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Module 3: SACSA Framework Groups of Learners and Equity Cross-curriculum Perspectives Module 3: Slide 3:1 Groups of Learners and Equity Cross-curriculum.

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2 Module 3: SACSA Framework Groups of Learners and Equity Cross-curriculum Perspectives Module 3: Slide 3:1 Groups of Learners and Equity Cross-curriculum Perspectives

3 Introduction Through an exploration of the diversity and complexity of social and cultural relationships within society, this Module will increase educators’ understandings of the learning needs of particular groups of learners and the importance of Equity Cross-curriculum Perspectives being embedded within the curriculum. Module 3: Slide 3:2 Groups of Learners and Equity Cross-curriculum Perspectives

4 Purposes of this Module To re-examine the educational entitlements of the groups of learners To examine the equity perspectives represented across the curriculum To highlight the social and cultural diversity and connectedness of all learners. Module 3: Slide 3:3 Groups of Learners and Equity Cross-curriculum Perspectives

5 Groups of Learners 1. Individually, list the groups of learners whose entitlements are outlined in the SACSA Framework 2. In pairs compare your lists. Then refer to the General Introduction pp 19-21. Module 3: Slide 3:4 Groups of Learners and Equity Cross-curriculum Perspectives

6 Groups of Learners Aboriginal learners and Torres Strait Islander learners Learners from linguistically and culturally diverse backgrounds Learners who have English as their second language Learners with disabilities or learning difficulties Learners from low socio-economic backgrounds Particular groups of girls and boys Learners from an isolated or rural background. These are not discrete categories. Individuals bring to their learning multiple experiences which can span several of these groups. (General Introduction, SACSA Framework, p 19) Module 3: Slide 3:5 Groups of Learners and Equity Cross-curriculum Perspectives

7 Learner Diversity For the curriculum to be inclusive, it should recognize and build upon learner diversity and provide every learner with learning and assessment experiences that optimize their opportunities. The SACSA Framework has been constructed with particular attention paid to the educational entitlements of all learners. (General Introduction, SACSA Framework, p 19) Module 3: Slide 3:6 Groups of Learners and Equity Cross-curriculum Perspectives

8 In small groups, discuss and record examples of intersections between the groups. Discuss the teaching and learning implications of 1 or 2 of these examples. What assumptions do we need to examine to support successful learning? Nominate a person to report on possible implications of an example to the whole group. Module 3: Slide 3:7 Groups of Learners and Equity Cross-curriculum Perspectives

9 In pairs, list the Equity Cross-curriculum Perspectives (ECCPs) represented within the SACSA Framework. Write a couple of dot points describing each of the ECCPs. In groups of 4, compare lists. Add further descriptors as necessary to clarify and expand the ECCPs. Module 3: Slide 3:8 Groups of Learners and Equity Cross-curriculum Perspectives

10 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ perspectives Multicultural perspectives Gender perspectives Socio-economic perspectives Disability perspectives Rural and Isolated perspectives (General Introduction, SACSA Framework, p 20) Equity Cross-curriculum Perspectives Module 3: Slide 3:9 Groups of Learners and Equity Cross-curriculum Perspectives

11 Equity Cross-curriculum Perspectives Equity perspectives must be represented across the curriculum. The intention is to ensure that the knowledge and cultures of those groups in society that have the least power and who are the most vulnerable should form a central focus of curriculum content and practice. (General Introduction, SACSA Framework, p 20) Module 3: Slide 3:10 Groups of Learners and Equity Cross-curriculum Perspectives

12 Equity Cross-curriculum Perspectives Educators consciously construct curriculum to incorporate all perspectives, not just those of the learners represented in their sites. For example - educators may not have Aboriginal children in their classes but still engage in learning about Reconciliation. Module 3: Slide 3:11 Groups of Learners and Equity Cross-curriculum Perspectives

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