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Bald Eagle By Joshua C..

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1 Bald Eagle By Joshua C.

2 Physical Characteristics
They have a white head and tail. They have a beak that is large and hooked. They have a body length from cm. They weigh from 5.5lbs. to 17lbs.

3 Behavioral Characteristics
It’s a very powerful flier. It migrates from the north to the south or to the coast. The bald eagle selects migration routes which take advantage of thermals , updrafts, and food resources.

4 Habitat They live near rivers. They also near seacoasts and oceans.
They live near large bodies of water.

5 Food Preferences They will eat all sorts of fish such as salmon.
They eat trout. They eat rabbits, raccoons, beavers, and small deer. They eat ducks and geese.

6 Interesting Facts They can build nests that can weigh 1.1 tons.
They can fly up to kilometers per hour. There are legends that say the bald eagle got it’s white head from the sun. The largest bald eagle nest ever seen weighed about 2,000 pounds.

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