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Invitation to HGI’s Tokyo Forum, Dec 11, 2012 Focus on the Japanese Smart Home Ecosystem HGI invites members of the broadband and smart-home industries.

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Presentation on theme: "Invitation to HGI’s Tokyo Forum, Dec 11, 2012 Focus on the Japanese Smart Home Ecosystem HGI invites members of the broadband and smart-home industries."— Presentation transcript:

1 Invitation to HGI’s Tokyo Forum, Dec 11, 2012 Focus on the Japanese Smart Home Ecosystem HGI invites members of the broadband and smart-home industries to attend an open forum on the latest smart-home developments in the afternoon of Tuesday, December 11, at the NIHONBASHI VISION CENTER in Tokyo, Japan from 13:30 – 18:00. Attendees will also be welcomed at a cocktail reception from 18:00-20:00, where smart-home demonstrations will be given. This forum will update the HGI community and guests with the latest developments in the Japanese smart-home ecosystem, including home interconnect technologies, service provider solutions, and system and integrated circuit solutions. The forum will also inform the Japanese industry about the smart-home architecture being developed within the HGI, in cooperation with other SDOs and fora. The HGI’s member companies are developing the software platform requirements for a range of smart home services being deployed by the Broadband Service Providers and partners. If you would like to attend this Forum on Dec 11, please send an email to with your name, position, company, and contact details. Space is very limited. HGI members already attending the quarterly meeting in Tokyo Dec 11-14 need not register separately for the Forum. Companies wishing to become invited guests at the HGI quarterly meeting should contact HGI at the above email address.

2 HGI’s Tokyo Forum Program (v14) Data: 11 th, DEC, 2012 ; Place: NIHONBASHI VISION CENTER, Room 401 < Opening > □ 13:30-13:35 Welcome ( Takefumi YAMAZAKI HGI Board, NTT ) < Introduction of HGI > Session chair: Hans Werner Bitzer, Deutsche Telekom AG □ 13:35-13:45 Welcome and HGI Mission (Duncan Bees, HGI Chief Technology and Business Office) □ 13:45-13:55 HGI scope, HGI Test, and Smart Home Use Cases (Duncan Bees, HGI Chief Technology and Business Officer) □ 13:55-14:10 HGI Smart Home Architecture: (Andreas Sayegh, HGI SH-TF Chair, Deutsche Telekom AG) < Standardization activities in Japan > Session chair: Takefumi YAMAZAKI, NTT □ 14:10-14:25 Smart Grid-related Projects initiated by MIC, Japan (Hisanori NISHINO, Ministry of Internal affairs and Communications ) □ 14:25-14:40 Home network standardization activities in Japan ( Prof. Yasuo TAN, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology ) □ 14:40-15:00 Activities at ECHONET Consortium ( Shoji MOCHIZUKI, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation ) □ 15:00-15:20 Activities at Zigbee Alliance in Japan (Shigeru FUKUNAGA, OKI Electric Industry Co.,Ltd) □ 15:20-15:40 Activities at Wi-SUN Alliance(Hiroshi HARADA, National Institute of Infornation and Communications Technology ) □ 15:40-16:00 Brief introduction about demonstrations □ 16:00-16:30 Coffee Break & Demo < Use cases in Japan > Session chair: Lindsay Frost, NEC □ 16:30-16:45 Current activities on Home ICT at NTT East ( Nobuyuki AKAZAWA, NTT East ) □ 16:45-17:00 Smart house experiment of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (Tetsushi MATSUDA, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation) □ 17:00-17:15 SoC solutions for Home ICT (Yuichi TAKAHASHI, Hitachi, Ltd.) < Case studies from Europe and Wrap-up > Session chair: Duncan Bees, HGI □ 17:15-17:30 QIVICON - the Home Management Platform of Deutsche Telekom and Partners (Hans Werner Bitzer, HGI Board, DT) □ 17:30-17:45 Developing the Smart Home Ecosystem in France to enable the Smart Home market (Philippe Calvet, HGI Board, FT) □ 17:45-18:00 Summary of main points from the HGI Tokyo Forum (Duncan Bees, HGI CTO) □ 18:00-20:00 Networking Event & Demo

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