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12.7 – DO NOW- LEVEL 0 Task #1: Read the definition of westernization. Westernization: (n) The process when societies come under or adopt western culture.

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Presentation on theme: "12.7 – DO NOW- LEVEL 0 Task #1: Read the definition of westernization. Westernization: (n) The process when societies come under or adopt western culture."— Presentation transcript:

1 12.7 – DO NOW- LEVEL 0 Task #1: Read the definition of westernization. Westernization: (n) The process when societies come under or adopt western culture (traditions, customs, ideas, religions, etc). Example: The adoption of English as the language of business. Task #2: Choose a picture from below that BEST represents the definition of westernization and defend your choice in AT LEAST 3 sentences with examples and evidence. Task #3: Copy your homework from the board, into your agenda. *If you’ve not began your do-now by the time the bell rings, you are tardy.

2 12.7 – LOGISTICS Objective SWBAT explain the spread of southernization using concepts derived from westernization. Agenda Do-Now Westernization Background Southernization Lecture Journaling Contributions from India Exit Ticket

3 WESTERNIZATION 101 Definition  a process whereby societies come under or adopt Western culture in areas such as industry, technology, law, politics, economics, lifestyle, diet, clothing, language, religion, philosophy, and/or values.Western culture industrypoliticslifestyledietclothinglanguagereligion values Terms to break down Western Culture Industry LifestyleDiet ClothingLanguage Religion Values TEDtalk Etiquette On the note tracker, add words above to “Key Terms” column. Notes from the speaker in the far left column. Your comments, “in the moment” thoughts, questions or revelations belong in the middle column. TedtalkTedtalk on westernization/American spin on “Chinese” food.

4 SOUTHERNIZATION 101 Definition  the dispersion of Arabic, Chinese, and Indian culture, values, philosophies, economy, language, industry, commerce, trade, and ideals throughout the world aka a counter-theory to westernization. Southernization Prezi. Southernization Prezi. Write your notes in the corresponding geographical location on the map. Over-arching question for the week! “What was the global effect of southernization ?”

5 SOUTHERNIZATION JOURNALING Task #1 Using what you’ve learned today, you will make an educated guess based on the fate of our three regions. Fill in the table below using your most scholarly assumptions, cite from the text WHY you predict these findings. Task #2 Refer back to your map, calculate the estimated distances between the following: 1.Arabian coast to eastern China: ____________ miles. 2.Western India to western China: ___________ miles. 3.Northern Arabian coast to southernmost Indian point: _______ miles. RegionResources TradedMajor Trade PartnerCultural Influence Spread Arabian Zone Indian Zone Asian Zone

6 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIA Group Read Aloud page. 2 “The Indian Beginnings” Annotations swap – check your peers’ notes, add any helpful notes you took

7 EXIT TICKET Create a caption for the map you wrote your southernization notes in. In your caption you must use the following words: industry, Asia, Africa, India, dispersion, and southernization. Underline the words used.

8 12.8 – DO NOW – LEVEL 0 Task #1: Create an acrostic poem about your region’s involvement in southernization. Task #2: Copy your homework into your agenda. Homework In 5-7 well developed sentences, explain how your map illustrates southernization. Be sure to use the following terms in your explanation: southernization, Africa, silk, monsoon, land route.

9 LOGISTICS Objective SWBAT illustrate the movement of goods and dispersion of culture as described by southernization. Agenda Do Now Southernization Review Indian Ocean trade crash course Mapping Attack review game Exit Ticket

10 SOUTHERNIZATION REVIEW multifaceted process of development began in Southern Asia and spread around the globe. Those included are: –mathematics –production and marketing of spices –pioneering of new trade routes –cultivation, processing, and marketing of southern crops -- sugar and cotton; and the development of various related technologies. Time period 500 AD – 1600 AD

11 CRASH COURSE ON TRADE Successful Scholars will: Take notes on the map listing facts in the respective region. Trade in the Indian Ocean Post-Video Questions  answer in notebook 1.What is this origin of southernization? 2.What countries were involved? Mention them by order of their involvement. 3.What region of the world was excluded from southernization? 4.Explain whether or not southernization was a positive or negative cultural influence. You need 3 reasons that support this claim. 5.Explain the intercultural relations present in this region.

12 MAPPING! Quick Info: Southernization occurred in 3 zones: Arab, Indian, Chinese. Monsoon winds helped ships quickly move throughout the Indian ocean. Monsoons are Chicago thunderstorms on steroids. EXTREME wind, EXTREME rainfall, OFTEN flooding. Land routes were also taken! – Remember the value of domesticating animals for transporation!








20 ATTACK! Game Logistics 6 teams 1 symbol per team’s house Questions will come from maps, southernization HW article from last night, westernization lesson. ALL members must stand silently when team has answer written clearly on desk

21 EXIT TICKET Re-create the map on left on a blank sheet of paper to the best of your artistic ability.

22 12.9 – DO NOW – LEVEL 0 Task #1: Organize the following terms into categories, choose labels for your categories. Southernization, silk, slaves, muslims, silver, ivory, monsoon, land route, sea route, westernization, Mali Empire, China, Indian zone, African zone, Japan, Timbuktu, Bengal, gold, cinnamon. Task #2: Copy your homework into your agenda. Homework List 5 interview questions for a tradesman during Southernization. Be sure to include what zone this individual is from, a name, their job, 3 most popular items they trade.

23 LOGISTICS Objective SWBAT describe southernization and it’s effects on the world during it’s peak as well as traces of this disfussion in 2015. Agenda Do now Southernization Discussion Close Reading Expert Group Activity Exit Ticket

24 15 MINUTE DISCUSSION Step 1: Answer the following prompts on the same side of your index card. 1. “Why is it important to understand southernization in 2015?” 2. “How does southernization show cultural diffusion?” 3. “Is the concept of “ization” mostly negative or positive? Give an example.” Step 2: Lets establish some 3 discussion norms rooted in respect. Step 3: Arrange chairs so that we’re facing each other. Step 4: In order to get credit, you must speak 3 times! Discussion Topic Effects of Southernization during it’s peak and remnants of southernization globally in 2015.

25 CLOSE READING Excerpts from Southernization article. Whole group answering comprehension questions 

26 EXPERT GROUP READINGS In your groups you need to create a flyer advertising the goods that are traded from your region. Also mention goods you are willing to trade for. Use color! Include a map so people know how to reach you. Include a description of the easiest route to take. Include a chart of fair and equal trade. Example  2 elephants for 3 camels NOT 2 elephants for 1 pound of sugar

27 EXIT TICKET Fill in the blanks. Put a star next to where you found these items in the text. Southernization refers to: ____________________. Regions most impacted by southernization were: ________________. This is a counter theory to westernization because: _________________________. The 3 zones that divided this region were: ___________________________. In 2015, a remnant of Southernization is _________________ and ___________________.

28 12.10 – DO NOW- LEVEL 0 Task #1: Complete Quiz. Task #2: Copy your homework into your agenda, read your SSR book. Homework Unit Transition Handout

29 LOGISTICS Objective SWBAT name concrete examples of westernization in 2015. Agenda Quiz Trade and Grade Westernization Current Event Exit Ticket

30 CURRENT EVENT You should have a copy of the current event handout and be tracking what is being said, discussed and noted on the elmo!

31 EXIT TICKET What similarities do you see between southernization in the 13 th century and westernization in 2015? Are these parallels positive? Why or why not?

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