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William E. Newell 2007 Athletic Training Student Awards Luncheon Sponsored by the National Basketball Association.

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1 William E. Newell 2007 Athletic Training Student Awards Luncheon Sponsored by the National Basketball Association

2 William E. “Pinky” Newell Memorial Scholarship Known as a founding father of NATA Former NATA Executive Secretary Longtime Head Athletic Trainer Purdue University NATA Hall of Fame Class of 1972 Along with Bill Chambers began NATA student scholarship program Sponsored by Chattanooga Group

3 William H. “Bill” Chambers Scholarship Past President NATA Long time chair Scholarship Committee Raised close to 1.7 million dollars in scholarship funding 976 scholarships awarded NATA Hall of Fame Class of 1986 Along with Pinky Newell began the NATA student scholarship program Sponsored by Johnson & Johnson Sports Medicine Group

4 Richard E. Vandervoort Memorial Scholarship Sponsored by National Basketball Athletic Trainers’ Association and Vandervoort Foundation 4 scholarships awarded NATA Hall of Fame Class of 1988 First Student Member of NATA Integral part in the restructuring of the NATA in 1969 President of the National Basketball Trainers Association for 10 years

5 Otho Davis Memorial Scholarship Sponsored by PDMA Field Inventory Services, Inc and Sponsored by Johnson & Johnson Sports Medicine Group 2 Scholarships Awarded Former Executive Director of NATA Longtime Head Athletic Trainer of the Philadelphia Eagles NATA Hall of Fame Class of 1981 Recognized as an outstanding teacher, author and active member of the NATA

6 Sayers “Bud” Miller Memorial Scholarship NATA Hall of Fame Class of 1980 Former chair of the Profession Education Committee One of the most active athletic trainers in terms of writing articles and books, conducting research projects, consulting, speaking at workshops and getting involved in professional societies Sponsored by National Football League Charities

7 Ralph Salvon Memorial Scholarship Head Athletic Trainer Baltimore Orioles 1968-1987 Revered Member of PBATS Sponsored by Professional Baseball Athletic Trainers’ Society

8 Janet Bristor Memorial Scholarship Former Head Athletic Trainer at Trinity University where she initiated Athletic Training Student Program Believed knowledge was the key to unlock future opportunities Friends & former colleagues wanted Janet’s memory and dedication to live on in this memorial scholarship benefiting students Sponsored by Friends of Janet Bristor

9 NATA Past Presidents Scholarship This scholarship honors all past NATA presidents Bobby Gunn 1970-1974 Mark Smaha 1988-1992 Frank George 1974-1978 Denny Miller 1992-1996 Bill Chambers 1978-1982 Kent Falb 1996-2000 Bobby Barton 1982-1986 Julie Max 2000-2004 Jerry Rhea 1986-1988 Sponsored by National Football League Charities

10 Chuck Cramer Memorial Scholarship NATA Hall of Fame Class of 1962 Original National Secretary of NATA Co-Founder of Cramer Products Honorary Member of NATA Selected to the first-ever Olympic athletic training staff for the 1932 U.S. Olympic Team Sponsored by Cramer Products, Inc.

11 Frank Cramer Memorial Scholarship Co-Founder Cramer Products NATA Hall of Fame Class of 1962 Extensively involved in the formation of the NATA First Honorary Member of NATA Member of the Medical Committee of the USOC who selected athletic trainers and doctors for Olympic Games Sponsored by Cramer Products, Inc.

12 Jack Cramer Memorial Scholarship Former Chairman of the Board of Cramer Products Honorary member of the NATA Longtime supporter of the Certified Athletic Trainer Sponsored by National Athletic Trainers’ Association

13 William Tessendorf Scholarship Head Athletic Trainer of the Baltimore Ravens Former President of the Great Lakes Athletic Trainers Association Recipient of NATA Most Distinguished Athletic Trainer Revered Member of PFATS Sponsored by Professional Football Athletic Trainers’ Society/Gatorade

14 Katie Burke Memorial Scholarship Undergraduate athletic training student at East Tennessee State University from 1989-1993. Became ill during her senior year and passed away in 1996. Known for her dedication and enthusiasm for the profession Sponsored by Tinactin

15 Jeff Snedeker Memorial Scholarship Athletic Trainer with NY Jets Long time Athletic Trainer with Milwaukee Bucks Revered member of NBATA Sponsored by National Basketball Athletic Trainers’ Association

16 Mark Smaha Scholarship Past President of NATA NATA Hall of Fame Class of 1997 Member of Memorial Resolution Committee Nominated NCAA Award of Valor in 1982 Sponsored by Northwest Athletic Trainers’ Association/NATA District 10

17 Jack Rockwell Scholarship NATA Hall of Fame Class of 1997 Former Executive Secretary of NATA Integral part of NATA during its developmental time Former Athletic Trainer at University of Colorado and St. Louis Football Cardinals Sponsored by Far West Athletic Trainers’ Association/NATA District 8

