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State Estimation for Autonomous Vehicles

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1 State Estimation for Autonomous Vehicles
Stergios I. Roumeliotis Computer Science & Engineering Department University of Minnesota

2 Outline Sensing & Estimation Estimator Requirements
Indirect Kalman filter formulation SC-KF Preliminary results Ongoing & related work Challenges & unresolved issues Extensions & future work

3 Sensors Proprioceptive: Directly measure the motion of the vehicle
IMU (accels. & gyros) Doppler radar Noise Integration Exteroceptive: Measure “identities” of the environment, or, “relation” of vehicle with the environment. Used to infer absolute and/or relative position and orientation (pose displacement) Compass, Sun Sensor GPS Cameras (single, stereo, omni, FLIR) Laser scanner, MW radar, Sonar Wheel Encoders … Uncertainty & Noise

4 State Estimation Propagation Update Techniques
Bayesian estimation Kalman filter Particle filter Unscented filter Goal: Estimate & Control State of vehicle (position, orientation, velocity, direction of motion, …) State of environment (detect obstacles, position of objects of interest, area identities, mapping, …) Propagation Update

5 Estimator Requirements
Portable (independent of vehicle) Adaptable (number & type of sensors) Modular (robustness against single point sensor failures) Time flexible (able to process synchronous & asynchronous sensor measurements) Expandable to multi-robot systems

6 Sensor &Vehicle Independence
Adaptability & Portability: Estimator considers any vehicle as a static network of sensors at known configuration

7 Indirect Kalman filter – Sensor Modeling
State Propagation: Integrate sensor measurements from these of the sensors that measure highest order derivatives of motion When IMU part of sensor payload, integrates Advantages, compared to Dynamic Modeling Difficult to derive precise vehicle/environment dynamics Vehicle modifications require new derivation CPU cost (large state vector to capture dynamics) Statistical Modeling (commonly used for target tracking) Motion statistics unknown/uncertain State Update: Asynchronously when new measurements available.

8 Indirect Kalman filter - Formulation
Quantities of interest State vector Estimated State vector Error state vector Propagation Continuous time error state propagation Covariance propagation

9 Indirect Kalman filter – Update (1 time instant)
Measurement is a function of state vector at a certain time instant Position (GPS, UHF link, DSN) Orientation (Compass, sun sensor) Linear Velocity (Doppler radar) Observer (Estimator) Controller H MATRICES FOR CATEGORY 1

10 Indirect Kalman filter – Update (2 time instants)
Measurement is a function of state vector at more than one time instant Estimated Rotational & Translational Displacement (Relative State Measurement) Visual odometry (mono, stereo) Laser scan matching Kinematics-based vehicle odometry

11 Example: Weighted Laser Scan Matching
Relative position and orientation measurement inferred by correlating sensor measurements recorded at 2 separate locations.

12 State Estimation & Relative Pose Measurements
Propagation Sensor Model Proprioceptive Measurements (“continuously”) Update Sensor Models Exteroceptive Measurements (intermittently)

13 Previous Approaches I 1. Approximate as higher order derivatives

14 Previous Approaches II
2. Approx. as absolute state pseudo-measurement [Hoffman, Baumgartner, Huntsberger, Shenker ’99] 3. Estimate relative states instead (2 estimators) FILTER

15 Stochastic Cloning –Kalman Filter (SC-KF)
Relative State Measurement Relative State Measurement Error Augmented State Vector

16 SC-KF Propagation Equations
State Propagation Augmented Error State & Covariance Augmented Error State & Covariance Propagation

17 SC-KF Update Equations
Residual Covariance

18 Estimation Block Diagram (Helicopter)
Estimators Sensors Camera IMU 3 accelerometers & 3 gyroscopes Laser Altimeter SC- KF Inertial Sensor Integrator Kalman filter Visual Feature Tracking pixel images distance to features

19 Preliminary Results – Experimental Setup
Average absolute errors in p = [x y z]: IMU alone [ ] mm (not shown on Fig. due to errors magnitude) VISION alone [ ] mm KF: IMU & VISION [ ] mm simulated planetary surface helicopter E-Box

20 Preliminary Results - W/out sensor fusion

21 Preliminary Results - Altitude & Bias Estimates

22 Experiments w/ Mobile Robot I
Wheel Odometry and Weighted Laser Scan Matching

23 Experiments w/ Mobile Robot I
Total Distance: mm Average Distance Errors Odometry: 258 mm WLSM: mm SC-KF: mm

24 State Covariance - Simulation

25 Ongoing & Related Work Treat time delays of vision algorithms (e.g. visual odometry) SC2-KF (3 copies of the state) Detect kinematics-based odometry errors Slippage Estimation Smoother – Trajectory Reconstruction Attitude estimation between consecutive stops of the rover

26 Ongoing Work - *Unresolved Issues*
Sensor Alignment Determine 3D transformation between pairs of sensors Must be accurate to correlate sensor measurements w/out errors Tedious & time consuming process when done manually Active Sensor Alignment Determine motions that excite all d.o.f. and allow sensor network on the vehicle body to self-configure

27 Extensions & Future Work
Extension to Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) Incorporate, update, and enhance previous maps of area Satellite imagery, EDL Challenges: Computational complexity O(N2) Proposed solution: FWPT compression of covariance matrix P Fault detection and identification Structural damages Sensor failures Distributed state estimation Reconfigurable, mobile networks of robots & sensors

28 Acknowledgements DARPA, Tactical Mobile Robot Program (JPL)
Cog: Robert Hogg, PI: Larry Matthies NASA Ames, IS program (JPL) “Safe & Precise Landing,” Cog: Jim Montgomery, PI: Larry Matthies NASA Mars Technology Program, (JPL) “Navigation on Slopes,” Cog: Dan Helmick, PI: Larry Matthies “CLARAty”, PI: Issa Nesnas University of Minnesota (UMN), GIA program PI: Stergios Roumeliotis NSF, ITR program (UMN) PI: Nikos Papanikolopoulos NSF, Ind./Univ. Cooperative Research Center (UMN) PI: Richard Voyles

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