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Presentation on theme: "DEALING OF FIRE AND RE-OPENING AT RK-NT Inc,SRP Area."— Presentation transcript:


2 General Information about the Mine Name of the mine: Ravindrakhani New Tech Inc Location of the mine: Mine is situated 14kms from Manchiryal Rly. Stn in Adilabad,Dist,(A.P) Opening of the Mine: 19-10-1983 No.of Seams: 2 (No.1A, 1 seam) Parting between both :16 mtrs to 20 mtrs. Seams Average Gradient: 1 in 4.2 Mine take Area: 344 Ha. Targeted Productin :4.62 Lakh Tonnes. Worked out panels by Caving:1A-N1,1A-N2,1A-1,1A-2,1A-3,1A-4 :1-N1,1-N2,1S-1,1S-2,1S-3 Working districts: 1A-6,1A-5,1S-6, 1S4 caving depillaring panels. Contd..

3 About the mine  8 SDL’s were worked with pony belt conveyor system in 4 depillaring caving panels.  Men on roll of the mine was 1622  The mine was provided with Chair Lift Man riding system from surface to 39 L/1A seam for a distance of 1.16KMs.







10 Works engaged on playday in I Shift (13.07.2008) Gear box drain plugs and Gear oil changing work to S8 SDL at 1S6 panel. (Welding work Engaged) Track roller changing work to S5 SDL at 1A6 panel. (Welding work Engaged) Cable changing work to S3 SDL at 1A6 panel. 3 Lakh fan and 150 HP hauler maintenance Hauler Rope re-coiling work at 1AS/33R

11 Supervision & manpower engaged on playday (13.07.2008) DesignationI shiftII ShiftIII shift Roster Officer &Engineer HOM/OM02 MS/SF02 MCH01-- E/FM02-- Electrician0601 Fitter0601 Welder02-- Pop07 Others3403 Total6216

12 Events prior to the occurrence of fire : In 1A-6 panel in 31 LN gallery S5 SDL right traction rollers replacement was arranged. They have completed the gas welding work by 11.30am, stopped the work at 1.30pm and came to surface by 2.20 pm. This work was done by Sri. Sadaiah, Fitter with the help of gas cutting by Sri SIAA Saleem, Welder. In 1A-6 31A LN gallery trailing cable changing work was done for S-3 SDL by 1.45 PM, by Sri Venkatrajam, Electrician with his crew. In 1S-6 panel S-8 SDL oil filling in traction gear box was done by Sri Vijaya Rama Rao, Fitter and SDL Canopy welding work has carried out by Sri Venugopal Raju, welder with his crew. completed the work at about 11:15am

13 Events prior to the occurrence of fire : In panel 1S-4 for S-7 SDL restoration of remote control work was done by 12:30 pm. After the completion of cable changing work at 31 A LN /34 dip it is reported that they were coming up along 33 dip and they reported that some smoke was noticed in 30 LN/33 dip. It is also reported that traction rollers changing work was completed by 1.30 pm. This crew has observed smoke coming from in bye of the 36 dip/ 31L, they have escaped along 31 level along belt section.



16 Chronology of Events prior to the occurrence of fire : 12.30 PM Fan operator observed the smell. 1.10 PM Fan stopped by Sri V. Venkata Rao, Electrician for planned repairs of MOCB, at RK-NT sub-station by work shop. 2.15PM Power restored. 2.20 PMFan started –black smoke noticed 2.50 PM All persons were removed from Under Ground.

