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Microfibre–nanowire hybrid structure for energy scavenging Kiarash Kiantaj 04/07/08 Yong Qin, Xudong Wang & Zhong Lin Wang-10.1038/nature06601.

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Presentation on theme: "Microfibre–nanowire hybrid structure for energy scavenging Kiarash Kiantaj 04/07/08 Yong Qin, Xudong Wang & Zhong Lin Wang-10.1038/nature06601."— Presentation transcript:

1 Microfibre–nanowire hybrid structure for energy scavenging Kiarash Kiantaj 04/07/08 Yong Qin, Xudong Wang & Zhong Lin Wang-10.1038/nature06601

2 Harvesting energy from environment Solar Thermal Mechanical (wind, friction, body movement or any environment disturbance) Foot steps Heartbeat Air flow Low frequency

3 piezoelectric zinc oxide nanowires Kevlar fibres coated with ZnO nanowires Hydrothermal growth TEOS (Tetraethoxysilane )

4 Characteristics Single crystalline nanowires hexagonal cross-section diameter in the range,50–200 nm length of 3.5 um Distance of few hundred nm

5 double-fibre model system as nanogenerator

6 300 nm gold layer Schottky barrier at Au-ZnO interface +V( reverse biased) -V (forward biased)

7 switching polarity testing Ri<250Mohm Two peaks 0.2 s delay

8 friction-induced electrostatic charges Only Au coated ZnO nanowire fibersOnly ZnO nanowire fibers

9 Frequency range: 80-240 rpm

10 Improvements: Reducing the inner resistance of the fiber Deposition of a conductive layer directly onto the fiber reduction of inner resistance to 1 k-ohm surface contact area single yarn made of 6 fibers average current of 0.2 nA 30–50 times larger than single-fiber Series and parallel setup

11 Life time

12 Estimation of optimum output power density from textile fabrics:20–80mW per square meter

13 The end



16 “I-V characteristic of ZnO NW coated fiber measured using the circuit as presented at the right-hand side, where silver was used as the electrodes. The inner resistance of the 4 mm fiber used here is ~ 250 MΩ.”

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