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International Baccalaureate Programme (IB): MYP and DP at Turner Fenton Secondary School.

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Presentation on theme: "International Baccalaureate Programme (IB): MYP and DP at Turner Fenton Secondary School."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Baccalaureate Programme (IB): MYP and DP at Turner Fenton Secondary School

2 What is an IB Education?

3 Insert video from IB Digital Toolkit 2

4 The IB Learner Profile Inquirers curiosity independence in learning love of learning Knowledgeable concepts, ideas and issues in-depth understanding Thinkers apply skills critically reasoned, ethical decisions Communicators two languages confidence and collaboration Principled integrity, honesty, fairness, and justice Open-minded open to other’s perspectives, values and traditions Caring empathy, compassion and respect service Risk-takers courage to explore new ideas, roles and strategies Balanced intellectual, physical and emotional balance Reflective thoughtful consideration about their own learning

5 Difference between AP and IB AP Opportunity for advanced placement in university Taken on a course-by- course basis Mark is based solely on an end of term AP exam IB Opportunity for advanced placement in university Offers a complete program and diploma Marks determined by both internal assessments and final IB exams

6 Grades 11 & 12: Diploma Programme (DP) Grades 9 & 10: Middle Years Programme (MYP) IB at Turner Fenton

7 WHY IB? IB Community/Culture Well rounded learners 21 st Century skills Internationally recognized credential Success at university

8 Student Voices

9 Diploma Programme (DP) Model 6 Core Subjects Extended Essay ToK Approaches to Learning CAS

10 9 3 Standard Level (SL) courses 2 semesters over 1 or 2 years 2 exams written in grade 11 1 exam written in grade 12 3 Higher Level (HL) courses 3 semesters over 2 years 3 exams written in grade 12 TOK 1 semester course in grade 12

11 Diploma Program Course Options 10 Group 1Group 2Group 3 English Literature Language & Literature French Business & Management Economics History Information Technology in a Global Society Group 4Group 5Group 6 Biology Chemistry Physics Mathematics Mathematical Studies Visual Arts

12 Middle Years Programme (MYP) Grades 9 and 10 8 Core Subjects Approaches to Learning Conceptual education Personal Project

13 Grade 9 English French Geography Grade 9 Math Grade 10 Math Science HPE Art Option MYP Course Options Grade 10 English French History (gr. 10) Grade 11 Math Science Civics/Careers Option 1 Option 2

14 Teachers assess according to criteria set for each subject discipline by the IB Assessment Centre Assessment


16 Ideal IB Candidate Profile: Maintains a successful academic record Participates in many aspects of school life Has good time management skills Has a positive attitude toward learning Works well with others Is willing to take initiative

17 Programme Fees The IB Diploma Programme at Turner Fenton requires fees for all four years of the program: Grade 9 $200 Grade 10 $200 Grade 11$1250 Grade 12$1250

18 Middle Years Programme Application Process for September 2016

19 Application Criteria Live in Peel north of the 401 and south of Bovaird Drive/Castlemore Road Currently a grade 8 student NB. Bussing is not provided

20 01 January 2012

21 For Students that are currently in a Peel District School Board Elementary School

22 1.Go to the PDSB Regional Program Application site for Turner Fenton IB 2.Create an Applicant ID and password 3.Fill in all of the fields with the application information 4.Complete the written response section of the application 5.Submit your completed application by November 20th 6.$40.00 application fee


24 Parts of the Application Basic Info Grade 7 Final Report Card – this will be uploaded from Peel Board On-Line Written Response

25 For Students that are not currently in a Peel District School Board Elementary School 01 January 2012

26 1.Go to the PDSB Regional Program Application site for Turner Fenton IB: -Create an Applicant ID and password 2.Fill in all of the fields with the application information 3.Bring the following document to the South Hall Office at Turner Fenton S.S ( by November 20 th at 3 pm) An original copy of the grade 7 final (June) report card No other documentation will be accepted 5.Complete the question response section of the on-line application 6.Pay the $40.00 application fee 7.Ensure your application is complete by the deadline: November 20th

27 Selection Process 1.Applications are reviewed and scored based on: Grade 7 Report Card Written Response 2.Applicants who make it past the application process will be entered into a lottery for a spot in the program

28 Offers of Acceptance Offers will be emailed to successful applicants Feb. 8 th Offers must be accepted by no later than Feb. 12 th Second round of offers will be made on Feb. 16th Once students make program decisions, they cannot change their minds and accept spots in different regional programs.

29 Accepting an offer To accept an offer, you will need to reply by the deadline. You will need to reply to the offer email you receive. When you confirm program participation, you will be asked to pay your program fees ($200), directions will be provided. Students will only be officially admitted into the program once program fees are received. Fees will be paid for online using a third-party service provider.

30 Education for life

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