17 Rescue Events in Initial Hours 3.30PM Incharge MRS, MM, Supt. MRS, RG have reached to the spot. 5.05 PM Rescue team collected Samples from Fan Evasee 6.00 PM Rescue team inspected main return at 3L/1A Seam, CO found 1200 ppm and main return 0L/1Seam, CO found more than 2000. 6.00 PM Established control room on surface at RKNT. 8.40 PM Two rescue teams proceeded to Underground to short circuit the 1A seam & 1Seam. ventilation circuit. Samples collected from 1Seam & 1A seam. observed dense smoke and CO more than 2000 ppm 8.50 PMDecision was taken to seal off the Mine entries

18 Closure of Mine Entries 9.00PM to 10.30 PM Air shaft (intake) was temporarily closed. 11.00PM TO 6.00 AMClosed Manway and Main Incline 6.05AM300hp Main Fan stopped 6.15 AM to 11.20AMUpcast Shaft and Down cast Shaft were closed on 14/07/08

19 ANALYSIS RESULTS OF SAMPLES TAKEN AT RK NT BEFORE SEALING SL NO. DateLocationCO 2 O2O2 COCH 4 H2H2 N2N2 CO/O 2 Ratio Effecti ve combu stibles Effect ive inerts CO 2 /O 2 Ratio Ratio 1 13-07-08, 5.30 pm Fan evasee 1.83017.5501.2800.3200.85078.17040.6401.89514.22557.1500.131 2 13-07-08, 8.15 pm Fan evasee 1.39018.2001.1380.2600.89078.12245.7601.82811.04754.6860.114 13-07-08,10.05 pm 1L N/ 1S4.39012.7504.4400.9303.18074.31064.0936.68132.44562.9380.109 3 14-07-08,1.45 am Fan evasee 1.66017.9601.2700.2701.010 77.83047.9322.04112.07261.5190.106 4 14-07-08,3.15 am Fan evasee 2.30017.0701.4000.3601.150 77.72039.8812.35816.30464.6640.124




23 Dealing/ Monitoring of Fire  Surface Bore holes(18 Nos) plugging done.  Crack Filling over goaved out panels was done.  Mine air samples not obtained due to negative pressures after closing of mine entries and with establishment of pressure balance chambers (sliding doors with auxiliary fans) at Manway, Main Incline on 18/07/08 and Fan shaft on 21/07/08 and Air samples were collected.

24 Dealing/ Monitoring of Fire  Surface Bore holes(3 nos) were drilled to 1A Seam and 1Seam for inertisation and monitoring of gas samples.  372 ( each 7000 lit) nos. of CO2 cylinders were flushed through to surface bore holes and Air shafts.  10 tonnes of liquid CO2 was flushed through return air shaft.  Air samples were collected from surface bore holes, mine entries and inter seam bore holes from RK-7.  Bore holes temperature was monitored.  Regular inspection and monitoring was done.  All the works were carried out under Rescue cover.

25 Interpretation of Mine Air samples Interpretation of mine air samples from 14.07.08 to 05.08.08 revealed the fire has died down. Details are as below.  Oxygen was dropped to 0.961% from 17%.  Carbon monoxide was dropped to 0 from 4.440%.  Methane dropped to 0.725% from 1.360%.  Hydrogen was dropped to 0% from 3.180%.  Effective combustibles were dropped to 0.72 from 6.710.  CO/O2 ratio was dropped to 0 from 64.  Effective inert was increased to 99 from 11.  Carbon dioxide was increased to 8 % from 2.3 %.  R value was increased to 1 from 0.1 resulted in reduction of explosive mixture area.

