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 Arab Governance Week Cairo, 26-29 November 2012 Mitra Motlagh – UNDP Regional Centre for Arab States.

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Presentation on theme: " Arab Governance Week Cairo, 26-29 November 2012 Mitra Motlagh – UNDP Regional Centre for Arab States."— Presentation transcript:

1  Arab Governance Week Cairo, 26-29 November 2012 Mitra Motlagh – UNDP Regional Centre for Arab States

2 Development?

3  Strengthen national efforts on human rights  Touches on a wide spectrum of issues  contribution to the development agenda  Preparation of the UPR - collaboration between States, NHRI, CSO, and UN  Joint planning between actors for implementation

4  3 joint UNDP/OHCHR regional meetings on UPR o information, guidance and comparative experience  Continued South-South exchange (Asia, Africa, Europe)  Continued support for preparation and follow up : o Strengthen capacity of all branches of the State and other stakeholders – CSOs, NHRIs, media and the private sector o solid basis for long-term advocacy at the country level

5  Challenges of inclusiveness in preparing UPR  Implementation plans  Role of civil society and media  Possible partnerships!  Link with other accountability mechanisms  not a stand- alone process! U NIVERSAL P ERIODIC R EVIEW  Next steps for 17 countries?  More tailored UN programming  Opportunities for other accountability mechanisms  Strengthened capacities of all stakeholders! S OCIAL A CCOUNTABILITY


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