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By: Hunter Simonson and Logan Traut. Animals  Boa Constrictor- There are more than 50 rows of scales on the upper surface at mid body section.  Tropic.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Hunter Simonson and Logan Traut. Animals  Boa Constrictor- There are more than 50 rows of scales on the upper surface at mid body section.  Tropic."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Hunter Simonson and Logan Traut

2 Animals  Boa Constrictor- There are more than 50 rows of scales on the upper surface at mid body section.  Tropic Tree Lizard- A small arboreal lizard that is 38-50 mm long.  Gray Fox- Ears are long triangular and help up right.

3 Places  Cancun, Mexico is a popular tourist attraction.   Mexico City, Mexico is it’s capital city and where most people  live.  Chichen Itza, Mexico is famous for it’s pyramids.

4 Authors  Juana Inés de la Cruz- His novel titled Sor Juana: Or, the Traps of Faith.  Carlos Fuentes- He wrote the short story Los días enmascarados.  Octavio Paz- Luna Silvestre ("Wild Moon"), his collection of poems.

5 Government  Federal Representative Republic is the government that Mexico has.  The decisions are not made by a single person.  People actually have a chance to vote instead of being born into power.  The branches of government is separated jut like ours.

6 Major Cities  Ecatepec de Morelos  Tijuana  Puebla

7 Mexican Culture  They like spicy foods.  They have special holidays like Cinco de Mayo.  They throw fiesta’s on special occasions.

8 Tourist Attractions  Coyuca Lagoon has yachting, fishing, and snorkeling.  Rocky Point is a very beautiful town located on the Cortez Sea.  The island of Cancun has many water sports.

9 *595/mexico-city-mexico- skyline.jpg&imgrefurl= city.html&usg=__CGX4sI_uwrWH0kwtSXFgX2Qfsc0=&h=595&w=478&sz=533&hl=en&start=8&zoom=1&um= 1&itbs=1&tbnid=4N3yj4dIifMd6M:&tbnh=135&tbnw=108&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmexico%2Bcity%2Bmexico %26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26sa%3DN%26tbs%3Disch:1&ei=QWVITbScLZS_gQfG0JD SBQ  2930.htm 2930.htm 

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