18 Donald J. Fauls Memorial Scholarship Athletic Trainer at Florida State University from 1954-1986. NATA Hall of Fame Class of 1981 Worked as athletic trainer for US Pan American Team Member of the Olympic Training Selection Committee Sponsored by NATA Foundation Golf Classic/Gatorade

19 Gail Weldon Memorial Scholarship Pioneer in the advancement of women in the field of athletic training NATA Hall of Fame Class of 1995 First female athletic trainer hired by the Amateur Basketball Association Second Female member of NATA First women athletic trainer hired by the U.S. Olympic Committee Sponsored by NATA Foundation Golf Classic/Gatorade

20 William F. X. Linskey Memorial Scholarship NATA Hall of Fame Class of 1967 Began career in athletic training in 1934 as ATC for Boston Olympic Team Became the first athletic trainer in Northeastern University history Member of the athletic training staff for the 1959 Pan American Games Sponsored by Johnson & Johnson Sports Medicine Group

21 Dr. Jack Hughston Memorial Scholarship A founding father of sports medicine Avid supporter of Certified Athletic Trainer NATA Presidents Challenge Award recipient Former Team Physician Auburn University Sponsored by the Hughston Sports Medicine Foundation

22 Larry Ashley Memorial Scholarship Revered member of PHATS Long time athletic trainer with the Vancouver Canucks Instrumental in starting of PHATS Member Hockey Hall of Fame Sponsored by the Professional Hockey Athletic Trainers’ Society

23 NATA Memorial Scholarship This scholarship is to honor all deceased NATA members Sponsored by all NATA districts

24 Denny and Linda Miller Scholarship Denny Past President of the NATA Head Athletic Trainer Purdue University NATA Hall of Fame Class of 2001 Linda Avid supporter of the Certified Athletic Trainer Sponsored by Purdue Athletic Training Family and The Shelbourne Knee Center

25 Julie Max Scholarship NATA Hall of Fame Class of 2007 Past President NATA First female president in NATA history NATA Most Distinguished Athletic Trainer Head Athletic Trainer California State- Fullerton Sponsored by dj Orthopedics

26 Warren Lee Memorial Scholarship Past members NATA Board of Directors Athletic Trainer for the University of Arizona 1968-1982 Avid supporter youth sports in Tucson, Arizona Sponsored by Rocky Mountain Athletic Trainers’ Association/NATA District 7

27 Robert H. Gunn Memorial Scholarship First President of the NATA in 1970 Former Head Athletic Trainer of Washington Redskins and Houston Oilers NATA Hall of Fame Class of 1975 Sponsored by National Football League Charities

28 Edward Block Courage Society Scholarship Longtime athletic trainer with Baltimore Colts Revered member of PFATS Dedicated much of his life to helping abused and neglected children Sponsored by Professional Football Athletic Trainers’ Society

29 Blynn DeNiro Memorial Scholarship Revered member of PHATS Assistant Athletic Trainer for Los Angeles Rams First Athletic Trainer for Anaheim Mighty Ducks Sponsored by the Professional Hockey Athletic Trainers’ Society

30 Thomas J. Kerin Memorial Scholarship NATA Hall of Fame Class of 1993 Head Athletic Trainer University of Tennessee until his untimely death in 1992 Chairman of NATA's Annual Meeting and Clinical Symposium Chairman of the SEATA's Awards Committee Sponsored by DeRoyal Sports Medicine

31 Kent & Maxine Falb Scholarship Kent NATA Hall of Fame Class of 1999 Past President of NATA Head Athletic Trainer Detroit Lions 1967-2000 Maxine Avid supporter of the Certified Athletic Trainer Sponsored by National Football League Charities

32 Karen Toburen Scholarship NATA Hall of Fame Class of 1999 Chair of the NATA Convention Committee Vice-Chair of the JRCAT Member of the Continuing Education Committee Athletic trainer for the Olympic Games in Seoul, Korea Educator and program director for most of her professional career Sponsored by Karen Toburen, EdD, ATC

33 G.E. “Moose” Detty Memorial Scholarship NATA Hall of Fame Class of 1994 Former Athletic Trainer Philadelphia Eagles Invented neoprene rubber sleeves for care and treatment of athletes Founder of PRO Orthopedics Sponsored by Friends of G.E. “Moose” Detty and PRO Orthopedics

34 Larry “Stosh” Newman Memorial Scholarship Revered member of PFATS Former Minnesota Vikings Assistant Athletic Trainer who battled brain cancer Sponsored by the Professional Football Athletic Trainers’ Society/Gatorade

35 Eddie Wojecki Memorial Scholarship NATA Hall of Fame Class of 1965 One of early authorities in the athletic training profession Considered the founder of NATA Certification Long time athletic trainer at Rice University Sponsored by the Southwest Athletic Trainers’ Association/NATA District 6

36 Harold Mundy Memorial Scholarship Sports Medicine Supply Distributor Very supportive of the athletic trainer. Was known to donate supplies to athletic trainers who lacked funds to stock their athletic training rooms. Sponsored by McNeil Consumer Healthcare

