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Bacterial transport mechanisms

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1 Bacterial transport mechanisms
Lengeler et al. Chapter 5, p Multiple roles of procaryotic cell membranes Growth Three kinds of transporters Molecular mechanisms

2 Transport systems Bacteria usually starved
Transport S: medium  inside cell Growth curves: Inoc into fresh medium; lag  log Exhaust one nutrient; stationary

3 Transport Mechanism to obtain nutrients and….
to maintain optimal [intracellular] of intermediates Location of transporters OM: barrier = porins; small # transporters Periplasm: p/g not a diffusion barrier CM: true osmotic barrier

4 Transport systems Simple diffusion Facilitated diffusion O2 CO2 NH3
Non polar cmpds: antibiotics No specific carriers Facilitated diffusion Process of passage through a membrane by an impenetrable cmpd Requires a carrier

5 Facilitated diffusion
[S] on outside = high [S] on inside = low GlpF of E. coli Glycerol facilitator Aquaporin

6 Active transport Concentration gradient Permeases
E. coli: amino acids, 103 x galactose, 105 x K+, 106 x Permeases Membrane-embedded proteins Stereospecific Saturation kinetics

7 Active transport proteins
2 subsets: Major facilitator superfamily (MFS) Transduces free energy stored in electrochemical proton gradient…. substrate concentration gradients P-type ATPases + ABC transporters Energy from ATP hydrolysis…. Drives solute accumulation

8 Transport proteins Examples Relevance MFS: ABC transporters:
galactosides_LacY of E. coli ABC transporters: maltose_multicomponents (Mal proteins) of E. coli Relevance Depression, stroke, diabetes, multidrug resistance Prozac, Prilosec: membrane proteins 3o structure, mechanisms: conserved

9 reading Saier, M.H. Jr Tracing pathways of transport evolution. Mol. Microbiol. 48: M


11 Quiz #1: Porins are pore-forming proteins at the surface of Gram-negative bacteria. Write eight (grammatically complete) sentences, each sentence describing a distinguishing feature or characteristic of bacterial porins. [8 points] Inside a Living Cell: three coloured diagrams [2 points]

12 Quiz #1:Porins Found in G -, not in G+
May be > 1 species of porin for some bacteria E. coli OmpF, OmpC Mr kDa Organized as trimers, self assemble Form water-filled channels, passive diffusion pores across OM Reconstuituted into LPS/P-lipid vesicles Different Mr exclusion limits Structural features: constriction zone Crystal structures: 16 anti-parallel β strands, 8 surface-exposed loops Synthesized as precursor  mature species

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