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Hosted by Mrs. Smith 100 200 400 300 400 ABCD 300 200 400 200 100 500 100 200 300 400 500 E.

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2 Hosted by Mrs. Smith

3 100 200 400 300 400 ABCD 300 200 400 200 100 500 100 200 300 400 500 E

4 What word means to share information by sending, collecting, and responding, to signals? Communicate

5 How does the cuttlefish communicate? By changing color and texture.

6 Name two senses that living things use to receive communications? Sight, smell, hearing, and touch

7 Who was the scientist that discovered boxlike shapes called cells? Robert Hooke

8 What do we call the basic building blocks of life? Cells.

9 What shape is a plant cell? Square/Rectangular or Boxlike

10 Name one of the two things that are not in an animal cell, but are in a plant cell. Cell Wall and Chloroplast

11 What is the jellylike material inside a cell called? Cytoplasm.

12 What do we call the control center or the brain of the cell? The nucleus

13 Plants need sunlight, water, air, and ______ to live. Minerals

14 _____ help hold the plant in the ground and take in water and minerals from the soil. Roots

15 A ______ is a naturally occurring substance that is neither plant nor animal. Mineral

16 The ____ carries minerals and water to the leaves. Stem

17 The main food-making parts of the plant are the_____. Leaves

18 Plants get their green color from _____. Chlorophyll

19 Leaves have tiny____ on the underside of the leaves. Airholes

20 Tiny airholes on leaves take in ______. carbon dioxide

21 Name the five stages a plant goes through during its life cycle? Begins life, Grows, Develops, Reproduces, and Dies.

22 What are the names of the two main groups of plants? Flowering Plants and Conifers

23 What do flowers turn into? Fruit

24 Conifers. What do we call trees that produce seeds in cones?

25 Flowering Plants. Are most of the plants in the world, flowering plants or conifers?

26 Female. Flowering plants have male and ________ parts.

27 Pollen and Eggs What two things must come together in order to make a seed?

28 By the wind, another animal or insect carrying the pollen. Name one way pollen can travel over to the eggs.

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