37 Norm Mackie Memorial Scholarship One of the founder of PHATS Member Hockey Hall of Fame Athletic trainer with several professional hockey teams Revered member of PHATS Sponsored by Professional Hockey Athletic Trainers’ Society

38 Dean Kleinschmidt Scholarship NATA Hall of Fame Class of 1994 Three terms as President of Professional Football Athletic Trainers Society Former Head Athletic Trainer New Orleans Saints and Washington Redskins Former Member of Scholarship Committee Sponsored by the Professional Football Athletic Trainers’ Society /Gatorade

39 Frank George Scholarship NATA Hall of Fame Class of 1991 Past President NATA Head Athletic Trainer Brown University Former Chairman of Grants and Scholarship Committee Supervisor of athletic trainers for Lake Placid Olympics Sponsored by Eastern Athletic Trainers’ Association/NATA District 1 & 2

40 Lindsy McLean Scholarship NATA Hall of Fame Class of 1988 Known for pioneering work in developing examination and certification requirements for NATA Former Head Athletic Trainer San Francisco 49ers Past Chair of Former NATA Certification Committee Former Member of Professional Advancement Committee Sponsored by the NATA Board of Certification

41 Bobby Barton Scholarship NATA Hall of Fame Class of 1996 Past President NATA Head Athletic Trainer and Educator Eastern Kentucky University since 1976 Former member NATA Placement Committee, Public Relations Committee and NATA-REF Board of Directors Sponsored by the Southeastern Athletic Trainers’ Association/NATA District 9

42 Gary Delforge Scholarship NATA Hall of Fame Class of 1988 A founding father of Athletic Training Education Member of NATA Professional Education Committee of over 17 years Former Director of Athletic Training Education programs at University of Arizona and Arizona School of Health Sciences Served as Chairman of NATA Board of Directors Sponsored by Friends of Gary Delforge

43 Del Humphrey Memorial Scholarship In 1962 purchases Schutt Manufacturing Company and lobbies to make faceguards mandatory for football Developed the loop strap faceguard attachment system Long time friend of the late Pinky Newell One of original sponsors of student scholarships Sponsored by Schutt Manufacturing Company

44 Jerry Rhea Scholarship NATA Hall of Fame Class of 1985 Past President NATA Long time Head Athletic Trainer for Atlanta Falcons Sponsored by National Football League Charities

45 Jimmie Warfield Memorial Scholarship Long time athletic trainer with Cleveland Indians Held in great esteem by professional baseball athletic trainers Sponsored by Baseball Team Medicine Conference

46 Bill Buhler Memorial Scholarship NATA Hall of Fame Class of 1996 Athletic trainer who moved with Dodgers from Brooklyn to Los Angeles Initiated icing pitchers' shoulders and elbows to minimize the effects of micro trauma Innovator of safety equipment to help protect baseball players. Sponsored by Baseball Team Medicine Conference

47 Joe & Sally Gieck Scholarship Joe NATA Hall of Fame Class of 1990 Long time Head Athletic Trainer and Professor at The University of Virginia Recipient of NATA Distinguished Educator of the Year Sally Avid supporter of the Athletic Trainer Sponsored by the Joe and Sally Gieck Charitable Fund

48 William Prentice Scholarship Sayers “Bud” Miller Distinguished Athletic Training Educator Award in 1997 Most Distinguished Athletic Trainer Award in 1999 National Athletic Trainers’ Association's Hall of Fame Class of 2004 Noted author of many athletic training textbooks Longtime athletic trainer and educator at University of North Carolina –Chapel Hill Sponsored by Mid-Atlantic Athletic Trainers’ Association/NATA District 3

49 Roland “Duke” La Rue Memorial Scholarship Sponsored by Mid-America Athletic Trainers’ Association/NATA District 5 NATA Hall of Fame Class of 1990 Long time educator and mentor at University of Nebraska - Lincoln Athletic therapist for the U.S. Olympic teams in 1972 and 1980 George Sullivan Athletic Trainer of the Year Award in 1993

50 Ronnie Barnes Scholarship Sponsored by the Ronnie Barnes Endowed Scholarship Fund Inaugural Scholarship 2007 NATA Hall of Fame Class of 1999 Long time Head Athletic Trainer New York Giants Former member of NATA Board of Certification Tim Kerin Award for Excellence in Education Former President NATA-REF Former President Professional Football Athletic Trainers’ Society

51 Linda Weber Daniel Memorial Scholarship Sponsored by Great Lakes Athletic Trainers’ Association/District 4 Inaugural Scholarship 2007 Eddie Wojecki Award, N.A.T.A. Board of Certification 1995 Induction into the Ohio State University Athletic Hall of Fame 1997 Inducted into the Ohio Athletic Trainers’ Association Hall of Fame 1998 Former Co-Head Athletic Trainer the Ohio State University

52 Z. Mel Blickenstaff Memorial Scholarship Sponsored by Great Lakes Athletic Trainers’ Association/District 4 Inaugural Scholarship 2007 NATA Hall of Fame Class of 1978 Long time Head Athletic Trainers at Indiana State University Athletic Trainer of 1976 Montreal Olympics

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