26 ANALYSIS RESULTS OF SAMPLES - PRE/POST SEALING AT RK NT SL Date & Time Place CO 2 O2O2 COCH 4 H2H2 N2N2 CO/O 2 ECEI CO 2 /O 2 Remarks 113-07-08,5.30pmFan1.83017.5501.2800.3200.85078.1740.6401.89514.2357.15 Pre Sealing 213-07-08,8.15pmFan1.39018.2001.1380.2600.89078.1245.7601.82811.0554.69 313-07-08,10.05pm 1LN/1 S 4.39012.7504.4400.9303.18074.3164.0936.68132.4562.94 414-07-08,1.45amFan1.66017.9601.2700.2701.01077.8347.9322.04112.0761.52 514-07-08, 3.15amFan2.30017.0701.4000.3601.15077.7239.8812.35816.3064.66 614-07-08, 2.00pmMWD9.9103.6703.5301.3603.15078.3820.6616.71079.3057.83 Post Sealing 718-07-08, 3.40pmMWD7.0964.3302.1600.7701.03084.6111.9502.92278.8039.09 819-07-08,2.30pmMWD7.3493.5602.0200.7700.94085.3610.6072.75382.8638.43 920-07-08,2.30pmMWD7.0603.5401.8000.7500.81086.049.3542.48383.1836.53 1021-07-08,6.35amMWD6.9503.8001.6600.7200.71086.168.7302.27282.1536.39 1122-07-08,5.40pmSBH17.0783.3201.5800.7470.62786.658.0512.16384.6535.91 1223-07-08, 2.00pmMID7.3702.3201.3800.7500.48087.706.6021.90289.9435.11 1324-07-08, 4.00pmMID7.3701.8001.2100.7600.37088.495.5931.70792.7133.93 1425-07-08, 2.15pm MID 7.2581.8731.0500.7600.27688.784.8531.52592.5533.41 1526-07-08, 2.20pmSBH17.4901.6171.0200.7710.22588.884.6541.46093.9734.04 1627-07-08, 2.10pm MID 7.3401.3470.7540.7710.10189.693.3661.19995.5832.63 1728-07-08, 2.00pmSBH17.4841.5080.6850.7520.06089.513.0861.10195.0133.58 1829-07-08, 2.45pmSBH17.5831.5850.5490.7500.01789.522.4820.99194.8734.15 1930.07.08, 3.20 pmSBH17.5851.6140.4040.7340.00389.661.8260.89994.9034.14 2031.07.08, 3.20 pmSBH17.6201.5900.2700.7300.00189.791.2170.83995.1834.21 21 01.08.08, 3 pm SBH1 7.7191.1430.1690.7400.00090.230.7430.80897.4633.80 22 02.08.08, 2.35pm SBH1 7.9981.3700.0810.7520.00089.800.3610.78496.5935.56 23 03.08.08, 1.30am SBH1 8.2950.9260.0480.7420.00089.990.2100.76198.9136.09 2404.08.08, 2.30pmSBH17.9091.0110.0030.7210.000 90.360.0130.72298.3834.38 2505.08.08, 2.35pmSBH17.8460.869 0.0001 0.7180.000 90.570.0000.71899.0333.82




30 ANALYSIS RESULTS OF SAMPLES TAKEN AT RK NT MID SL NO DateCO 2 O2O2 COCH 4 H2H2 N2N2 CO/O 2 ECEICO 2 /O 2 Ratio 1 22.07.08,2.35pm7.2902.6831.5300.7600.60087.14 7.5032.12287.8835.600.26 2 23.07.08,2.00pm7.3702.3201.3800.7500.48087.70 6.6021.90289.9435.110.29 3 24.07.08,4 pm7.3701.8001.2100.7600.37088.49 5.5931.70792.7133.930.32 4 25.07.08,2.15pm7.2581.8731.0540.7610.27788.78 4.8721.52892.5533.410.36 5 26-07-08,2.20pm7.1171.9840.9020.7470.17489.08 4.1751.32592.2132.800.41 6 27-07-08, 2.10pm7.3401.3470.7550.7710.10289.69 3.3691.20095.5832.630.47 7 28-07-08, 2.30pm7.3071.2450.6050.7730.04490.03 2.6781.07096.2632.210.54 8 29-07-08, 2.50pm7.5601.0100.4700.7820.01090.17 2.0550.98397.6732.930.62 9 30-07-08, 2.40pm7.0871.7940.3190.7210.00290.08 1.4460.85193.8931.990.69 10 31-07-08, 3.00pm7.2101.8200.2030.7100.00090.06 0.9220.79193.9632.600.78 11 01-08-08,3.00pm7.1501.6600.1040.7200.00090.37 0.4670.76294.7831.970.87 12 02-08-08, 2.45pm7.4801.0700.0400.7600.00090.65 0.1740.77697.8032.480.95 13 03-08-08, 2.30pm7.1810.7700.00980.7470.00091.29 0.0420.75199.1430.550.99 14 04.08.08, 2.30pm7.0481.0070.0030.7290.00091.21 0.013 0.730297.958 30.32 0.996 15 05.08.08, 4.00pm6.8032.1880.00020.6830.00090.330.00090.683192.21631.1681.000




