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The theory behind Functional Programming Functional: based on lambda calculus / combinators, recursion theory, category theory. By contrast with other.

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Presentation on theme: "The theory behind Functional Programming Functional: based on lambda calculus / combinators, recursion theory, category theory. By contrast with other."— Presentation transcript:

1 The theory behind Functional Programming Functional: based on lambda calculus / combinators, recursion theory, category theory. By contrast with other paradigms: Functions ONLY! Defining functions Defining data types

2 Category Theory Abstract view of functions as “arrows” with domains and codomains as their “source” and “target” objects Things to watch: How we compose arrows Which arrows can be composed How objects can be seen as identity arrows How we connect categories with functors

3 Resources on Category Theory +Category+Theory+&ie=utf-8&oe=utf- 8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en- US:official&client=firefox-a

4 Definition of a Category Tw classes: Objects A,B,C,… and Arrows f,g,h,… For each arrow f : A->B, two objects A=dom(f) B=cod(f) If f:A->B and g:B->C, their composition, denoted g. f : A->C exists For each object A the arrow 1_A : A->A exists For arrows f:A->B,g:B->C,h:C->D composition is associative: h. (g. f) = (h. g).f For f:A->B, 1_A is a unit arrow: f. 1_A=f=1_B. f

5 Examples of Categories Finite sets with functions Groups with group homomorphisms Vector spaces with linear mappings Graphs with graph homomorphisms Topological spaces with continuous functions Posets and monotone functions

6 Functional programming seen as a category Objects: monomorphic data types: Integer, Boolean, records of employees Arrows: functions between data types Id:: a -> a provides 1_a for each type a “.” provides composition – and it is defined if types match Function composition is associative

7 Functors a (covariant) functor F : C → D: – for each object x in C, an object F(x) in D – for each arrow f : x → y in C, an arrow F(f) : F(x) → F(y), such that the following two properties hold: – For every object x in C, F(1 x ) = 1 F(x) ; – For all morphisms f : x → y and g : y → z, F(g ∘ f) = F(g) ∘ F(f). Of special interest: endofunctors F:C->C

8 The Initial Algebra Semantics for polymorphic data types (1) F-algebra: can be used to represent data structures used in programming, such as lists and trees. Defined such that the following diagram commutes:data structuresprogramminglists

9 The Initial Algebra Semantics for polymorphic data types (2) the functor F: Set -> Set that sends a set X to 1+X + denotes the usual coproduct (also called “sum”) given by disjoint union, and 1 is a terminal object (i.e. any singleton set) the set N of natural numbers together with the function succ : 1+N->N, is the + of the functions zero : 1->N (whose image is 0) and succ : 1+N->N (which sends an integer n to n+1) is an initial F- algebra

10 The Initial Algebra Semantics for polymorphic data types (3) Types defined by using least fixed point construct with functor F can be regarded as an initial F- algebra, provided that parametricity holds for the typeleast fixed pointparametricity Examples: data N = Zero | Succ N data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a) map provides the functor definition for lists: it preserves the structure while changing its payload

11 More Functors Folds

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