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GOVERNMENT, E GOVERNMENT AND TRANSPARANCY Andrea Foncerrada, Nicholas Weaver, Jessa Paush, Rajesh Ravikumar.

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Presentation on theme: "GOVERNMENT, E GOVERNMENT AND TRANSPARANCY Andrea Foncerrada, Nicholas Weaver, Jessa Paush, Rajesh Ravikumar."— Presentation transcript:

1 GOVERNMENT, E GOVERNMENT AND TRANSPARANCY Andrea Foncerrada, Nicholas Weaver, Jessa Paush, Rajesh Ravikumar

2 Agenda  E-Government  Open Data  Cases

3 E-Government: Definition World Bank: eGovernment is the government owned of operated systems of information and communication thecnologies that transform relations with citizens, the private sector and/or other government agencies so as to promote citizens’ empowerment, improve service delivery, strengthen accountability, increase transparency, or improve government efficiency.  Abramson and Means, 2001  Fraga, 2001  Tapscott, 1996  UNPA & ASPA, 2001

4 E-Government: Benefits

5 E-Government: Transformation Areas  Internal  External  Relational

6 E-Government: Web of Interrelationships Explanation Nick, can you please fix the little e- Government circle so that the titlte is in a single row? It is getting on my nerves…and can’t fix it! E- Government CitizensBusinessGovernmentEmployees

7 E-Government: Initiatives in Developing Countries Reasons for Failure: 1.ICT Infrastructre 2.Policy Issues 3.Human Capital Development and Life Long Learning 4.Change Management 5.Partnership and Collaboration 6.Strategy 7.Leadership Role Reasons for Failure: 1.ICT Infrastructre 2.Policy Issues 3.Human Capital Development and Life Long Learning 4.Change Management 5.Partnership and Collaboration 6.Strategy 7.Leadership Role

8 Open Data  What is it? Any information the government collects, by and large for its own purposes that it then makes available for other people to use for their purposes.

9 Open Data Leadership Policy/Legal Framework Applications & Co-Creation Institutions Technology/ Infrastructure Innovation Financing Citizen Engagement Capacity Building

10 Open Data:  Why is it important and why do we want it? It empowers citizens. It generates economic value. It strengthens transperancy.

11 Open Data  Where is it happening?

12 Open Data  How do you achieve it?

13 Cases  International Aid Transparency Initiative.  Rajesh’s  Denmark

14 International Aid Transparency Initiative

15 Denmark  Steps  Products  Awards  Initiatives

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