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The Overwhelming Life. The Under-whelming Life… is marked by... Laziness Selfishness Fear.

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Presentation on theme: "The Overwhelming Life. The Under-whelming Life… is marked by... Laziness Selfishness Fear."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Overwhelming Life

2 The Under-whelming Life… is marked by... Laziness Selfishness Fear

3 The Under-whelming Life… results in… Want Prov 6:10-11 A little sleep, a little slumber, A little folding of the hands to rest— Your poverty will come in like a vagabond And your need like an armed man.

4 The Under-whelming Life… results in… Want Superficiality Boring routine

5 The Overwhelming Life is… Isolated (I’m so busy with things I don’t have time for people) Crazy busy –Filled with urgency –Often overlapping activities so I’m often tardy –I’m tired with no hope for relief –Like a treadmill—constant motion but gaining little ground –Strained relationships

6 The Overwhelming Life… is marked by… Frenzy Stress Discouragement –Opens me up to attacks from the Enemy Depression Worthlessness May lead to immorality Sense of futility

7 John Piper “Work is not a curse. Futility is.”

8 Frenzy is driven by… Need to do it all Need to feel accomplished Desire to have it all Desire to look like I have it all together Self-reliant attitude Pride My insistence that my needs (really, desires) get met first—and I’m in charge of this because no one else really has my best interests at heart

9 Matt 6:33 "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

10 Frenzy is driven by… Genuine desire to serve Inability to say “no”; no delegation Poor planning

11 Stress is a result of… Haste

12 Prov 21:5 The plans of the diligent lead surely to advantage, But everyone who is hasty comes surely to poverty.

13 Stress is a result of… Haste Unmet needs—sometimes desires Too many activities, not enough time People blocking my goals; I’m pressed for time so I have little patience Poor communication (from the lack of patience) Competing priorities

14 Discouragement comes as… I fail my deadlines I produce shoddy work I realize I can’t keep up with demands I let others down; I become a “say ‘yes’ and do ‘no’” I disappoint myself

15 Is there a solution? How can I manage a busy life? How can I manage a full schedule? Can I balance school, church, sports, friends, and family? Will I ever feel rested? How can I have a Quiet Time when my life is in chaos? Can I sort my priorities in a way that pleased God? Can I do it all?


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