34 LOCATION : SURFACE BH 1(8L/37R)1A SEAM ANALYSIS RESULTS OF SAMPLES TAKEN AT RK NT SURFACE BH 1A SEAM SL NO DateCO 2 O2O2 COCH 4 H2H2 N2N2 CO/O 2 ECEI CO 2 /O 2 Ratio 1 22-07-08, 3:50 pm7.4902.6501.6700.7770.66686.758.2182.27887.9136.710.25 2 23.07-08, 3.15pm6.3904.7701.3130.6620.341 86.527.2371.61377.9835.060.29 3 24.07.08, 6.00pm7.4362.2131.2580.3770.422 88.295.9431.40791.0434.990.18 4 25.07.08, 2.05pm7.3051.9671.1770.7680.326 88.465.4851.64691.9433.910.34 5 26-07-08, 2.30pm7.4901.6171.0270.7720.22588.874.6861.46493.9634.040.38 6 27-07-08, 3.00pm6.9902.2400.8190.7350.12289.093.8361.21591.0732.600.44 7 27-07-08, 5.30pm7.2811.9870.8190.7390.11789.063.7901.21292.4333.570.44 8 28-07-08, 2.00pm7.4841.5080.6850.7520.06089.513.0861.10195.0133.580.50 9 29-07-08, 2.45pm7.5831.5850.5490.7500.01789.522.4820.99194.8734.150.57 10 30.07.08, 3.20 pm7.5851.6140.4040.7340.00389.661.8260.89994.9034.140.64 11 31.07.08, 3.20 pm7.6201.5900.2700.7300.00189.791.2170.83995.1834.210.73 12 01.08.08, 3 pm 7.7191.1430.1690.740.0090.230.7430.80897.46433.800.81 13 02.08.08, 2.35pm7.9981.3700.0810.7520.00089.800.3610.78496.59035.560.90 14 03.08.08, 3.30pm7.8821.6030.0210.7100.00089.780.0940.71895.51435.410.97 15 04.08.08, 2.00pm7.6681.2220.0030.716 0.00090.390.0130.71797.24933.631.00 16 05.08.08, 2.15pm7.9580.9610.00040.7250.00090.360.0020.72598.64134.521.00




38 LOCATION : MID AFTER SEALING ANALYSIS RESULTS OF SAMPLES TAKEN AT RK NT MID SL NO.DateCO 2 O2O2 COCH 4 H2H2 N2N2 CO/O 2 Ratio Effectiv e combus tibles Effectiv e inerts CO 2 /O 2 Ratio Ratio 1 14-07, 2:00pm 9.913.673.5301.363.15078.3820.666.71079.3057.830.17 2 18-07, 3:05pm 4.4310.691.3130.470.65682.4411.781.81448.4939.520.19 3 18-07, 6:35pm 2.5015.030.7500.260.354 81.1011.631.00627.7438.320.19 4 19-07, 6.30am 2.7914.480.7850.290.372 81.2911.131.06530.4739.100.20 5 21-07, 2.30pm 3.7011.900.8500.380.37582.808.4791.18943.1336.610.24 6 22.07,2.35pm 7.292.681.5300.760.60087.147.5032.12287.8835.600.26 7 23.07, 2.00pm 7.372.321.3800.750.48087.706.6021.90289.9435.110.29 8 24.07,4 pm 7.371.801.2100.760.37088.495.5931.70792.7133.930.32 9 25.07,2.15pm 7.261.871.0540.760.27788.784.8721.52892.5533.410.36 10 26-07, 2.20pm 7.121.980.9020.750.17489.084.1751.32592.2132.800.41 11 27-07, 2.15pm 7.341.350.7540.770.10189.693.3661.19995.5832.630.47 12 28-07, 2.30pm 7.311.250.6050.770.04490.032.6781.07096.2632.210.54 13 29-07, 2.50pm 7.561.010.4700.780.01090.172.0550.98397.6732.930.62 14 30.07, 2.40pm 7.091.790.3190.720.00290.081.4460.85193.8931.990.69 15 31.07.08,3pm 7.211.820.2030.710.00090.050.9220.79193.9432.620.78 16 01-08-08,3pm 7.151.660.1040.720.00090.380.4670.75994.8031.950.87 17 02.08, 2.45pm 7.481.070.0400.760.00090.650.1730.77597.8032.490.95 18 03.08, 2.30pm 7.180.770.00980.750.00091.290.0420.75299.1430.550.99 19 04.08.,2.30pm 20 05.08. 4.00pm 6.802.190.00020.680.00090.330.0010.68392.2231.171.00




