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2015-2016 Welcome to Fourth Grade. Speak and behave respectfully Listen and follow directions the first time Turn completed assignments in on time Stay.

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Presentation on theme: "2015-2016 Welcome to Fourth Grade. Speak and behave respectfully Listen and follow directions the first time Turn completed assignments in on time Stay."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015-2016 Welcome to Fourth Grade

2 Speak and behave respectfully Listen and follow directions the first time Turn completed assignments in on time Stay on task Follow all CHAMPS procedures School Rules

3 C = Conversation (Can students talk to each other during this activity/transition?) H = Help (How can students get questions answered during this activity/transition? How do they get your attention?) A = Activity (What is the task/objective of this activity/transition? What is the expected end product?) M = Movement (Can students move about during this activity/transition? e.g., Are they allowed to get up to sharpen a pencil?) P = Participation (What does appropriate student behavior for this activity/transition look/sound like? How do students show that they are fully participating?) What is CHAMP’s

4 0 - No Talking  - Whisper  - Partner  - Small Group  - Presentation  - Outdoor / Recess Voice Levels

5 Conversation: Voice Level 0 Help: Raise your hand Activity: Lining Up for Transitions Movement: Walk quietly Participation: Line Leader will line up first. Door Holder will line up second. Clear your desk. I will call one table at a time to line up. Lining Up Procedures

6 Conversation: Voice Level 0 Help: Raise your hand Activity: Hallway Behavior Movement: Walk quietly at all times Participation: Walk single file on the right side of the hall Hands at your sides Do not skip steps Be courteous to others Step quietly No GAPS If you are the line leader, you must stop at each of the assigned stop areas within the school (I will go over with you) Hallway Procedures

7 Conversation: Voice Level 0 Help: Find the closest teacher/staff member Activity: Restroom Use Movement: Walking quietly at all times Participation: Enter and exit quietly Keep hands and feet to yourself Remember to flush Wash hands using one or two squirts of soap Dry hands using one paper towel or the air dryer Clean up after yourself Restroom Procedures

8 We start every morning as C R Check in Restroom U Unpack S Sharpen pencils Hand in notes/homework Morning Procedures

9 Your tasks to complete each morning will be written on the “Morning Work” chart. Please complete all assignments in order. The worksheets will be on your desk every morning. Please complete morning work at a voice level O. If you need help raise your hand! Do not come up to my desk. Morning Work

10 My name is Ms. Blythe. I attended St Pius X and Notre Dame academy. I went to the University of Kentucky and got my master’s degree from Northern Kentucky University. This is my 8 th year teaching. I will be teaching Reading and Social Studies. I have 1 sister, am married, have a dog and am going to have a baby soon. Who am I?

11 P – Positively Outstanding A – Above and Beyond N – Nicely Done T – Totally Ready to Learn H – Hold On – Think About It E – Educator’s Choice R – Receive a Consequence Behavior Chart

12 Consequences 1 st Time: Warning, move down to H. 2 nd Time: Move down to E, loss of $5. Consequence up to teacher. 3 rd Time: Move down to R, loss of $10. Note home to parent or detention. What Happens If I Don’t Make Good Choices?

13 If you make good choices, you will get to move your number up and be given money. If you end your day on N you receive $1. If you end your day on A you receive $5. If you end your day on P you receive. You will need to collect the money in a bag. Each Friday you will be able to use this money to buy passes from our rewards list. Good luck! Remember it is YOUR responsibility to keep track of your money. What Happens If I Do Make Good Choices?

14 Conversation: Voice Level 0 Help: Find the closest teacher/staff member Activity: Quietly get a drink Movement: Walking, waiting or drinking quietly Participation: Keep hands and feet to yourself Wait patiently and quietly for your turn Quickly get a drink Water Fountain Procedures

15 Conversation: Voice Level 0 Help: Raise your hand Activity: Lunch line behavior Movement: Walking quietly Participation: Walk through the line in a single file, facing forward Be attentive to adults Make choices in cafeteria line Pick up napkins, straws, silverware, etc… from the table Walk to seat Lunch Room Line Procedures

16 Conversation: Voice Level 2 Help: Raise your hand Activity: Lunch room behavior Movement: Walking, eating, talking, sitting Participation: Walk to your table and sit down Stay in seat No seat saving No reminders Use your manners Eat your OWN lunch (Absolutely no sharing food) Lunch Room Procedures

17 Conversation: Voice Level 0 Help: Raise your hand Activity: Dismissal from the lunchroom Movement: Walking quietly Participation: Walk in a single file line, facing forward Keep your hands at your sides or behind your back Quietly put your tray away Leave no mess Line up quietly using lining up procedures Lunch Room Dismissal Procedures

18 Conversation: Voice Level 5 Help: Find the closest teacher/staff member Activity: Playground behavior Movement: Running, walking, playing Participation Keep hands and feet to yourself Ask if you can join a group that is already playing a game Ask others to join you to play We will not be going to the gym for playground equipment. Be kind and respectful Play responsibly No arguing or fighting Stay on the mulch or blacktop. No going back into the woods! Playground Procedures

19 Conversation: Voice Level 0 Help: Raise your hand Activity: Planner Procedures Movement: Writing quietly Participation Copy assignments from the chart to the planner. Keep your planner open and raise your hand. I will check and initial your planner. Take your planner and a pencil to your parent. Show them your assignments and have him/her sign or initial your planner. In the morning, open your planner and leave it open on your desk. The teacher assistant will check it during morning work. If planner is signed, you will receive a Cline dollar. Planner Procedures

20 We end every day as C H Check Transportation Changes Have planner ready A Area straightened up M Mailbox cleaned out P Pack up S Sit quietly and work on hw! Afternoon Procedures

21 Conversation: Voice Level 0 Help: Raise your hand Activity: Assembly Behavior Movement: Sitting quietly Participation: Enter and exit quietly Keep hands and feet to yourself Face forward Keep your legs crossed Stay on your bottom Eyes on speaker Ears listening Stay seated until dismissed Assembly Procedures

22 Behave like shining stars! Expectations Outside the Classroom

23 Line Leader Door Holder Caboose Teacher Assistant Messenger Banker Secretary Jobs Lunch Count Paper Filer Hallway Monitor Custodian Substitute Librarian Technician

24 Respect your teachers and classmates Enjoy learning Do your best Cooperate with others Ask questions Remember we are a family Participate in class Excel at everything you do! Try your hardest and never give up! Class Expectations

25 The kind of year we have is up to you! If you need ANYTHING, please ask! If you don’t understand or have a question, ALWAYS ask. Someone else is probably wondering the same thing. Remember, I am here to help you learn! That is my job. We are a classroom community of learners. Treat others as you would like to be treated. We will always be respectful to each other. You will probably spend more time with your school family than you will spend at home with your family during the school week. I have high expectations and will always expect your best. In return, I will always give you my best. Final Thoughts

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