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Saint-Petersburg state polytechnic university Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Department of Applied Mechanics Dynamics of a thin cavity.

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Presentation on theme: "Saint-Petersburg state polytechnic university Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Department of Applied Mechanics Dynamics of a thin cavity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Saint-Petersburg state polytechnic university Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Department of Applied Mechanics Dynamics of a thin cavity

2 Graphene is pure carbon in the form of a very thin, nearly transparent sheet, one atom thick. Graphene is remarkably strong for its very low weight (100 times stronger than steel) and it conducts heat and electricity with great efficiency.

3 Application: as a highly sensitive sensor for the detection of single molecules of chemicals that are connected to the surface of the film. new type of light-emitting diodes (LEC) Transistors with base thickness to 10nm


5 Nanomechanical cavity - this is a very small design, oscillating at very high frequencies. This means that they may be used in radio communications and tools for amplifying weak signals. They may also be useful for the detection of small objects, and weighting, for example, DNA molecules or viruses.

6 Aim of the work analysis of free and forced oscillations of the resonator Problem solution of the problem of the vibrating string with a attached mass solution of the problem with a simplified model

7 Thanks you for your attention

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