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Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM USPS® Marketing 101 Business Concepts For Our Not-For-Profit Organization.

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Presentation on theme: "Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM USPS® Marketing 101 Business Concepts For Our Not-For-Profit Organization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM USPS® Marketing 101 Business Concepts For Our Not-For-Profit Organization

2 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM Ever Feel Like This?

3 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM Today’s Objectives u Clear up mystery about Marketing u Apply business concepts to USPS l National l Local u Provide a structure for l Brainstorming l Planning l Executing an effective marketing strategy

4 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM Change Is Necessary u The world is changing before our eyes l Boating vs. other recreational activities l Traditional outreach vs. social media l Education in general is in transition u USPS membership declining number and aging demographics u Collaboration, rigorous planning, and smart marketing are critical

5 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM External Challenges u People are more independent; not joiners u Online education is biggest competitor u “Free” is our biggest challenge u USPS is not well-known u Our education is not “first choice” u Difficult to differentiate ourselves

6 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM Competition Is Tough This Texas outfit is a for-profit company. They make this same offer in 45 states. You pay $24.50 when you pass the test. We Are Better!!

7 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM Internal Challenges – National u Enhance strategic focus & vision u Better integrate Marketing, Membership, PR, and Education u Create offerings people will actually buy l Topical segmentation and packaging l Integrated delivery modalities u Develop cohesive business plan u Eliminate competitive & muddy guidance

8 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM Internal Challenges – Local u Better understand Marketing and PR u Collaborate better u Share ideas that work u Get excited & motivate u Understand “Come for the Education …” l Initial attraction l Not the end game

9 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM A message includes not only what you say, but how you say it and how it appears to others. We MUST understand our audience. Who is this? Why? We Often Send The Wrong Message Traditional USPS Marketing What is the Message? What are we selling? Who is the Customer? Children? Pirates? Is this effective?

10 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM Consistent, Stronger Branding u Business mind-set u Need better identity nationwide u Stronger together than separate franchises u Consistent look & feel, messaging, etc.

11 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM Big Questions u Who are our customers? u What do we actually sell? u What do our customers really want? u How do we attract them to us? u How can we use our superior courses to a competitive advantage? u What can make us compelling?

12 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM So, What Do We Do? u All of us u MARCOM u Districts and Squadrons

13 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM All of Us u Question some old concepts & myths u Understand u Focus

14 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM Question Our Own Myths 1. Boating safety compels people to join 2. “Build it and they will come” 3. Uniforms attract people from the public 4. Pictures of our member demographic are good tools for marketing 5. If they are interested in joining, they will easily find out how to do so

15 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM Understand Our Customers u Members u Non-members (future members?) l Who are they, really? l What do they want and need? l How do they learn of us? l What do they think of us? l How can we reach them better? u Market Research is key!!

16 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM Understand Our Customers u Focus on them, not on ourselves u Need vs want u Recognize how people make decisions: l Emotion vs rational l Connection; sense of community l Everything is a commodity

17 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM Understand Marketing & PR u What are Marketing and PR? u Are they different? u How are they used? u Can they be used synergistically?

18 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM Public Relations u Promotes a positive image u Aimed at public welfare l Does not advertise specific products l Not directly aimed at customer purchases or recruiting new members u Can identify us with our mission

19 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM Public Relations u Employs media as primary channels l Traditional press releases etc. (passé) l Freebies, buttons, pins, etc. with OUR logo l Social Media (a must!) Go Mobile.

20 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM Why Social Media? u Everyone (almost) is a user u Many people use social media as their PRIMARY source of information u Majority rely on personal recommendations via social media u First time boat owners often in this group

21 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM Marketing u It is not just advertising or selling u Marketing is a strategic function u Marketing plan linked to strategic vision u Serves as customer-advocate

22 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM Four P’s or C’s of Marketing ProductCommodity Products and services people want to buy PriceCost What consumers are willing to pay Competition’s price Place Convenience or Channel Make it easy to buy and to access/use PromotionCommunicationMessage & medium Ongoing/repetition

23 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM How Does This Apply To Us? u Determine and define our target markets l Membership market segments  Current members  Future members l Education products market segments l Local or unique variants u Offer them products and services tailored for their specific needs

