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Immigration, Imperialism, & Industry All three of these terms have both their good and bad side when it comes to the development of our country into a.

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Presentation on theme: "Immigration, Imperialism, & Industry All three of these terms have both their good and bad side when it comes to the development of our country into a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Immigration, Imperialism, & Industry All three of these terms have both their good and bad side when it comes to the development of our country into a world power All three of these terms have both their good and bad side when it comes to the development of our country into a world power None of these statements are justification of the bad in the name of the good…they are explanations of both sides of the same issue None of these statements are justification of the bad in the name of the good…they are explanations of both sides of the same issue

2 Immigration

3 Statue of Liberty & Ellis Island

4 Immigration Act of 1882 ► Stated that a 50 cents tax would be levied on all aliens landing at United States ports

5 Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 ► Provided an absolute 10-year moratorium on Chinese labor immigration

6 Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt Great White Fleet

7 “Teddy-Bear” Politics

8 TR as President ► “I wish to preach not the doctrine of ignoble ease but the doctrine of the strenuous life…” ~ Roosevelt in Chicago 1899 just after taking office as NY Governor


10 The Sun Never Sets On the British Empire

11 Beveridge’s Glut Thesis ► Said the economic frontier here at home was closed and we needed to expand ► Gave an image of American business and democracy as a universal good Sen. Albert Beveridge

12 20 th Century Labor Pool ► Immigrants would provide only part of that labor pool…at the turn of the 20th century, the rest of that labor would come from women and children ► The effects of these business choices would haunt capitalist leaders well into the 20th century

13 Who is this?

14 Fred Rogers ► Longtime host of PBS’ “Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood” “Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood”

15 Keating-Owen Labor Act of 1915

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