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Or your digital footprint.  Your digital footprint is essentially the trail of data you leave behind on the internet, some of it is public, some private,

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Presentation on theme: "Or your digital footprint.  Your digital footprint is essentially the trail of data you leave behind on the internet, some of it is public, some private,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Or your digital footprint

2  Your digital footprint is essentially the trail of data you leave behind on the internet, some of it is public, some private, but it is virtually impossible to remove.  It could be good, bad, or almost non-existent but it’s always there.

3  Imagine if you went in for a job interview and you don’t get accepted all because you posted an image of yourself at a party with a back turned baseball cap drinking, or you got fired for some hideously offensive things you said on *social media of your choice*, that is just the tip of the metaphorical digital iceberg of what could happen.

4  If you or someone else wouldn’t like anyone to see it then it is better kept private.  Try to be sensitive to other peoples feelings.  Is it necessary? If no then it’s best not posted.

5  You’re more likely to have luck with jobs.  People will have a better opinion of you.  You’ll be much safer.  Less likely to end up in hot water

6  Do not take any of the below seriously.  I personally suggest leaving as little of a trail as possible, not doing anything too meaningful publicly on social media or the internet at all.  Remember: Sturgeons law, so don’t be surprised if someone says something mean or otherwise insensitive.  Also most important: do not talk like a valley girl!

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