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Hiring the Heavens Whether your realize it or not, you play a part in the divine plan of creation. You will learn how to engage the invisible assistance.

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Presentation on theme: "Hiring the Heavens Whether your realize it or not, you play a part in the divine plan of creation. You will learn how to engage the invisible assistance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hiring the Heavens Whether your realize it or not, you play a part in the divine plan of creation. You will learn how to engage the invisible assistance that is available to everyone, using a simple, practical approach that will immediately bring more joy and serendipity into your life. Most importantly, this approach will gently change your awareness of who you truly are! © Jean Slatter

2 The premise of hiring the heavens is that we have an unseen dimension that is here to support us in the co-creative process of creating our world. © Jean Slatter

3 Out On A Limb In her book, Shirley MacLaine described how she came to the realization that God is within each and every one of us. I could remember thinking “This woman is so brave to put these thoughts out” because some of the things she said were considered blasphemy 20 years ago. © Jean Slatter

4 Dowsing I had learned to use a pendulum to dowse as a way to get in touch with and open the door to higher awareness. That was another turning point in my life because it made me aware that there WAS something more than my intellect. © Jean Slatter

5 Coincidence? The truth is we all have amazing synchronicities that happen to us. What if these “coincidences” are far more than what we think they are? Far more than just a Law of Chance? And if we truly paid attention, what if these synchronicities could open us up to a whole new world of magic and power? © Jean Slatter

6 My Spiritual Physician It was clear to me I was getting information from somewhere beyond me, from some unseen dimension, that was not possible for me to know any other way. I started receiving information that I couldn’t possibly be privy to: information about what was going on in my clients’ personal lives which was affecting their health. © Jean Slatter

7 Or I would receive information about a particular remedy I had never heard of that would be helpful in their situation. Homeopathic remedies and herbs I had never read about suddenly came to my awareness. They would be just the thing my clients needed. I realized that clearly this other dimension wanted to help me help my clients. © Jean Slatter

8 Help with my Business Then I began to wonder if I could actually ask for help for other aspects of my business. So I asked for a Spiritual Time Manager, a Spiritual Marketer, a Spiritual Financial Consultant, a Spiritual Secretary. I imagined hiring all those positions from the spiritual level. © Jean Slatter

9 AND I never had to hire anyone on the physical plane to assist me because all the “outside tasks” were all taken care of for me from the spiritual plane. © Jean Slatter

10 Regular Staff Meetings Whenever I needed anything, I would just ask for spiritual assistance. I would have staff meetings in my car as I was driving to work. From that day on, I never had to ask for that particular request again. © Jean Slatter

11 Speaking out loud to my spiritual helpers actually helps me formulate my thoughts more concisely. It was as if every request I asked that would help me out in my business was something they were more than delighted to do for me. © Jean Slatter

12 Somehow I had this feeling that the only reason it was working was because these guides were helping me help others. In other words, I thought that maybe this dimension was not to be bothered unless I was actually helping somebody. © Jean Slatter

13 What Might Happen What can happen when you hire the heavens is you will be inspired with the information yourself. It’s as if the information just comes through you. © Jean Slatter

14 Another thing that can happen is the heavens will bring to your doorstep someone on the physical plane who will be the exact embodiment of the skills and talents you are requesting. © Jean Slatter

15 or you can watch flat out miracles occur... flat out miracles. © Jean Slatter

16 This power can be brought to earth to help us in every aspect of our lives: the simplest things to the big, huge projects. © Jean Slatter

17 Some really fun and extraordinary things have happened: Halloween Costume Store Coupon School Research Paper Student Driver Angels © Jean Slatter

18 How is this Possible? What makes any of us so important that this vast resource is interested in our personal lives? How is it possible that this immense power is interested in me? Do I really have the right to ask this immense power for help in my personal life? © Jean Slatter

19 Personal Help So I thought I would do something outrageous. I decided I would ask … just for me. © Jean Slatter

20 so I hired … Spiritual Wardrobe Consultant; Spiritual Interior Decorator; a Spiritual Contractor; a Spiritual Architect; a Spiritual Interior Decorator; and a Designer © Jean Slatter

21 This made the co-creative process of living life so fun and so playful and so exciting! © Jean Slatter

22 Hiring Miracle Stories Buying a House Jewelry Sleuth Pearl Ring Opal Ring © Jean Slatter

23 What This Means This makes you pretty powerful, doesn’t it? © Jean Slatter

24 What hiring the heavens did for me was change my realization of who I truly was and helped me to understand that yes, I do have access to this power and yes, there is a simple, fun way to bring the power of the heavens right down here to earth to use in my everyday life. © Jean Slatter

25 That is the beauty of hiring the heavens. It is so simple, so simple that you may feel at first that something this profound couldn’t be this simple. And yet that is exactly what it is. Ultimately, it will put you in touch with who you truly are. © Jean Slatter

26 Yellow Pages First, simply imagine that the spiritual world is every bit as complex as our own physical world and that every talent, ability, skill and personality trait that you can possibly imagine exists first in the spiritual realm before it can ever exist here on the physical plane. © Jean Slatter

27 Angelic Helpers for Car Trips Spiritual Attitude Adjuster Spiritual Mechanic Spiritual Connoisseur Spiritual Tour Guide © Jean Slatter