24 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM How Does This Apply To Us? u Determine the right price l Cost-based or market-based l Loss leaders u Determine and design promotional strategies, branding, and media l To stimulate demand l To differentiate our products l To convince customers to buy

25 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM How Does This Apply To Us? u Promotion is a call to action u Promotes education and membership directly to individuals l Not public service announcements l Not generalized statements about safety l Not education u Not materials from other organizations

26 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM MARCOM R/C Mary Paige Abbott, SNChair, MARCOM Stf/C Glen Sherman, PBranding & External Promotion Stf/C Paul Mermelstein, SNInternal Marketing Support & Market Research P/R/C Ken Link, SNUSCGAux liaison & special projects D/Lt/C Chuck Wells, SNEducation Department Liaison

27 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM MARCOM Role u Educate USPS u Improve brand image and recognition u Develop marketing-centric web site u Guide market research u Suggest products and services u Create materials for marketing and promotion u Create guidance and How-To u Provide consultation

28 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM MARCOM u Create materials for marketing and promotion l National, District, and Squadron use u Create guidance and How-To l Planning and Marketing l Promotion l Boat Shows l Other u Provide consultation

29 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM What Can Squadrons Do? u Re-organize u Marketing is a function, not a position u Who’s job is it anyway? l ExCom l PRO l Membership l SEO

30 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM What Can Squadrons Do? “Systematic Approach” 1. Do good work in the community; get recognized 2. Employ PR to leverage image via media; build national and local brand names 3. Promote seminars and courses 4. Promote social events and benefits of membership 5. Use good salesmanship at boat shows and other events; get a commitment for next step All parts work together for success!

31 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM Promote Your Squadron u Conduct ABC3® courses u Conduct seminars u Update your website l List of meetings l Course calendar u Place flyers at marinas, WM and other sporting goods locations

32 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM “Come for the Boating Education …” Is the Bait u Public seminars and basic courses u Trade magazines l Articles l Calendar l Ads u Work with West Marine, marinas, etc. u Posters u Social Media

33 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM 33 Go Mobile. Leverage Social Media

34 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM Use the New USPS® Brochure u Use it at all public encounters u Simple, clean, uncluttered u Targeted points on each page l First open to introduce who we are and how we meet their needs l Second opening provides details l Back shows contact info & “for more …” u Local contact information should be included

35 New USPS® Brochure


37 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM Promote USPS® & Squadron at All Public Classes and Seminars u Create recruitment folder l Brochure l Newsletter l Business card l Student registration form u Use the new USPS slides l Establish credentials = Explain USPS u Re-enforce this with your SEO & instructors

38 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM Slide Presentation Who we are Come for the Education … What we do

39 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM Slide Presentation More Benefits

40 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM Talk to People You Know and Meet u We are all salesmen/saleswomen – You represent your squadron and USPS u Just be friendly and engaging; be yourself u Don’t say that we are the best; instead, explain USPS in a way that they will reach that conclusion themselves u LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN before telling them everything you know about USPS

41 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM Identify Their Interests u Focus should be on them, not us. u What kind of boating do they do? Where? u Why might they want education? What need does it meet? u What about spouse/significant other? u How about prospective new boat owner? u Other???

42 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM Identify Their Specific Needs u It’s not just about safety u What needs can we fill? l Comfortable competence on the water l Buying a first boat l Boating knowledge for knowledge sake l Want to socialize with other boaters l Saving on insurance premiums l Being compliant with state requirements

43 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM Respond To Their Needs u Feedback your understanding. Simplify. u Provide explanation, information, and examples of how we can meet the needs just identified u Ask for their general reaction u Ask for their contact information u Invite them to take the next step (course, meeting, etc.) u Do NOT leave it with “look at our website” or expect them to call on their own

44 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM Get Their Information and Follow Up 44

45 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM Summary u Effective marketing strategy u All of us can refocus u MARCOM provides tools, guidance, standards, and expertise u Squadrons and Districts can market effectively, with help from MARCOM Let’s work together for success!

46 Come for the Boating Education … Stay for the Friends SM USPS® Marketing Committee Questions?

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