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Code of Conduct and Ethics Scope of Practice Eileen Quinn

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1 Key Issues: Quality and Patient Safety Public Health Nursing Service Donegal.
Code of Conduct and Ethics Scope of Practice Eileen Quinn Director of Public Health Nursing Donegal 16th October 2015

2 Vision for the PHN Service
Quality Integration and Collaboration: A Strategy for Community Nursing HSE 2015 The vision for the PHN Service is that of a universal service delivered with, and to, individuals, families and communities, which is integrated with primary healthcare for the purpose of achieving a high-quality, safe, seamless and client-centred holistic service. The focus of the service is to promote health and well-being, protect the public and provide clinical nursing care to the population through the delivery of high-quality evidence-based nursing care. Code of Conduct and Ethics [NMBI 2014] Scope of Practice [NMBI 2015]

3 [HSE Code of Governance 2004]
HSE Quality and Risk Management Standard and Quality and Risk Framework enable the HSE to measure performance in quality and risk assess against best practice standards including national standards by the regulator and professional bodies. [HSE Code of Governance 2004]

4 Guiding Principles of Governance [HSE 2012]

5 Background to Quality and Patient Safety
Code of Governance HSE 2004 [Accountability] Quality and Risk Management Standard HSE 2007 [Compliance – Documentation] Building a Culture of Patient Safety DoHC 2008 [No Blame] Developing and Populating a Risk Register Best Practice Guidance HSE 2009 [Risk Notification System] Integrated Risk Management Policy 2009 & 2011 [Incident- Everbody’s Business - integral] Safety Incident Management Policy HSE 2014[Incident Screening]

6 Quality & Clinical Governance- Progression
Quality and Patient Safety Clinical Governance Development – Assurance Checklist HSE 2012 Risk Assessment Tool and Guidance HSE 2013 Developing and Populating a Risk Register Report of the Quality and Safety Clinical Governance Development Initiative Primary Care HSE 2014 [Integrated] National Service Plan HSE 2014 / 2015 [Meet objectives at an integrated level – 4 Pillars]

7 Leadership & Governance
Structure Director of Public Health Nursing AD’s for PHN Service / AD Clinical Governance Quality, Safety & Risk Committee, Infection Control, Collation of Information at management team meetings. Named Leads within each Network - Infection Control, HIQA Standards, Care Planning / Record Keeping, Wound Care Health and Safety, Dementia / Elder Abuse, Oncology Care, Lactation Consultants, Leadership Development Practice Development / Education Co Ordinator Advanced Practice Safe Guarding / Children Site Preparation for ANP for Tissue Viability Integrated Care Planning and Delivery Educational Training Needs Analysis Risk / Incident Notifications Tracking and Trending Environmental Audits National Standards Liason & Discharge Planning Role Audit Plan – Key Identified Priorities Family Health Needs Assessment Records Generic Care Plans Post Wound Care Educational Audit Patient Charter/ Satisfaction Surveys Progression of Work in Progress Quality Walk Arounds to Commence

8 Leadership & Governance continued
Professional Development Agenda Safe Guarding Adults & Children Site Preparation for ANP for Tissue Viability Integrated Care Planning and Delivery Education / Training to promote learning: from Quality & Patient Safety Information, to inform future Quality Improvement Plans Compliance with evidenced based PPPG’s Compliance with the implementation of PPPG’S Compliance with outcomes of Quality Improvement Plans

9 Professional Forums – Patient & Public Involvement [National Healthcare Charter HSE ]
Feedback on Service Delivery [experience] Identify areas for improvement Decide what is required to inform improvement Discuss the challenges eg Resource Limitations Discuss Professional Development Needs Notification to Chief Officer of issues that require resolve at higher management level

10 Conclusion Culture of Awareness of Quality and Patient Safety [Experiential and Education] Learning from Risk Notifications [Positive and Negative] Learning from outcomes of Quality Improvement Plans to inform Service Improvement Agenda Partnership working between the Organisation and the Public.

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