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Let’s finish that book!. You will need two pieces of 5x5 inch card board, and two pieces of 7x7 inch cover paper.

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s finish that book!. You will need two pieces of 5x5 inch card board, and two pieces of 7x7 inch cover paper."— Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s finish that book!

2 You will need two pieces of 5x5 inch card board, and two pieces of 7x7 inch cover paper.

3 Keep in mind that your cover image will only be 5x5 inches. You will need those extra few inches so you can wrap your cover paper around the cardboard.

4 When you are ready to glue, apply glue to your cardboard.

5 Smooth out glue so there are no big messy globs and your entire cardboard is covered.

6 Set cardboard on the back of your cover paper.

7 Add some glue to your page border and smooth out.

8 Fold your sides in. Wipe away excess glue.

9 Fold your other sides in. You may need to tape your sides down so they stay flat while the glue sets.

10 TA-DA!

11 Ready to glue your pages?

12 Since your pages should be in diamond shapes, you will be gluing the back of the right flat side of page one to the back of the left flat side of page two. (If you just realized that you did your pages like squares, I’ll show you how to fix it in later slides. Keep scrolling through directions until you reach page 18!)

13 Add glue to the back of the section to be glued. (see blue areas)

14 Another example of how to apply glue. Smooth out globs!

15 Continue gluing your pages together. Pay attention to page order and your rubric.

16 When you finish gluing all of your pages together, glue your first and last page to your book covers.

17 Leave your book open as it dries so your book doesn’t glue shut!

18 So what happens if you made your pages like a square instead of a diamond?

19 Instead of gluing your pages on the left and right sides, you will glue the bottom right of page one to the top right of page two.

20 Make sure your cover is also a square and not a diamond.

21 YAY! You finished! Make sure you fill out your rubric. Write down the image (example: lion) for each page, the element of art and the principle of art. For full credit, you will need to write a short sentence that describes how you used each element and principle of art. If you have any questions or concerns, please email me ( ) and I will get back to you ASAP!

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