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SOCIAL MEDIA AS A SUPPORT FOR THE LEARNING PROCESS Thiago Ferreira de Toledo Everton Coimbra de Araújo Shiderlene Vieira de Almeida Nelson Miguel Betzek.

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Presentation on theme: "SOCIAL MEDIA AS A SUPPORT FOR THE LEARNING PROCESS Thiago Ferreira de Toledo Everton Coimbra de Araújo Shiderlene Vieira de Almeida Nelson Miguel Betzek."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOCIAL MEDIA AS A SUPPORT FOR THE LEARNING PROCESS Thiago Ferreira de Toledo Everton Coimbra de Araújo Shiderlene Vieira de Almeida Nelson Miguel Betzek Seville/2014 Federal University of Technology – Paraná – Brazil Research Group: ICT, Structured Data and Internet

2 Medianeira – Parana – Brazil

3 Topics  Introduction  Skills Required for Contemporary Learning  Internet  Social Media  Blogs  Microblogs  On-line Communication  Social Networks  Wiki  Final Considerations  References

4 INTRODUCTION  Social Media envolve a concept whose purpose is the production of digital content in a decentralized way[11].  Internet and social media has contributed to new forms to disseminate knowledge, such as: Blogs, Microblogs, Wiki, Online Communications and Social Networks.

5 Skills Required for Contemporary Learning  According to Pais [9]:  Creativity  Working with information  Ability to change information into knowledge  Overcoming exercise repetition

6 INTERNET Figura 1 - Internet of Things Fonte: Ipog [4]  According to Torres [12]: "The Internet is a network of millions of people from all social classes, seeking information, playing and relationship and they interact and interfere in any and all activities connected to society and business."

7 Internet in the educational process  There are several applications with educational focus on the Internet, which include:  Publications content;  Research applications;  Support teaching;  Communication.

8 Social Media Figura 2 – Social Media Fonte: Adnews [1]  To Torres [12]: "social media are internet sites that enable the creation and sharing of information and content by the people and for the people"

9 Blogs  To Araújo [2]: "The Blogs in its structural aspect of publication, are a Web page, updated frequently, composed of small paragraphs presented chronologically."

10 Blog applied to education  Blogs allow students to become authors of their own Webs sites and become readers of so many others.  According to Baltazar and Aguaded [3], there are different types of Blogs focusing on education, such as:  Teachers Blogs  Students Blogs  Disciplines Blogs

11 Microblogs  Microblogging is the act of posting short texts in a personal Blog, especially from instant messaging or from a cell [6].

12 Microblog applied to education  The practical use and mobility that Microblogs have allowed its use in the educational context, being used as a means to record daily or educational portfolios in a particular discipline.  The content produced by a student in Microblog may be supplemented, rejected or debated by the other students.  The notes made ​​ by students may be mediated by the teacher in order to maintain an acceptable level of discussion and force students to maintain focus on relevant content to be discussed.

13 On-line Communication  One of the most interesting features of the Internet is the ability to interact in real time among various people around the world. This power of communication allows the exchange of experience among thousands of people.

14 Motivation for using online communication  According to Moran [8], the use of the Internet in education increases motivation, and arouses the interest of students to participate in lessons, research and projects.

15 Social Networks  The social software are programs that act as social mediators and to foster the creation of networks of relationships through spaces where the user can add people from your circle of relationships, meet others who share the same interests and discuss various topics, building different links and among the private "selves" and public [7].

16 Virtual Social Networks Applied to Education  Mediate study groups;  Extra content available to students;  Share experiences and good examples;  Elaborate calendars of events and activities;  Create chats to answer questions and to promote communication.

17 Wiki  In the words of Leuf [5] Wiki is "a freely expandable collection of interlinked Web pages in a hypertext system for storing and modifying information - a database, where each page is easily edited by any user with a browser."

18 Wikis applied to education  According to Santamaria [10] this tool has the following educational potential:  Dynamically interact and collaborate with students;  Exchange ideas, create applications, propose lines of work for certain purposes;  Recreate or make glossaries, dictionaries, textbooks, manuals, repositories of lessons, texts topics, meetings;  Generate knowledge structures shared, collaborative that promotes the creation of communities of interest;  Integration within Edublogs because, although different in terms of design, can be integrated in a complementary way;  See complete history of modifications, allowing the teacher assess the registered evolution;  Students can collaboratively create, edit and delete existing text, assuming responsibility for themselves through the access log;  Wikis can be used to create work schedules and develop projects.

19 Final Considerations  The interaction between people through social media are extremely valuable to the acquisition of knowledge;  Social Media enable change in the social structure of society by allowing content production;  Social Media influence the way how educators teach and the way how students participate in classes;  The classes are becoming more autonomous, more interactive, intuitive and allow the participation of all, in any location with Internet access and at any time.

20 References  [1] AdNews. A sociedade pós mídias sociais. 2014. Disponível em:. Acesso em: 28 set. 2014.  [2] ARAÚJO, M. C. M. U. Potencialidades do uso do Blog em educação. Tese de Pós-Graduação em Educação, Linguagem e Formação do Leitor. Natal, 2009.  [3] BALTAZAR, N.; AGUADED, I. Weblogs como recurso tecnológico numa nova educação. Revista de Recensões de Comunicação e Cultura, 2005. Disponível em:. Acesso em: 15 mai. 2013.  [4] IPOG. Crescimento da internet faz com que profissionais de várias áreas busquem qualificação. 2014. Disponível em:. Acesso em: 28 set. 2014.  [5] LEUF, B.; CUNNINGHAM, W. Wiki Way - Quick Collaboration On The Web. Editor: Adisson Wesley, v. 1, p. 14, 2001.  [6] MCFEDRIES, P. All A-Twitter. Spectrum. IEEE Publication, v. 44. n. 10, p. 84, 2007.

21 References  [7] MACHADO, J. R.; TIJIBOY, A. V. Redes Sociais Virtuais: um espaço efetivação da aprendizagem cooperativa. CINTED-UFRGS, Rio Grande do Sul, v. 3, n. 1, mai. 2005.  [8] MORAN, J. M. Como utilizar a Internet na educação. Revista Ciência da Informação, v. 26, p. 146-153, mai./ago. 1997.  [9] PAIS, L. C. Educação escolar e as tecnologias da informática. Belo Horizonte: Autêntica, 2005.  [10] SANTAMARIA, F. G.; ABRAIRA, C. F. Wikis: posibilidades para el aprendizaje colaborativo em Educacion Superior. In L. Panizo et Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Computers in Education, v. 2, p. 371-378, 2006.  [11] SCHIVINSKI, B.; DABROWSKI, D. (2014). The effect of social media communication on consumer perceptions of brands. Journal of Marketing Communications. pp. 1-26. doi:10.1080/13527266.2013.871323. Disponível em:. Acesso em: 31 mar. 2013.  [12] TORRES, Cláudio. A Bíblia do Marketing Digital. São Paulo. Editora Novatec, 2009. 397p.

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