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Unit 1 Revision S. C. Fordwhalley. Solids, Liquids, Gases 1. Which state of matter is hard, cannot be poured and does not take the shape of a container?

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 1 Revision S. C. Fordwhalley. Solids, Liquids, Gases 1. Which state of matter is hard, cannot be poured and does not take the shape of a container?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 1 Revision S. C. Fordwhalley

2 Solids, Liquids, Gases 1. Which state of matter is hard, cannot be poured and does not take the shape of a container? 2. Which state of matter can be poured, will take the shape of a container but cannot be compressed? 3. Which state of matter can be poured, will take the shape of a container and can be compressed? 4. Which state of matter has particles with the most energy? 5. Which state of matter has particles with the least amount of energy?

3 Using Bunsen Burners 1. Open the air hole slowly to change the flame type. 2. Get a ‘light’ for the splint. 3. Connect the rubber tubing firmly to the gas tap. 4. Put on your safety glasses. 5. Place Bunsen burner on a heatproof mat. 6. Turn the gas tap and light the burner. 7. Make sure the air hole is closed. Put these sentences into the correct order to safely light a Bunsen burner: If the air hole is fully open will the flame be the hottest or the coolest flame?

4 Expanding and contracting 1. If we heat something up, will it expand or contract? Can you explain why for a bonus mark? 2. What happens if we cool an object down? Does it expand or contract? Can you explain your answer for a bonus mark? 3. Where is expansion used in every day life?

5 Changes of state SOLID GAS LIQUID 1212 34 1.Write down which word should go into each stage of these changes of state (BOILING, MELTING, FREEZING, CONDENSING) 2.What do we need to do to get a liquid from a solid? 3.What do we need to do to get from a gas to a liquid?

6 Diffusion 1. Explain why the particles move as they do in this animation

7 Does it dissolve? 1. What do we call a solid that will dissolve? 2. What do we call a solid that will not dissolve?

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