28 Angelic Credit Card This credit card has no limit, and no expiration date. With this spiritual credit card, you can use it to hire from the heavens for everything in your life. © Jean Slatter

29 It’s that simple. Imagine and then hire. Imagine that that energy has come here to assist you and then watch what happens. Extraordinary things will begin to happen. © Jean Slatter

30 Answers from my Guidance One-way communication. That wasn’t it. © Jean Slatter

31 Answers from my Guidance I took out my pendulum and asked, “Is this how hiring the heavens works?” And my pendulum said “no, you’re not even close.” © Jean Slatter

32 Answers from my Guidance I put GOD up on top, I put angels, guides and spirits in a large circle right below and then I put Self with the angels and the guides. I asked if that was how it was working, more as Self as an integral part of the angels. My pendulum said “No, this isn’t close.” © Jean Slatter

33 Answers from my Guidance The next thing I did was I put GOD up on the top, and in this circle, I put Self right below God in the larger circle alongside the angels, guides and spirit. When I asked if this was it, again my pendulum said, “No, that’s not it either.” © Jean Slatter

34 Answers from my Guidance Next I put GOD up on top. Right below God I put another circle of Self. And then I put the large circle where the angels, the guides and the spirit are kind of underneath, almost as if we had authority. They are our support, and we actually have some kind of authority here with the angels, the guides and the spirit. I asked if this was it, and again my pendulum said, “No.” © Jean Slatter

35 Answers from my Guidance WE ARE IN GOD For me, this was the epiphany of the highest order, how to understand who we are. We truly are an integral part of God and it is through us that God is experiencing on this earth plane. © Jean Slatter

36 Theo’s Answers to my Questions “Grace is the acceptance of your own Divinity.” © Jean Slatter

37 We Are Creators When we see ourselves as divinely-sanctioned creators, something quite amazing happens. The transformation is unmistakable. Life is lived from a different vantage point. We recognize our authority to summon the vast resources of the heavens and all the eager spiritual assistants that are available for everything we do. We discover that all conceivable tasks can be facilitated and orchestrated and all conceivable problems can be solved by our connection to this incredible power. © Jean Slatter

38 With this new awareness, we can shape our lives on purpose, creating joy and fulfillment with such ease that it feels like a miracle. Forevermore, our lives can be a deliberate, joyful expression of the infinite source of all creation and possibilities. Heaven can finally be brought down to earth. © Jean Slatter

39 You are an integral part of God and it is through you that God is experiencing and the heavens want nothing more than to be included in this co-creative process. © Jean Slatter

40 Symptoms of Enlightenment Deepak Chopra says the two symptoms of enlightenment are: 1. synchronicities begin to occur on a daily basis; and 2. because of that, you just don’t worry anymore. © Jean Slatter

41 You Are Not Alone The synchronicities will begin to occur and then the next thing that’s going to happen is you’re going to get this real strong realization that you are not alone. You have help. And not only do you have help, but the helpers are delighted to be part of your life. © Jean Slatter

42 Fundamental to hiring the heavens is believing we deserve to ask and we deserve to receive © Jean Slatter

43 Worthiness Blocks There are messages/beliefs we hear throughout our life. Also the energy of messages/beliefs are passed down through our DNA. Something we’re born with. It’s almost as if we immediately feel separate. We aren’t born with the “knowing” of who we really are. © Jean Slatter

44 A joyful response to our receiving is what the heavens live for © Jean Slatter

45 Remember the Miracles Keep a journal of the miracles that happen and the synchronicities that happen to remind yourself what really did happen. Otherwise you do tend to forget. When those times come when things aren’t showing up as you requested, then you can remind yourself “well I know that this process usually works and why it’s not working at this time, I don’t know; but I’m not going to go into that place of doubt or fear or concern about my worthiness. I just know and assume there’s a good reason why it’s not showing up the way I’ve asked for it.” © Jean Slatter

46 Just know that coming from a higher perspective, the angels can recognize what is in your highest and greatest good © Jean Slatter

47 Instead of trying to tell the angels how to do their job, be open to the possibility that something could show up that wasn’t even on the radar, a new way of doing things that you hadn’t even considered. Be open to receiving © Jean Slatter

48 How to Honor the Gift The way you honor this gift is you USE it! © Jean Slatter

49 How to Talk to the Heavens The most important thing to remember is just to be real and natural. Talk to them as if they are your best friends. You don’t have to put on airs. You don’t have to say anything a certain way. You can just be real and natural © Jean Slatter

50 How the Angels Talk to You CLAIRVOYANT: When you’re clairvoyant, you can see energy. CLAIRAUDIENT: This is where you hear either voices or hear information. © Jean Slatter

51 CLAIRSENTIENT: Clairsentient is when you feel the message in your body in some way, like you get goose bumps. CLAIRCOGNIZANT: With this communication, you just know and you don’t know how you know. © Jean Slatter

52 Benefit of Hiring the Heavens You start to become more and more aware of who you are. You start becoming more and more connected with these messages and the knowingness that comes with recognizing you are so much more than your physical body. © Jean Slatter

53 You realize that there’s so much more than just your intellect. You realize that there truly is a vastness beyond your intellect and that you have access to it. © Jean Slatter

54 You’ll get confirmation that truly says yes, you are receiving this information. Pay attention to this confirmation. Utilize it and open up to its power. © Jean Slatter

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