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Makes Sense Implementation Team Log pg 1 Time meeting beganTime meeting ended Date Facilitator Makes Sense Coach or Administrator present? Team Members.

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Presentation on theme: "Makes Sense Implementation Team Log pg 1 Time meeting beganTime meeting ended Date Facilitator Makes Sense Coach or Administrator present? Team Members."— Presentation transcript:

1 Makes Sense Implementation Team Log pg 1 Time meeting beganTime meeting ended Date Facilitator Makes Sense Coach or Administrator present? Team Members Shared a lesson Shared an examplePresentAbsent Reason for absenceTopic of example Review of Previous Meeting’s Action Plan Accomplished GoalsPrimary Reasons Insights / Surprises / What Learned Unaccomplished GoalsPrimary Reasons

2 Specific Routine or Think-sheet Assigned for Next Meeting Goals / Ways To Use / Assignments Key Things to Do to Ensure Success How We’ll Evaluate How Well It Worked Date of next meeting Makes Sense Implementation Team Log pg 2

3 Makes Sense Implementation Team Log pg 1 Time meeting began 9:00 am Time meeting ended 9:30 am Date 1/9/06 Dept Chair Alicia Makes Sense Coach or Administrator present? NA Team Members Shared a lesson Shared an examplePresentAbsent Reason for absenceTopic of example / lesson Alicia X Science COS 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 Martin xku Amended IEP Meeting Science COS 3.0 & 3.1 DonaldScience COS 4.0 & 5.0 KimScience COS 2.1 Rhonda Science COS 2.0 Review of Previous Meeting’s Action Plan Accomplished GoalsPrimary Reasons Teams used MSS Key Ideas and Core Concept to list all COS standards and suggestions for instruction. Our team divided standards in order to design instruction using MSS We accomplished this goal because everyone took their responsibility seriously and completed each task within the time frame ItI is early in the d,cvb;b;a It is ear;gg;’;’ly Insights / Surprises / What Learned The team effort of assigned standards is terrific. It allows us to focus on our assigned topic/standard with integrity. Also, if we want to tweak our colleague’s examples we can do so because we are sharing electronic copies of each lesson sample. Unaccomplished GoalsPrimary Reasons

4 Specific Routine or Think-sheet Assigned for Next Meeting Who Does What? MSS Think-sheets/Routines How We’ll Evaluate How Well It Worked Alicia 1.0, 1.1, 1.2: Introduction: Lab Safety, Scientific Method, Measurement, Tools Pre-assess with mock exam 1MI Lab/chemical student contract Mediated film viewing/DVD Lab Safety Sequence 5 steps w/details Vocabulary LINCS Quick assess ASN sticky-note activity in collaborative groups. Student designed power points with think- sheets and imported images from web for tools and measurement Donald 4.0 & 5.0: Cell Theory, Cell Types/Cell Organelles/Levels of Organization PRE-ASSESS with mock exam for each critical feature Identify scientists who contributed to the cell theory (Examples: Hooke, Schleiden, Schwann, Virchow, van Leeuwenhoek) Topic mind map Person C/C 3x6, 3x4, matrixes w/conclusions Up side down review of main ideas and follow with a priority share activity Best Guess Vocabulary for Priority 1 terms 2MI Frame 1MI Frame Kim 2.1: Chemical Applications PRE-ASSESS with KWL chart Identify the functions of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids in cellular activities.. c/c Matrixes with conclusions Voc think-sheet for Priority 1 terms Voc scavenger hunt in teams of three Quiz using MI Think-sheet PP options Rhonda 2.0: Membranes and Transport Pre-assess with mock exam C/C 2x4 w/matrixes Describe cell processes necessary for achieving homeostasis, including active and passive transport, osmosis, diffusion, exocytosis, and endocytosis Sem Table 1, 2, & 3, C/C 3x4 & 3x6 matrixes Mediated Film viewing using 8MI frame We do it activity Assess with quiz Pp presentations with imported images and think-sheets Martin 3.0 & 3.1: Complete Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration Pre-assess with ASN Table & Semantic Table 2 Various voc from LINCS, Semantic Tables, & word connections Compare/Contrast If Then When 3 and 4 MI frames Whole group assess with Content Learning Logs and ASN sticky-note activities Compare and Contrast using 2x4 matrixes with conclusions Formal Test after Bottom-Up Review Date of next meeting October 7, 2005 Makes Sense Implementation Team Log pg 2

5 Makes Sense Implementation Team Log pg 1 Time meeting began 1:00 pm Time meeting ended 1:45 pm Date 9/12/05 Facilitator Jack Serda Makes Sense Coach or Administrator present? NA Team Members Shared a lesson Shared an examplePresentAbsent Reason for absenceTopic of example / lesson Jack Serda X X x Sem 3 Stalagtite vs stalagmite Renee Phillips Xkk Personal LeaveCharacter Analysis, The Giver Phyllis Moore ss pp on decimals w/think-sheets Yolanda Ray4MI Boston Tea Party Jenny RawlsPriority share act/ Ecosystems Review of Previous Meeting’s Action Plan Accomplished GoalsPrimary Reasons Setting Writing Goals for the first semester using STEPS Members of the team increasing multiplicity by implementing two new think-sheets and/or instructional routines Using MSS process writing think-sheets that align with State COS All team members are anxious to try new MSS tools Insights / Surprises / What Learned Our comfort zone with using MSS is improving. We still need to find a better way to share responsibilities for content planning, so that a greater variety of think-sheets can be used and the ownership of design does not fall on the same teachers for each unit. Unaccomplished GoalsPrimary Reasons

6 Specific Routine or Think-sheet Assigned for Next Meeting Goals / Ways To Use / Assignments Key Things to Do to Ensure Success How We’ll Evaluate How Well It Worked All team members will teach a content standard with a think-sheet. Document the standard on the sample Jack & Renee Lang Mechanics/Lit Yolanda Science Jenny Social Studies Phyllis Math Pre & Post Assessment using an instructional routine Document student responses Maximize student engagement Date of next meeting October 10, 2005 Makes Sense Implementation Team Log pg 2

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