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The Rainforest By: Catherine Sullivan. What is causing the rainforest to disappear? What percent of the rainforest is already gone?  90% of the rainforest.

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Presentation on theme: "The Rainforest By: Catherine Sullivan. What is causing the rainforest to disappear? What percent of the rainforest is already gone?  90% of the rainforest."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rainforest By: Catherine Sullivan

2 What is causing the rainforest to disappear? What percent of the rainforest is already gone?  90% of the rainforest is already gone, because people are cutting down trees to build homes.

3 What is the name of the tribe living in the rainforest, what are their customs?  Baka is the tribe living in the rainforest. They believe the rainforest is their parent.

4 Meat is easier to get in the USA than in the rainforest. List all the different animals they get meat from.  The Baka tribe gets meat from monkeys, hippos, elephants, and okapi.

5 List and describe four different animals.  GORILLAS- Africa has three species of gorillas.  AFRICAN FOREST ELEPHANTS- This animal spreads seeds through the rainforest.  PYGMY HIPPOPOTAMUS- This animal lives in the low rainforest wetlands.  OKAPI- The Okapi is a shy vegetarian feeding on fruits and leaves.

6 One plant in the rainforest is used widely throughout the world. What is the name of this plant? Describe it.  Mahogany’s valuable wood is used to make furniture, staircases, and house paneling and flooring.

7 What is the climate, the average temperature, and the average rainfall?  Average Rainfall- 63-79 inches a year  Average Temperature- 80 degrees  Climate- sunny and wet

8 What countries have rainforests in them? - Burundi - Cameroon - Nigeria - Congo Kinshassa - Rwanda - Sierra Leone - Ghana - Guinea - Liberia - Central African Republic - Cote D’Lvoire - Congo Brazzaville - Equatorial Guinea - Gabon

9 What is the main reason rainforests are being cut down?  People cut down rainforests so they can sell goods around the world, and build homes.

10 The African Rainforest grows in the Congo River Basin. What large river runs through the basin?  The Congo River runs through the rainforest.

11 List and describe three types of rainforest found in the rainforest.  Oil Palm, Mahogany, and Okume are 3 types of vegetation found in the rainforest.  - Oil Palm accounts for 14% of the world’s plant oil.  - The Mahogany’s wood is highly valuable.  - Okume accounts for 90% of the trees logged in Gabon’s rainforest.


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