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Play Memories Think about your favourite childhood play memory. Was it inside or outside? Were you playing on your own or were there others? Where were.

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Presentation on theme: "Play Memories Think about your favourite childhood play memory. Was it inside or outside? Were you playing on your own or were there others? Where were."— Presentation transcript:

1 Play Memories Think about your favourite childhood play memory. Was it inside or outside? Were you playing on your own or were there others? Where were the adults? Did it involve risk? “We don’t stop playing because we grow old… …we grow old because we stop playing.” George Bernard Shaw

2 WELCOME A Day in Nursery Learning Through Play

3 What is Play? Play is the universal language of childhood. Make sense of the world No “right” or “wrong” Alone? With others? Equipment? End product? Boisterous? Quiet? “Play is a child’s work.”

4 Why is play so important? Independence and self-esteem Respect for others Social interaction Healthy growth and development Increases knowledge and understanding Promotes children's creativity and capacity to learn

5 Planning for Play The ‘whole child’ Sharing information Learning jotters Observation & interaction Interests Discussions Responsive Planning meetings Curriculum

6 Play Possibilities One possibility… Endless possibilities…

7 Planning for Play Check-in Who’s here Counting Days of the week Weather News Planning for the day

8 Focused Play Small & Large Group Times Key Group Classes Whole Group Interest Group Challenge/Support

9 Places for Play Inside Pre-school Gym hall School library Outside Pre-school garden Adventure play School grounds Secret Garden Trips and Visits

10 Places for Play Art Area Different Spaces Easels Tables Studio Materials Junk Natural materials Inspiration Paint Glue Tools Brushes Scissors Everyday objects

11 Places for Play Art Area Learning Opportunities Develop creativity Develop vocabulary Explore materials Problem solving Express ideas

12 Places for Play Home Corner Different spaces Authentic Preparing space Dining table Props Cooking utensils Recipe books Pots and pans Crockery Cutlery Apron Food?

13 Places for Play Home Corner Learning Opportunities Listening & talking Role play Make sense of the world Social development Exploring numbers

14 Places for Play Construction Tools & Materials Real tools Wood Loose parts Helmets Cones Earmuffs Reflective jackets Tape measures Clipboards Plans

15 Places for Play Construction Learning Opportunities Assessing & managing risk Exploring shape Learning about different materials Social development Listening & talking

16 Places for Play Playdough Materials Playdough Clay Sensory Texture Scent Colour Inspiration Baking Seasons Celebrations Loose parts

17 Places for Play Playdough Learning Opportunities Sensory development Developing vocabulary Exploring materials

18 Places for Play Writing Area Tools & Materials Pencils Pens Hole punch Stapler Rubbers Rulers Scissors Foam letters Post-its Envelopes Different kinds of paper

19 Places for Play Writing Area Learning Opportunities Exploring mark making Recording thoughts & ideas Writing for a purpose Develop fine motor skills Learning from others

20 Places for Play Writing Area Learning Opportunities Exploring mark making Recording thoughts & ideas Writing for a purpose Develop fine motor skills Learning from others

21 Places for Play Chill Area Sofa Pods Cushions Blankets Books Lamps

22 Places for Play Chill Area Learning Opportunities Listening & talking A chance to rest Enjoy exploring stories

23 Places for Play Sand, Water & More! Measuring cylinders Items for pouring and filling Sieves Loose parts Natural materials Sensory materials Small world

24 Places for Play Sand, Water & More! Learning Opportunities Volume & capacity Movement & flow Properties of materials Real life & imaginative experiences

25 Places for Play Expressive Area Real life props Loose parts Puppets Musical instruments Dressing up Material Clipboards & pens SMART board

26 Places for Play Expressive Area Learning Opportunities Listening & talking Role play Imagination & creativity Social development Making sense of the world Express ideas

27 Places for Play Small World Different Spaces Construction Imaginative Number Sensory Materials & Props Marble run Small blocks Loose parts K’nex Lego Vehicles Themed playscapes Variety of materials

28 Places for Play Small World Learning Opportunities Shape Problem solving Numbers Imagination & creativity Social development Properties of materials

29 Places for Play Outdoors Free flow All weathers Signs & charts

30 Places for Play Outdoors Nature & the Environment Resources Magnifying glasses Gardening tools Windy toys Watering cans Learning Opportunities Caring for environment Weather & seasons Living & growing

31 Places for Play Outdoors Loose Parts Resources Planks of wood Cable reels Steering wheels & tyres Barrels Pipes & guttering Nets & creels Boxes Large tubes Tarpaulins & ropes Learning Opportunities Problem Solving Listening & talking Learning from setbacks Managing risk Developing creativity Exploring materials

32 Places for Play Outdoors Loose Parts Resources Planks of wood Cable reels Steering wheels & tyres Barrels Pipes & guttering Nets & creels Boxes Large tubes Tarpaulins & ropes Learning Opportunities Problem Solving Listening & talking Learning from setbacks Managing risk Developing creativity Exploring materials

33 Places for Play Outdoors Sensory & Art Materials Chunky chalk Paintbrushes Buckets Inspiring pictures Mirrors Paint Water Learning Opportunities Properties of materials Creativity Sense of wonder Language Fine motor

34 Places for Play Outdoors Physical Play Spaces & Props Ropes Tunnel Obstacle courses Adventure playground Learning Opportunities Gross motor Risk Awareness of space Health

35 Places for Play Outdoors Secret Garden Spaces Gathering space Trees & bushes Pathways ‘Swing’ Learning Opportunities Respecting nature Seasons Literacy Gross motor Risk Awareness of space Health

36 A Pause from Play Snack Preparing Snack Rolling snack Snack helpers

37 A Pause from Play Snack Snack Routine Independence Counting Healthy lifestyle

38 A Pause from Play Snack Eating Snack Social development Exploring new foods Planning for play Time to reflect

39 A Pause from Play Toothbrushing Reinforcing good habits People who help us

40 Tidy Up Time Tidy Up Routine 5 minute warning Song Tidy up rota Pictures Learning Opportunities How to tidy Team work Respect for materials & resources Where things go Matching & sorting

41 Staying All Day -Making lunch time an enjoyable experience -Relaxing, quieter time -Utilising other areas of school

42 Lunch Time All together Relaxed, sociable time Reinforce table manners Try new and different foods Big dining table ‘like home’

43 Together Time Review Story Songs

44 Sharing Time Valuable Share news Pass on information

45 More about Play… Useful Websites Parentzone: Every Day’s a Learning Day: Play Scotland “I’m Bored!”: aLearningDay3to6_tcm4-689254.pdf

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