42 RE-OPENING OF MINE Re-opening of mine is under taken from 06/08/08 and still continuing. The sequences are as below  Initial openings were made at main incline, man way and intake air shaft and ventilation circuit was established with 20HP auxiliary fan and explored the workings up to 4L and air intake air shaft.  Stoppings were built at entries to 1 Seam at main incline, man way and 5L tunnel to cut off air supply to 1 Seam workings.  Opening was made at return air shaft and ventilation circuit was established with 50HP Fan.  Explored return Air shaft in 1A seam and cut off return air ways with temporary stoppings in 1 seam return shaft.  Explored the workings in 1A seam up to 40L including working districts and found normal environmental conditions.

43 RE-OPENING OF MINE  Explored the 1S 6 panel of 1 seam through 33D tunnel and 31 ½ tunnel.  During the Exploration 1.Roof falls noticed between 18AL to 20 L 2.Cables, belt conveyor and coal burnt in 1S6. 3. 2 SDLs were covered under roof falls in 1S 6. 4. 2 SDLs were drowned in 1S4. 5. Burnt ash was found in 25LN/1S6.

44 RE-OPENING OF MINE  Isolating of 1S-6 panel from 26L to 13L between 37R and 36R is planned and the stoppings at 26L, 25L, 38R, 37R of 24L,18LN, 14LN, 13LN and 12LN were completed and partially constructed at 23LN/36R.  Due to Intense heat and smoke along 36R further rescue work could not be taken up and decision taken to seal off entire 1 Seam at inter seam tunnels and Up cast shaft below 1 seam.  Accordingly all the entries to 1 seam and Up cast below 1 Seam were closed.  Drilling of up ward bore hole from RK-7 workings to RKNT is under progress for de-watering.  High capacity pumps are being installed for de-watering the mine energizing of the power is under progress.

45 CARBON MONOXIDE EFFECTS % of CO Physiological Effects 0.02 Slight headache after 2 hours exertion or after 4 hours at rest. 0.04 Headache, dizziness and possibility of collapse ater 45 min, exertion or after 2 hours at rest. 0.12 Palpitation and giddiness after 10 min. exertion or after 30 min. at rest. 0.20 Unconsciousness after 10 min. exertion or after 30 min. at rest. 0.30 Unconsciousness after 5 min. exertion.

46 GRAHAMS RATIO (CO Produced / O 2 Obsored ) % Ratio Status of spontaneous heating/Fire 1.0 Indicates existence of heating 2.0 Indicates serious heating approaching active fire 3.0 Indicates active fire

47 Explosibility Diagram Description Formula Effective combustibles CH 4 + 0.40 CO + 1.25 H 2 Effective inert 1.5 CO 2 + excess N 2 Ratio CH 4 / (CH 4 +CO+H 2 )


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