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NIXA PUBLIC SCHOOLS: SUICIDE INTERVENTION & PREVENTION Statistics, interventions and resources for students and parents.

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Presentation on theme: "NIXA PUBLIC SCHOOLS: SUICIDE INTERVENTION & PREVENTION Statistics, interventions and resources for students and parents."— Presentation transcript:

1 NIXA PUBLIC SCHOOLS: SUICIDE INTERVENTION & PREVENTION Statistics, interventions and resources for students and parents

2 SUICIDE: What are the statistics?  National suicide statistics:  In 2013, there were 41,149 suicides in the U.S. (112.7 suicides/day, 1 suicide every 12.8 minutes)  Suicide is the 10 th leading cause of death in the U.S.  Males complete suicide at a rate of 3.5x that of females. However, females attempt suicide 3x more often than males  Suicide rates are the highest among those aged 45-54, white males and Native Americans  Suicide is the SECOND leading cause of death among 15-24 year olds behind accidents and before homicides  Missouri ranks 18 th in the nation for its rate of reported suicides (2013) as compared to 22 nd in 2010  Missouri Suicide Statistics:  (include Lost and Found info)

3 SUICIDE: What are the risk factors for youth?  The 2011 Youth Risk and Behavior Survey found that in the previous 12 months among high school students: *15.8% seriously considered suicide *12.8% made a plan for suicide *7.8% attempted suicide 1 or more times *2.4% made a suicide attempt that had to be treated by a doctor or nurse  RISK FACTORS: mental illness, substance abuse, firearms in household, previous suicide attempts, non-suicidal self-injury, exposure to friends/family members’ suicide, low self-esteem, parental history of violence, trauma or abuse, psychiatric hospitalization, frequent mobility, history of violent/impulsive/reckless behaviors, stress (academic etc.)  Missouri Suicide Statistics:  (include Lost and Found info)

4 SUICIDE: What are we seeing in Nixa?  Elementary: spectrum of extreme behavioral issues such as acting out and withdrawal; desensitization to violence (video games, movies, television)  Junior High/High School: Increase in the number of students talking about suicide and seeking help from counselors  More acceptable to discuss, but may be used to manipulate at times  Parents are referring students (often students other than their own children)  Issues often related to suicidal ideation: substance abuse, parental relationships strained or dysfunctional, lack of healthy coping skills (drugs, sex, cutting), unresolved sexuality issues, depression/anxiety (mental illness)  Missouri Suicide Statistics:  (include Lost and Found info)

5 Nixa Public Schools… What are we doing to address suicide prevention??  The school district provides certified school counselors in each building  Two staff members received suicide prevention training through NPS At-Risk funding and are utilized to provide training to staff and students  Outside speakers have been brought in to speak to students and parents and public forums and opportunities have been provided for community education in the past  There is a commitment to continue to make suicide prevention an important component of the district’s professional development plan

6 Suicide Prevention Training…  “QPR”-Question, Persuade, Refer  The “QPR” method of suicide prevention is not a form of therapy! ANYONE can use this intervention!  Warning signs: verbal/non-verbal, situational  QUESTION: Directly or indirectly, ask the person if they have thought about suicide  PERSUADE: Listen to the person (do not judge) and reassure them that you want them to live and you will try to help them get the help they need  REFER: Find others they trust and help build a circle of support, help-lines, counselors, clergy, doctors, mental health agencies and emergency resources, etc.

7 WHO CAN I CALL? Call your child’s school counselor!!!

8 OTHER HELPFUL RESOURCES: Local Crisis numbers: *Burrell ACI Crisis Line-1-800-494-7355 or 761-5555 (Access Crisis Intervention (ACI) *Burrell Crisis Line-417-761-5555 (toll free: 1-800-494-7355) *1-800-273-TALK (8255) *1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433) *911 (or physically take person to the emergency room) *If there is a therapist already involved, try to contact that person if possible Websites: * * (Mo Department of Mental Health) * (American Psychological Association) * * Information on depression: * (National Alliance on Mental Illness) * * *

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