks based on social and group norms which enable people to trust and cooperate with each other and through which individuals or groups can obtain certain types of advantage” (Coalter, 2007, p.540). SSocial Networks Social NormsTrust

9 Three main theoretical frameworks: Trust, norms, and networks facilitate cooperation and mutual benefits; At the community level; Bonding and bridging capitals. Putnam (2000) Economic, cultural and social capitals At the individual level Bourdieu (1986) Social structure In the family and community settings Coleman (1989)

10 Sport and Social Capital Development Sport Social Capital PositiveNegative  There is a growing interest in the role of sport on development of social capital: n (before 2004) = 36, n (after 2004) = 227;  The quality and rigours of the evidence varies;  The most of the studies included in this systematic review were based on Putnam’s theory; DirectIndirect

11 Discussions  Issues with the concepts and theories of social capital; often no theoretical paradigm  Studies ignore the ‘dark side’ of social capital  Issues with the uniqueness of sport’s role in development of social capital;  The direction of the causal link: ----> <----  Issues with measuring social capital (especially the intangible nature of social capital) sportsocial capital ? ?

12 Some Conclusions  There is still a lack of rigorous empirical studies to thoroughly and in a long term scrutinise the relationship between sport and social capital;  Limitations: the study has been restricted by the search strategy.  Areas where the literature is deficient: e.g. employment benefits, social capital development in the setting of sporting mega events, and university/higher education.

13 Thank you References BOURDIEU, P. 1986. The forms of capital.(1986). COALTER, F. 2007a. Sports clubs, social capital and social regeneration: ‘ill-defined interventions with hard to follow outcomes’? Sport in Society, 10, 537-559. COLEMAN, J. S. 1989. Social capital in the creation of human capital, University of Chicago Press. HOYE, R. & NICHOLSON, M. 2009. Social capital and sport policies in Australia. Public Management Review, 11, 441-460. PUTNAM, R. D. 2000. Bowling alone: The collapse and revival of American community, Simon and Schuster.

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