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By: Eduardo De la Cruz, Alyssa Frandsen, Gilbert Garnica, Catum Whitfield.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Eduardo De la Cruz, Alyssa Frandsen, Gilbert Garnica, Catum Whitfield."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Eduardo De la Cruz, Alyssa Frandsen, Gilbert Garnica, Catum Whitfield

2 How is Diversity Defined? Ethnicity? Money? Male/Female ratio? Intelligence?

3 Iowa State’s Definition of Diversity: ISU defines diversity as that quality of its physical, social, cultural and intellectual environment which embraces the rich difference within the multiplicity of human expression and characteristics including: Age, Cultural, Ethnicity, Gender Identification and Presentation, Language and Linguistic Ability, Physical Ability and Quality, Race, Religion, Sexual Orientation, and Socioeconomic Status. Approved by President Geoffroy January 31, 2006.

4 Dictionary Definition of Diversity Diversity –The state or fact of being diverse – A point of difference –Variety

5 Ethnicity Iowa State has a variety of different students from all over the world –Chinese –Asians –Mexicans –Puerto Ricans –Peruvians –African Americans

6 Student Population Number of Students Total enrollment:25,741 Undergraduate enrollment:20,732 Undergraduate Enrollment Statistics by gender Men:56.5% Women:43.5% by race/ethnicity0.0% Non-resident alien:3.1% Black non-Hispanic:2.9% American Indian or Alaskan Native:0.3% Asian or Pacific Islander:3.3% Hispanic:2.3% White non-Hispanic:83.5% Race-ethnicity unknown:4.5% Tuition & fees2006-072005-062004-05 In-state$5,860$5,634$5,426 Out-of-state$16,354$15,724$15,128

7 Ethnic Clubs ISU Offers MAYAS = Mexican American Young Achievers Society NSBE=National Society of Black Engineers HOPE 4 AFRICA RECAP = Regional Economics & Community Association Program

8 Money Scholarships - Multi-cultural Visions Program (MVP) - Carver Scholarship - Multi-cultural Scholars Program - Science Bound - SSSP

9 Male/Female Ratio Graduate enrollment by gender at Iowa State Men-2,726 Women-1,987

10 Intelligence The university should be an inclusive and intellectually diverse community. Reinvigorate the free exchange of ideas on campus. Intellectual diversity tends to create a more “balanced” academic community. Promote intellectual pluralism: students being prepared to live in a pluralistic society.

11 What are the benefits of having a more diverse university? Improve student’s relationships on campus Positively affects academic growth

12 What is ISU’s strategy for attracting a more diverse group of students? Scholarships Activities (i.e ISCORE/NCORE)

13 How do universities target a certain group of people in order to become more diverse? Different organizations from Iowa State go to big cities around Iowa and meet students in public places to interview them. Include parents Tell the family how the students life is going to change –Managing time

14 What is the reason as to why universities are constantly seeking diversity at their school? It develops critical thinking and argumentation skills as well as strengthens political discourse Since students are adequately exposed to differing perspectives

15 Conclusion Iowa State University is a very diverse college. It has many programs to attract and maintain an assorted student population. This allows for positive social interactions, academic growth, and prepares student’s for entering into the pluralistic world. CELEBRATE DIVERSITY!

16 Works Cited Chang, Mitchell J. "Who Benefits from Racial Diversity in Higher Education?" Diversity Web. Web. 11 Nov. 2010.. Equal Opportunity. Iowa State University, 31 Jan. 2006. Web. 11 Nov. 2010.. "Foundation for Intellectual Diversity Ideas W." Web. 11 Nov. 2010.. Humphreys, Debra. "Campus Diversity and Student Self-Segregation: Separating Myths From Facts." Diversity Web. Web. 11 Nov. 2010.. Lowery, Chris, and Jeffery Wankel. "Intellectual Diversity." Apr.-May 2006. Web. 11 Nov. 2010.. Marklein, Mary B. "Colleges Strive to Ensure Intellectual Diversity." USA Today. June-July 2009. Web. 11 Nov. 2010..

17 Rubric for E-Poster Categories: Exemplary, Mature, Competent, Developing, Undeveloped _M_Teaches something interesting or important to the target audience _M_Claims and sub-claims are clearly supported _M_Contains an effective introduction and conclusion _E_Is cohesive. It sounds like a single presentation and not a series of uncoordinated mini-presentations. _M_Is well-organized. The viewer can follow your presentation, and does not get “lost.” _M_Covers the subject matter well _M_Captures and keeps the audience’s attention. _M_Visual aids contain an appropriate amount of material _M_Visual aids contain appropriate content _M_ Visual aids are readable, and do not contain overly distracting visual elements _M_Is presented in a smooth and polished manner You gave a very interesting and cohesive presentation. As I mentioned when you did your initial presentation, I was very impressed with how well you worked as a team. Eduardo, I thought your closing comments were insightful, and I appreciate you being willing to share your experiences with us. Grade: 92

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