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1 CPSC 320: Intermediate Algorithm Design and Analysis July 16, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "1 CPSC 320: Intermediate Algorithm Design and Analysis July 16, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 CPSC 320: Intermediate Algorithm Design and Analysis July 16, 2014

2 2 Course Outline Introduction and basic concepts Asymptotic notation Greedy algorithms Graph theory Amortized analysis Recursion Divide-and-conquer algorithms Randomized algorithms Dynamic programming algorithms NP-completeness

3 3 Union-Find Data Structure

4 4

5 5 Tree implementation

6 6 Cost claims

7 7 Amortized Analysis

8 8 Amortized cost

9 9 Potential Method

10 10 Union-Find with Path Compression

11 11 Proof – Potential Function

12 12 Proof – Potential Function

13 13 Proof – Create operation

14 14 Proof – Union operation

15 15 Proof – Find operation

16 16 Proof – Find operation

17 17 Proof – Find operations

18 18 Proof – Conclusion

19 19 Recurrence Relations

20 20 Recursive Functions

21 21 Recurrence Relations

22 22 Guess and Test

23 23 Guess and Test

24 24 Guess and Test

25 25 Guess and Test

26 26 Guess and Test

27 27 Guess and Test

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